Have read recently to the level of boredom how much more of a prison population the U.S. has per capita than most every other forward thinking country on the planet. Reasons given are that we arrest and convict too many people for frivolous crimes and not enough for white collar crimes against the regular folks and the economy in general.
Seems to me (no in depth study to link for those of us who can't breathe or crap without a link) that a huge percentage of our incarcerated are repeat, recycled, reprocessed losers. Talk about a waste of the peoples' money. I'm all in favor of much more effort given to throwing the Wall Street ass wipes in with the general prison population on first offenses to send a message if not cure a societal ill. And for minor drug offenses, particularly marijuana, prison does nothing to correct that business model. Never has. Never will.
And for the so called "serious" or "violent" criminals, there should be a tiered approach to ending their ambitions and/or tendencies. Like for the files jamming repeat offenders, 4th offense = death, no appeals, no delays. Not sure if we the people want to reduce the prison population or to increase it. But if the goal is reduction in population, there are pretty simple and cost efficient ways to achieve that in very short order.
Maybe we have a comparatively large prison population primarily because we are SOFT on crime (real crime) and allow the ever popular (comically so) repeat offenders to enjoy chance after chance after chance to cost all of us lots and lots and lots of money.
Everyone knows our education system needs fixing. And our justice system needs some serious accountability. Not sure most of us even care about either.
Seems to me (no in depth study to link for those of us who can't breathe or crap without a link) that a huge percentage of our incarcerated are repeat, recycled, reprocessed losers. Talk about a waste of the peoples' money. I'm all in favor of much more effort given to throwing the Wall Street ass wipes in with the general prison population on first offenses to send a message if not cure a societal ill. And for minor drug offenses, particularly marijuana, prison does nothing to correct that business model. Never has. Never will.
And for the so called "serious" or "violent" criminals, there should be a tiered approach to ending their ambitions and/or tendencies. Like for the files jamming repeat offenders, 4th offense = death, no appeals, no delays. Not sure if we the people want to reduce the prison population or to increase it. But if the goal is reduction in population, there are pretty simple and cost efficient ways to achieve that in very short order.
Maybe we have a comparatively large prison population primarily because we are SOFT on crime (real crime) and allow the ever popular (comically so) repeat offenders to enjoy chance after chance after chance to cost all of us lots and lots and lots of money.
Everyone knows our education system needs fixing. And our justice system needs some serious accountability. Not sure most of us even care about either.