

Letterman and National Champion
Jul 5, 2001
Looks like they are running everything. Sad day for this old Bulldog.
You dislike progress?

LOL, Baltimore is a great example of how 50 years of liberal policies have worked. After 15 trillion was spent on federal give away programs MORE people are below the poverty level but the Demorats also managed to destroy the family "unit" for good measure. What they did accomplish was having more and more people at the mercy of the government, which was the "plan" and continues to be.
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No, you're right, that's the plan. You've also cracked the cause of income inequality and racial disharmony and in a manner that conveniently dovetails with your personal prejudices. Well done.
No, you're right, that's the plan. You've also cracked the cause of income inequality and racial disharmony and in a manner that conveniently dovetails with your personal prejudices. Well done.[/QUOTE

You honestly think liberal policies have been good for the country?
No, you're right, that's the plan. You've also cracked the cause of income inequality and racial disharmony and in a manner that conveniently dovetails with your personal prejudices. Well done.
Did you come up with all this BS before putting on your birkenstocks this morning. Income inequality LMFAO. The only inequality in this Country is that between those of us who work and pay taxes and the leeches that take taxes. The racial "disharmony" is a cornerstone of the left. Then need to keep black folks on their plantation. Funny, its racist to expect ppl to be responsible. Just dumb, liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Libs always point their finger at someone else for their problems. It's never their fault. Like cities like Baltimore Detroit and Philly have so many problems because whitey won't give them jobs or pay a decent wage LOL. Give me a break. If you a minority in this country, want to work and have a clean record you will be able to get a job.
You refuse to listen to facts that do not agree with your mantra. You should try to be more open minded, I think that is one of your sides greatest claims. The left and their policies are the root of most of the problems in our country now. I believe in work hard for your income at an HONEST profession, take care of your family, mind your own business, and get the big brother policies out of our commerce and lives in general.
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You refuse to listen to facts that do not agree with your mantra. You should try to be more open minded, I think that is one of your sides greatest claims. The left and their policies are the root of most of the problems in our country now. I believe in work hard for your income at an HONEST profession, take care of your family, mind your own business, and get the big brother policies out of our commerce and lives in general.
-Rush Limbaugh
We just need thousands more Subaru's with 6 or more bumper stickers each full of one liner variations proclaiming that someone else "save the world" for them so they can continue to be glib n smug about their good hearted existence.
No, you're right, that's the plan. You've also cracked the cause of income inequality and racial disharmony and in a manner that conveniently dovetails with your personal prejudices. Well done.

Hopefully you're not nearly as dumb as you appear to be. My personal feelings nor yours have anything to do with why 50 years of liberal policies are a total failure. That's just a fact. PLEASE ANSWER ME WHY THERE'S MORE RACIAL DISHARMONY AFTER 6 YEARS OF OBAMA? Being a black "racist" isn't very beneficial when it comes to race relations. FWIW I spent 8 yrs in the military and have had more close personal relationships with african-americans and more friends of that race than you ever will. My last two hires were a young female Iraqi and the latest a young lady who's father is african-american and mother was white. Sounds just like a prejudiced white dude doesn't it? Sorry I don't fit your warped narrative.
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There's more disharmony? More than in the 60s? Could it be that we're talking about it more openly now that your old guard is on the decline? I am amused though that you played the tired 'some of my best friends are (fill in the blank) card. Very retro.

As for Limbaugh, when exactly did being a complete and utter ass become a badge of honor? And how many of those complete and utter asses profess to be devout followers of Jesus?
There's more disharmony? More than in the 60s? Could it be that we're talking about it more openly now that your old guard is on the decline? I am amused though that you played the tired 'some of my best friends are (fill in the blank) card. Very retro.

As for Limbaugh, when exactly did being a complete and utter ass become a badge of honor? And how many of those complete and utter asses profess to be devout followers of Jesus?
Can you point out something you disagree with Limbaugh on and why or something he said that makes him an ass??? My guess is you don't know anything about him?
What I disagree with? Everything. What makes him an ass? Pretty much every statement he makes ( saves time). Now, here's where you say that since I'm unwilling to quote or link statements means I know little about the opinions of one of the, unfortunately, quoted celebrities, because that's all he is, of recent times. He's gotten wealthy saying the things that reside in the dark recesses of the minds of those incorrectly calling themselves men.
There's more disharmony? More than in the 60s? Could it be that we're talking about it more openly now that your old guard is on the decline? I am amused though that you played the tired 'some of my best friends are (fill in the blank) card. Very retro.

