Pris police and military ave killed 2 suspects and have another trapped..


Letterman and National Champion
Apr 30, 2015
tonight in an apartment just a mile from the stadium that was attacked. A sniper killed a male suspect and a woman blew herself up with a suicide vest. Its thought one of the 2 males might be the mastermind who organized the attack. I hope he's the one still alive and he's captured alive. I see this as a top level ongoing threat. Whatever it takes to get information needs to be done IMO.
tonight in an apartment just a mile from the stadium that was attacked. A sniper killed a male suspect and a woman blew herself up with a suicide vest. Its thought one of the 2 males might be the mastermind who organized the attack. I hope he's the one still alive and he's captured alive. I see this as a top level ongoing threat. Whatever it takes to get information needs to be done IMO.
Good. The ongoing threat is all over Paris and covers all of France. Close to 8% of the pop of France is Muslim. Thousands deep in radicals. And more arriving and being born by the day who will become radicalized by association and a non-compromising religion that in it's fundamental state preaches death to others. The genie is out of the bottle there and France as a nation is in deep trouble. As are others to a degree. As sad and depressing as it is, a religion is at the heart of the problem and the only real solution lies with other Muslims who must rise up and actively discredit, marginalize, march and isolate the ignorant. Something they have failed to do so far except in rare instances.
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