Professor at UNCW greats incoming class (PRICELESS)


Circle of Honor
Oct 30, 2011
Mike Adams, a professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington is not your stereotypical left-wing teacher. On the heels of areportthat showed that liberal arts professors overwhelmingly support Democrats, Adams’ semester-opening statement to his students has gone viral.

First printed inTownhallin late August, over the last few days it has beenreprintedmultipletimes.

[Trigger warning: The following is extraordinarily insensitive and its candor may cause some students to be highly offended. Symptoms of being confronted with viewpoints other than one’s own may cause one to get “the vapors” and students have even been known to collapse in a fainting spell upon reading offensive literature. Reader discretion is advised.]

Here is what hesaidto his students:

Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended. If we don’t reverse this dangerous trend in our society there will soon be a majority of young people who will need to walk around in plastic bubble suits to protect them in the event that they come into contact with a dissenting viewpoint. That mentality is unworthy of an American. It’s hardly worthy of a Frenchman.

Let’s get something straight right now. You have no right to be unoffended. You have a right to be offended with regularity. It is the price you pay for living in a free society. If you don’t understand that you are confused and dangerously so. In part, I blame your high school teachers for failing to teach you basic civics before you got your diploma. Most of you went to the public high schools, which are a disaster. Don’t tell me that offended you. I went to a public high school.

Of course, your high school might not be the problem. It is entirely possible that the main reason why so many of you are confused about free speech is that piece of paper hanging on the wall right over there. Please turn your attention to that ridiculous document that is framed and hanging by the door. In fact, take a few minutes to read it before you leave class today. It is our campus speech code. It specifically says that there is a requirement that everyone must only engage in discourse that is “respectful.” That assertion is as ludicrous as it is illegal. I plan to have that thing ripped down from every classroom on campus before I retire.

One of my grandfathers served in World War I. My step-grandfather served in World War II. My sixth great grandfather enlisted in the American Revolution when he was only thirteen. These great men did not fight so we could simply relinquish our rights to the enemy within our borders. That enemy is the Marxists who run our public universities. If you are a Marxist and I just offended you, well, that’s tough. I guess they don’t make communists like they used to.

Unbelievably, a student once complained to the Department chairwoman that my mention of God and a Creator was a violation of Separation of Church and State. Let me be as clear as I possibly can: If any of you actually think that my decision to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence in the course syllabus is unconstitutional then you suffer from severe intellectual hernia.

Indeed, it takes hard work to become stupid enough to think the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional. If you agree with the student who made that complaint then you are probably just an anti-religious zealot. Therefore, I am going to ask you to do exactly three things and do them in the exact order that I specify.

First, get out of my class. You can fill out the drop slip over at James Hall. Just tell them you don’t believe in true diversity and you want to be surrounded by people who agree with your twisted interpretation of the Constitution simply because they are the kind of people who will protect you from having your beliefs challenged or your feelings hurt.

Second, withdraw from the university. If you find that you are actually relieved because you will no longer be in a class where your beliefs might be challenged then you aren’t ready for college. Go get a job building houses so you can work with some illegal aliens who will help you gain a better appreciation of what this country has to offer.

Finally, if this doesn’t work then I would simply ask you to get the hell out of the country. The ever-growing thinned-skinned minority you have joined is simply ruining life in this once-great nation. Please move to some place like Cuba where you can enjoy the company of communists and get excellent health care. Just hop on a leaky boat and start paddling your way towards utopia. You will not be missed.

Earlier this year, Adams won a court victory against the school, when he sued, asserting that he was not promoted due to his outspoken conservatism.
He went too far, I agreed with the early portion of his rant. then he claimed Marxist control public universities and I knew he is just another far right ranting idiot.
Mike Adams, a professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington is not your stereotypical left-wing teacher. On the heels of areportthat showed that liberal arts professors overwhelmingly support Democrats, Adams’ semester-opening statement to his students has gone viral.

First printed inTownhallin late August, over the last few days it has beenreprintedmultipletimes.

[Trigger warning: The following is extraordinarily insensitive and its candor may cause some students to be highly offended. Symptoms of being confronted with viewpoints other than one’s own may cause one to get “the vapors” and students have even been known to collapse in a fainting spell upon reading offensive literature. Reader discretion is advised.]