As for Limbaugh, when exactly did being a complete and utter ass become a badge of honor? And how many of those complete and utter asses profess to be devout followers of Jesus?

Why don't you give us a few examples of why I shouldn't think you're full of shit and have had almost zero shared experiences with any other races, or give us a few example of your own personal actions that demonstrate your knowledge of minorities. I think you're the typical liberal who's never sat down and had a "heart to heart" with any black person, much less spent months together sharing a space, every meal and working together every day. All you know is what you've observed at a distance to formulate your opinions, which is why they are so off base. Like so many liberals your actions don't match your own rhetoric. Maybe you feel guilty, because unlike me you've never really done anything to demonstrate that every individual should be judged by their own character and not the color of their skin.
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Can you point out something you disagree with Limbaugh on and why or something he said that makes him an ass??? My guess is you don't know anything about
Can you point out something you disagree with Limbaugh on and why or something he said that makes him an ass??? My guess is you don't know anything about him?

I'm sure he has no problem with Rachel Maddow making millions spewing her nonsense or the Clintons taking millions from foreign governments that treat women worse than cattle and from businessmen who donate millions and shortly secure multimillion dollar contracts.
There's more disharmony? More than in the 60s? Could it be that we're talking about it more openly now that your old guard is on the decline? I am amused though that you played the tired 'some of my best friends are (fill in the blank) card. Very retro.

As for Limbaugh, when exactly did being a complete and utter ass become a badge of honor? And how many of those complete and utter asses profess to be devout followers of Jesus?
Can't your dumb ass read? After 6 years of Obama would be since 2008, not the 60s. Nice way to deflect the question. Why didn't you pick another convenient time like the 1850s to try to pretend things aren't worse under Obama. He's not the only one to blame. This is as much about 50 years of failed policies and the fact minorities have suffered the most as result. Obama ' hypocritical decision to side with the teachers union and help end school vouchers in DC says a lot more about his true desire to help poor black neighborhoods than any speech he gives complaining that there are too many black people in jail.
What I disagree with? Everything. What makes him an ass? Pretty much every statement he makes ( saves time). Now, here's where you say that since I'm unwilling to quote or link statements means I know little about the opinions of one of the, unfortunately, quoted celebrities, because that's all he is, of recent times. He's gotten wealthy saying the things that reside in the dark recesses of the minds of those incorrectly calling themselves men.
Translates to "He makes me angry and his logic really is hard to argue, so I will call him names and try to discredit him" Limbaugh speaks volumes of truth and the left cannot handle it.
Looks like they are running everything. Sad day for this old Bulldog.
The term "progressive" is as incorrect as the term "earned income credit". Both symbolize the lefts attempt to create their own reality. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells doesn't buy the BS.
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What I disagree with? Everything. What makes him an ass? Pretty much every statement he makes ( saves time). Now, here's where you say that since I'm unwilling to quote or link statements means I know little about the opinions of one of the, unfortunately, quoted celebrities, because that's all he is, of recent times. He's gotten wealthy saying the things that reside in the dark recesses of the minds of those incorrectly calling themselves men.
So you simply don't have a fcking clue, but in general you know this to be true? LMAO typical.
Well, Republican logic, facts, and common sense, yes I do. Except I call them paranoia, half-truths, and desperation.
You have a fact, reason, logic and common sense issue.......

I agree Rolo, which is why neither of us should waste another minute trying to have a reasonable dialogue with a guy who's either one of the dumbest motherf--kers on the planet or so delusional that he'd refuse to admit that his own shit stinks. Gonna ignore him and a couple of others with a similar limited grasp of reality. All talk, no substance, just like their beloved leader.
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I agree Rolo, which is why neither of us should waste another minute trying to have a reasonable dialogue with a guy who's either one of the dumbest motherf--kers on the planet or so delusional that he'd refuse to admit that his own shit stinks. Gonna ignore him and a couple of others with a similar limited grasp of reality. All talk, no substance, just like their beloved leader.
He's a snot nose occupy type banging away on his Apple computer wearing his Nike UGA shirt and getting ready to meet his buddies at Applebee's.

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