

National Champion
Nov 1, 2013
Guess how many Medals of Honor have been Awarded to Moslems since the Civil War when that medal was first issued.

How about the Distinguished Service Cross(Oopsie, guess we have to eliminate that one as it is offensive)How about then Distinguished Service Crescent?

Silver Star?

I can't find any among the long lists of names the Military provides for its highest awards even though Owebama said 'Muslims built the fabric of our nation."

Funny, the same man who said he had been in 57 states with one to go and that Abraham Lincoln built the Transcontinental Railroad uttered that line of complete and utter bull$&8t even though the 1st non slave practitioner of Islam did not arrive until the mid 1850's when Jefferson Davis imported 2 Moslem camel trainers to try to teach US Cavalrymen to ride camels in the desert southwest to fight Apaches and Comanches.
The effort failed miserably.

The 1st immigration of Turkish businessmen didn't happen until the 1880's. Quite a bit after the "Fabric of our nation" was already built. I will say this for them, they didn't come here demanding welfare, free housing, and the right to murder Americans like Owebama's friends.
They wanted to make profit even though according to their baby raping Prophet, that is outlawed.

How anyone can listen to what that totally unqualified buffoon that democrats elected President due to his skin color and nothing else and not be embarrassed defies all logic.
Guess how many Medals of Honor have been Awarded to Moslems since the Civil War when that medal was first issued.

How about the Distinguished Service Cross(Oopsie, guess we have to eliminate that one as it is offensive)How about then Distinguished Service Crescent?

Silver Star?

I can't find any among the long lists of names the Military provides for its highest awards even though Owebama said 'Muslims built the fabric of our nation."

Funny, the same man who said he had been in 57 states with one to go and that Abraham Lincoln built the Transcontinental Railroad uttered that line of complete and utter bull$&8t even though the 1st non slave practitioner of Islam did not arrive until the mid 1850's when Jefferson Davis imported 2 Moslem camel trainers to try to teach US Cavalrymen to ride camels in the desert southwest to fight Apaches and Comanches.
The effort failed miserably.

The 1st immigration of Turkish businessmen didn't happen until the 1880's. Quite a bit after the "Fabric of our nation" was already built. I will say this for them, they didn't come here demanding welfare, free housing, and the right to murder Americans like Owebama's friends.
They wanted to make profit even though according to their baby raping Prophet, that is outlawed.

How anyone can listen to what that totally unqualified buffoon that democrats elected President due to his skin color and nothing else and not be embarrassed defies all logic.

I wonder how Krazy Konservativz listen to nutjobs like Trump, Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Kasich, et. al., without embarrassment.
I wonder how Krazy Konservativz listen to nutjobs like Trump, Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Kasich, et. al., without embarrassment.

Rubio is a lightweight. More experience than Owebama but nobody ever elected was less qualified than Owebama.

Carson is a world class neurosurgeon. Don't know that he has the political instincts to make a good President. We've seen what happens when you put someone who is not qualified for the office in the White House.

Kasich is a policy wonk. Would make a good Secretary of State. Wouldn't be the miserable failure that is Hillary and Kerry

Trump is clown. Not as bad a clown at saying stupid crap like Owebama and Biden. But a clown none the less.

Unlike Hillary, Owebama and Biden, Cruz is a REAL Lawyer who has argued and won 9 cases before the SCOTUS. Biden was kicked out of law school for Plagairism, Hillary was booted off the democrat's Watergate Investigation Committee BY democrats for being an immoral, unethical lying sack of pus.

As for Owebama? His one claim to fame , other than his skin color is the fact that he IS responsible for the creation of SUB-PRIME LENDING. His and Moochelle's law licenses are suspended. Like EVERYTHING connected with those two, the reasons are sealed and the media has NO interest in investigating as to why.

The Communist Organizer sued Wells-Fargo on behalf of ACORN over the moronic CRA that Clinton was pushing Banks on(shaking them down by threatening to sue them) back in 1996. The result of the lawsuit "Victory" was the creation of sub-prime lending with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac holding the bag as guarantors.

Barack Owebama couldn't have gotten a job as a Midnight Shift Manager at a McDonalds with his tissue thin resume. The claim that he is some kind of super intellect is pure democrat equine defecation
I wonder how Krazy Konservativz listen to nutjobs like Trump, Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Kasich, et. al., without embarrassment.
It is crazy when you actually look at the facts and make a calculated decision based solely on the facts of the matter. It's crazy because most of the nations sheep do not make decisions that way. Common sense is dead.
Guess how many Medals of Honor have been Awarded to Moslems since the Civil War when that medal was first issued.

How about the Distinguished Service Cross(Oopsie, guess we have to eliminate that one as it is offensive)How about then Distinguished Service Crescent?

Silver Star?

I can't find any among the long lists of names the Military provides for its highest awards even though Owebama said 'Muslims built the fabric of our nation."

Funny, the same man who said he had been in 57 states with one to go and that Abraham Lincoln built the Transcontinental Railroad uttered that line of complete and utter bull$&8t even though the 1st non slave practitioner of Islam did not arrive until the mid 1850's when Jefferson Davis imported 2 Moslem camel trainers to try to teach US Cavalrymen to ride camels in the desert southwest to fight Apaches and Comanches.
The effort failed miserably.

The 1st immigration of Turkish businessmen didn't happen until the 1880's. Quite a bit after the "Fabric of our nation" was already built. I will say this for them, they didn't come here demanding welfare, free housing, and the right to murder Americans like Owebama's friends.
They wanted to make profit even though according to their baby raping Prophet, that is outlawed.

How anyone can listen to what that totally unqualified buffoon that democrats elected President due to his skin color and nothing else and not be embarrassed defies all logic.

Funny, ''buffoon'' comes to mind reading that post.
It takes a certain kind of negative person to think like that.