Here is what hesaidto his students:

Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended. If we don’t reverse this dangerous trend in our society there will soon be a majority of young people who will need to walk around in plastic bubble suits to protect them in the event that they come into contact with a dissenting viewpoint. That mentality is unworthy of an American. It’s hardly worthy of a Frenchman.

Let’s get something straight right now. You have no right to be unoffended. You have a right to be offended with regularity. It is the price you pay for living in a free society. If you don’t understand that you are confused and dangerously so. In part, I blame your high school teachers for failing to teach you basic civics before you got your diploma. Most of you went to the public high schools, which are a disaster. Don’t tell me that offended you. I went to a public high school.

Of course, your high school might not be the problem. It is entirely possible that the main reason why so many of you are confused about free speech is that piece of paper hanging on the wall right over there. Please turn your attention to that ridiculous document that is framed and hanging by the door. In fact, take a few minutes to read it before you leave class today. It is our campus speech code. It specifically says that there is a requirement that everyone must only engage in discourse that is “respectful.” That assertion is as ludicrous as it is illegal. I plan to have that thing ripped down from every classroom on campus before I retire.

One of my grandfathers served in World War I. My step-grandfather served in World War II. My sixth great grandfather enlisted in the American Revolution when he was only thirteen. These great men did not fight so we could simply relinquish our rights to the enemy within our borders. That enemy is the Marxists who run our public universities. If you are a Marxist and I just offended you, well, that’s tough. I guess they don’t make communists like they used to.

Unbelievably, a student once complained to the Department chairwoman that my mention of God and a Creator was a violation of Separation of Church and State. Let me be as clear as I possibly can: If any of you actually think that my decision to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence in the course syllabus is unconstitutional then you suffer from severe intellectual hernia.

Indeed, it takes hard work to become stupid enough to think the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional. If you agree with the student who made that complaint then you are probably just an anti-religious zealot. Therefore, I am going to ask you to do exactly three things and do them in the exact order that I specify.

First, get out of my class. You can fill out the drop slip over at James Hall. Just tell them you don’t believe in true diversity and you want to be surrounded by people who agree with your twisted interpretation of the Constitution simply because they are the kind of people who will protect you from having your beliefs challenged or your feelings hurt.

Second, withdraw from the university. If you find that you are actually relieved because you will no longer be in a class where your beliefs might be challenged then you aren’t ready for college. Go get a job building houses so you can work with some illegal aliens who will help you gain a better appreciation of what this country has to offer.

Finally, if this doesn’t work then I would simply ask you to get the hell out of the country. The ever-growing thinned-skinned minority you have joined is simply ruining life in this once-great nation. Please move to some place like Cuba where you can enjoy the company of communists and get excellent health care. Just hop on a leaky boat and start paddling your way towards utopia. You will not be missed.

Earlier this year, Adams won a court victory against the school, when he sued, asserting that he was not promoted due to his outspoken conservatism.
Outstanding!!! He is like a mythical a unicorn, an outspoken conservative teaching on a college campus.
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Um, your rhetoric sure seems to say otherwise. I call BS.

BS right back at you. I do take exception to the man making BS claims of Marxist running our higher education system though. On the other hand students can express their agreement or disagreement by staying in his classes or dropping them.

PS, I'm guessing he's tenured, there might be some irony in that.
Mike Adams, a professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington is not your stereotypical left-wing teacher. On the heels of areportthat showed that liberal arts professors overwhelmingly support Democrats, Adams’ semester-opening statement to his students has gone viral.

First printed inTownhallin late August, over the last few days it has beenreprintedmultipletimes.

[Trigger warning: The following is extraordinarily insensitive and its candor may cause some students to be highly offended. Symptoms of being confronted with viewpoints other than one’s own may cause one to get “the vapors” and students have even been known to collapse in a fainting spell upon reading offensive literature. Reader discretion is advised.]

Here is what hesaidto his students:

Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended. If we don’t reverse this dangerous trend in our society there will soon be a majority of young people who will need to walk around in plastic bubble suits to protect them in the event that they come into contact with a dissenting viewpoint. That mentality is unworthy of an American. It’s hardly worthy of a Frenchman.

Let’s get something straight right now. You have no right to be unoffended. You have a right to be offended with regularity. It is the price you pay for living in a free society. If you don’t understand that you are confused and dangerously so. In part, I blame your high school teachers for failing to teach you basic civics before you got your diploma. Most of you went to the public high schools, which are a disaster. Don’t tell me that offended you. I went to a public high school.

Of course, your high school might not be the problem. It is entirely possible that the main reason why so many of you are confused about free speech is that piece of paper hanging on the wall right over there. Please turn your attention to that ridiculous document that is framed and hanging by the door. In fact, take a few minutes to read it before you leave class today. It is our campus speech code. It specifically says that there is a requirement that everyone must only engage in discourse that is “respectful.” That assertion is as ludicrous as it is illegal. I plan to have that thing ripped down from every classroom on campus before I retire.

One of my grandfathers served in World War I. My step-grandfather served in World War II. My sixth great grandfather enlisted in the American Revolution when he was only thirteen. These great men did not fight so we could simply relinquish our rights to the enemy within our borders. That enemy is the Marxists who run our public universities. If you are a Marxist and I just offended you, well, that’s tough. I guess they don’t make communists like they used to.

Unbelievably, a student once complained to the Department chairwoman that my mention of God and a Creator was a violation of Separation of Church and State. Let me be as clear as I possibly can: If any of you actually think that my decision to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence in the course syllabus is unconstitutional then you suffer from severe intellectual hernia.

Indeed, it takes hard work to become stupid enough to think the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional. If you agree with the student who made that complaint then you are probably just an anti-religious zealot. Therefore, I am going to ask you to do exactly three things and do them in the exact order that I specify.

First, get out of my class. You can fill out the drop slip over at James Hall. Just tell them you don’t believe in true diversity and you want to be surrounded by people who agree with your twisted interpretation of the Constitution simply because they are the kind of people who will protect you from having your beliefs challenged or your feelings hurt.

Second, withdraw from the university. If you find that you are actually relieved because you will no longer be in a class where your beliefs might be challenged then you aren’t ready for college. Go get a job building houses so you can work with some illegal aliens who will help you gain a better appreciation of what this country has to offer.

Finally, if this doesn’t work then I would simply ask you to get the hell out of the country. The ever-growing thinned-skinned minority you have joined is simply ruining life in this once-great nation. Please move to some place like Cuba where you can enjoy the company of communists and get excellent health care. Just hop on a leaky boat and start paddling your way towards utopia. You will not be missed.

Earlier this year, Adams won a court victory against the school, when he sued, asserting that he was not promoted due to his outspoken conservatism.
I hope Professor Adams thoroughly enjoys his upcoming income tax audit by Obammy's I.R.S. hit men.
I hope Professor Adams thoroughly enjoys his upcoming income tax audit by Obammy's I.R.S. hit men.

Show me where The White House has used The IRS in Obama's tenure.
Besides, they have far bigger concerns than some professor in NC.
Show me where The White House has used The IRS in Obama's tenure.
Besides, they have far bigger concerns than some professor in NC.
Numerous conservative groups have been targeted by the I.R.S. during Barry's reign, especially Tea Partiers. Hell, Adams is an avowed conservative, so he qualifies as fair game.
Just to be clear, activist = Marxist in Your view ?

Why do you always take everything as literal? The OP, the Professor, is obviously talking about Professors, teachers, Deans, Heads of Universities in general.

The guys gave you examples of both IRS abuses and Marxist Professors, but you deny either are factual or contribute to the problem.

But, hey, whatever! I'm don't want to offend you, so believe whatever you want.
Mike Adams, a professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington is not your stereotypical left-wing teacher. On the heels of areportthat showed that liberal arts professors overwhelmingly support Democrats, Adams’ semester-opening statement to his students has gone viral.

First printed inTownhallin late August, over the last few days it has beenreprintedmultipletimes.

[Trigger warning: The following is extraordinarily insensitive and its candor may cause some students to be highly offended. Symptoms of being confronted with viewpoints other than one’s own may cause one to get “the vapors” and students have even been known to collapse in a fainting spell upon reading offensive literature. Reader discretion is advised.]

Here is what hesaidto his students:

Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher education all across the country. I am talking about the growing minority of students who believe they have a right to be free from being offended. If we don’t reverse this dangerous trend in our society there will soon be a majority of young people who will need to walk around in plastic bubble suits to protect them in the event that they come into contact with a dissenting viewpoint. That mentality is unworthy of an American. It’s hardly worthy of a Frenchman.

Let’s get something straight right now. You have no right to be unoffended. You have a right to be offended with regularity. It is the price you pay for living in a free society. If you don’t understand that you are confused and dangerously so. In part, I blame your high school teachers for failing to teach you basic civics before you got your diploma. Most of you went to the public high schools, which are a disaster. Don’t tell me that offended you. I went to a public high school.

Of course, your high school might not be the problem. It is entirely possible that the main reason why so many of you are confused about free speech is that piece of paper hanging on the wall right over there. Please turn your attention to that ridiculous document that is framed and hanging by the door. In fact, take a few minutes to read it before you leave class today. It is our campus speech code. It specifically says that there is a requirement that everyone must only engage in discourse that is “respectful.” That assertion is as ludicrous as it is illegal. I plan to have that thing ripped down from every classroom on campus before I retire.

One of my grandfathers served in World War I. My step-grandfather served in World War II. My sixth great grandfather enlisted in the American Revolution when he was only thirteen. These great men did not fight so we could simply relinquish our rights to the enemy within our borders. That enemy is the Marxists who run our public universities. If you are a Marxist and I just offended you, well, that’s tough. I guess they don’t make communists like they used to.

Unbelievably, a student once complained to the Department chairwoman that my mention of God and a Creator was a violation of Separation of Church and State. Let me be as clear as I possibly can: If any of you actually think that my decision to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence in the course syllabus is unconstitutional then you suffer from severe intellectual hernia.

Indeed, it takes hard work to become stupid enough to think the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional. If you agree with the student who made that complaint then you are probably just an anti-religious zealot. Therefore, I am going to ask you to do exactly three things and do them in the exact order that I specify.

First, get out of my class. You can fill out the drop slip over at James Hall. Just tell them you don’t believe in true diversity and you want to be surrounded by people who agree with your twisted interpretation of the Constitution simply because they are the kind of people who will protect you from having your beliefs challenged or your feelings hurt.

Second, withdraw from the university. If you find that you are actually relieved because you will no longer be in a class where your beliefs might be challenged then you aren’t ready for college. Go get a job building houses so you can work with some illegal aliens who will help you gain a better appreciation of what this country has to offer.

Finally, if this doesn’t work then I would simply ask you to get the hell out of the country. The ever-growing thinned-skinned minority you have joined is simply ruining life in this once-great nation. Please move to some place like Cuba where you can enjoy the company of communists and get excellent health care. Just hop on a leaky boat and start paddling your way towards utopia. You will not be missed.

Earlier this year, Adams won a court victory against the school, when he sued, asserting that he was not promoted due to his outspoken conservatism.
Awesome. Agree with every word.
Why do you always take everything as literal? The OP, the Professor, is obviously talking about Professors, teachers, Deans, Heads of Universities in general.

The guys gave you examples of both IRS abuses and Marxist Professors, but you deny either are factual or contribute to the problem.

But, hey, whatever! I'm don't want to offend you, so believe whatever you want.

The man made a literal statement. He claimed our public universities are controlled by Marxist.
He made a very radical claim, which is untrue.
He went too far, I agreed with the early portion of his rant. then he claimed Marxist control public universities and I knew he is just another far right ranting idiot.

That Marxist stuff is baloney. Before I got recalled to active duty, I taught in the North Carolina Community College System and I had to swear a loyalty oath to the US and that I did not support Communism. But there are a good many conservative academics in all disciplines. There's even a few neo-Confederate historians at universities, even though they are seen as cranks by the history profession.
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Hey peckerwood, this ought to make your day! Thanks to a high-ranking patron, I got called back to active duty and am teaching at a service school in the Hampton Roads area. Tell all the ole coots at the barber shop and down at the tire store!
Hey peckerwood, this ought to make your day! Thanks to a high-ranking patron, I got called back to active duty and am teaching at a service school in the Hampton Roads area. Tell all the ole coots at the barber shop and down at the tire store!

We, at the tire store, appreciate your excellence in teaching. God help those kids!
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No, it's a fact. If he has names of Marxist, then he needs to provide them, otherwise He's a lying, ranting, angry, far right radical.

Whoa there little fella. You say he must provide prof, yet you do the same thing.

Have you been paying any attention to the PC news coming out of our colleges?

So provide me examples of free speech being accepted in a college environment outside of what we just read.......
Whoa there little fella. You say he must provide prof, yet you do the same thing.

Have you been paying any attention to the PC news coming out of our colleges?

So provide me examples of free speech being accepted in a college environment outside of what we just read.......

I never post anybody has to do anything tiny fella.
I did post he is lying, so of course there is no proof.
Yes there are professors to the left and to the right of the political spectrum, that is a good thing.
Our universities aren't controlled by Marxist though, that is an absurd claim.
Show me where The White House has used The IRS in Obama's tenure.
Besides, they have far bigger concerns than some professor in NC.
That they do (concerns), the chickens, as they so often do return to roost. And speaking of FOS, that statement, Show me where the WH has used the I.R.S. may be just a bit feces laden. LOL!
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The "kids" I'm teaching are O-5s in the Army, Navy, USAF, USMC and a few NATO types. JFSC in Norfolk.
In these days of an Obama presidency, the head of the CIA saying climate change (rising temperatures) are driving his fellow Muslims in the ME crazy enough to behead, drown alive, and randomly rape and murder children then why couldn't a guy with a twisted, closed mind "teach" government employees. Hell, based upon the two senior guys I just mentioned some losers may even believe something you "teach".......
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That they do (concerns), the chickens, as they so often do return to roost. And speaking of FOS, that statement, Show me where the WH has used the I.R.S. may be just a bit feces laden. LOL!

The State Department reviewed 1100 or so IRS files of non-profits. The files were for all manner of political, charitable and religious organizations. If there is anything connecting The WH with them, I haven't seen the evidence.
I never post anybody has to do anything tiny fella.
I did post he is lying, so of course there is no proof.
Yes there are professors to the left and to the right of the political spectrum, that is a good thing.
Our universities aren't controlled by Marxist though, that is an absurd claim.
I never post anybody has to do anything tiny fella.
I did post he is lying, so of course there is no proof.
Yes there are professors to the left and to the right of the political spectrum, that is a good thing.
Our universities aren't controlled by Marxist though, that is an absurd claim.

If that's the case, why didn't the Mizzou administration and board of regents serve up a steaming unlimited refill cup of STFU instead of capitulating to a small but vocal group without any substantiated grievance?
If that's the case, why didn't the Mizzou administration and board of regents serve up a steaming unlimited refill cup of STFU instead of capitulating to a small but vocal group without any substantiated grievance?

I It seems to Me the Missouri President was cut loose to get the football team back on the field.
It was unfair to the man IMO.
You have got to be kidding! You must be in the twilight zone.

Darrel Izza was head of The Over-site Committee that looked into the IRS case. (He should have been investigated for His efforts to cover up for a finance Company head quartered in his district. They were chin deep in criminal activities in the sub-prime lending market, there was real evidence in that case). As blood thirsty as he was, he never found a connection to the WH in the IRS case.
Lois Lerner who resigned over the case was hired into The IRS in GHW Bush's presidency and promoted into oversight of non-profits under Junior, there is no connection to Obama or his WH.
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Darrel Izza was head of The Over-site Committee that looked into the IRS case. (He should have been investigated for His efforts to cover up for a finance Company head quartered in his district. They were chin deep in criminal activities in the sub-prime lending market, there was real evidence in that case). As blood thirsty as he was, he never found a connection to the WH in the IRS case.
Lois Lerner who resigned over the case was hired into The IRS in GHW Bush's presidency and promoted into oversight of non-profits under Junior, there is no connection to Obama or his WH.
There have been no wrong doings in this administration. It's been one transparent crystal ball. every action they have performed is as scripted as a hollywood movie. The problem is they see any means is ok to get the results. The commies realized the only way they fight us is through the minds of the children over generations of socialist indoctrination in the public schools. It has succeeded beyond their hopes. Colleges are no exceptions.
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