Read me Jesus's quote from the bible about his thoughts on homosexuality....

you can't because there are none. All you homophobes need to stfu.
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.They must be put to death:their blood will be on their own heads." I know that is not a quote from Jesus, but it is God's word which Jesus gave his life to support.
That sounds pretty clear to me. It is a sin just like adultery,murder, lying, stealing. They are all sins in God's eyes.
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Christ is quoted at one point that God created people “in the beginning” as male and female, and that marriage is the union of one man and one woman joined together as “one flesh.” (Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9) Nothing is said about any OTHER type of union.
Christ used the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as dramatic examples of God’s wrath (Matthew 10:15, Mark 6:11, Luke 10:12, and Luke 17:29). Throughout the Old Testament, prophets described these cities as being notorious for the practice of homosexuality. (Genesis 18:20, Genesis 19:4-5, Isaiah 3:9, Jeremiah 23:14, Ezekiel 16:46-59). Jesus certainly knew that this was how the comparison would be understood.
I am NOT a homophobe by any means, but don't quote Christ in support
of gay marriage. That's like saying he wasn't against the internet because he didn't have a decent computer at the time. I'm sure he was against incest, adultery, homosexuality, promiscuity as SINS but never misunderstood the difference between the sin and the person. It's wrong, wrong, wrong to hate the person was his message (and it is your duty) to lead people to a better understanding and righteous way of life. And he never gave up on people who disregarded Old Testament laws handed down by his father (God).
Verse please, He talks more venomously about religious hypocrisy than homosexuality.

I'm not saying he's okay with it. I'm just saying in my bible He doesn't talk about it. As a matter of fact, he talks more about divorce.

You ever been divorced?

If it is in the bible Jesus laid his life down in order to save us all from our sins, which homosexuality is one if those.
See my response above.
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If Jesus were walking around today he would be hanging out with drug addicts and gays. Some of you folks would be saying he is not the Christ because He hangs out with sinners, not realizing that you are a sinner yourself. Just like in the old days, some things never change. These were the same people that condemned Him to the cross.

We need to worry about your own sin and stop thinking it is any less than someone else's!
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.They must be put to death:their blood will be on their own heads." I know that is not a quote from Jesus, but it is God's word which Jesus gave his life to support.
That sounds pretty clear to me. It is a sin just like adultery,murder, lying, stealing. They are all sins in God's eyes.
If it is in the bible Jesus laid his life down in order to save us all from our sins, which homosexuality is one if those.
See my response above.
LOL! Don't rely on any Old Testament crap. Haven't you ever heard of the new covenant? Read any of the red letters? Where's the quote homophobe? And it's not a sin just because of how God made you and the way you were born.
Or see the verses I quoted. Your Bible may be a New Interdenominational Democratically non-Standard edition if it doesn't have the verses I posted.
I don't have any agenda other than saying read it as he said - one man and one woman. Not a man and a goat or a woman and a transgendered or a eunuch and a baby.
The Bible is clear. It is against religious hypocrisy as well but is definitely clear as how marriage is defined. I see NO reason why we can't have civil unions that mean the same thing and grants the same benefits as marriage and keep marriage for those who still practice a religion. And that means a non-religious man and woman get a civil union as well.
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If Jesus were walking around today he would be hanging out with drug addicts and gays. Some of you folks would be saying he is not the Christ because He hangs out with sinners, not realizing that you are a sinner yourself. Just like in the old days, some things never change. These were the same people that condemned Him to the cross.

We need to worry about your own sin and stop thinking it is any less than someone else's!
I agree, We are ALL sinners. How can you judge your brother about the splinter in his eye, when you have a log in yours? I get it. I have plenty of gay friends and love them, but I will never agree that their love life is following God's word. I have sinned every day of my life an try to be a better man each day. I will always fall short, but through God's grace I may improve each day. The old testament is God's word as well (none of it is crap).
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Or see the verses I quoted. Your Bible may be a New Interdenominational Democratically non-Standard edition if it doesn't have the verses I posted.
I don't have any agenda other than saying read it as he said - one man and one woman. Not a man and a goat or a woman and a transgendered or a eunuch and a baby.
The Bible is clear. It is against religious hypocrisy as well but is definitely clear as how marriage is defined. I see NO reason why we can't have civil unions that mean the same thing and grants the same benefits as marriage and keep marriage for those who still practice a religion. And that means a non-religious man and woman get a civil union as well.
So I guess you won't be getting a gay marriage then. Why the need to endlessly spout off about it?
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Or see the verses I quoted. Your Bible may be a New Interdenominational Democratically non-Standard edition if it doesn't have the verses I posted.
I don't have any agenda other than saying read it as he said - one man and one woman. Not a man and a goat or a woman and a transgendered or a eunuch and a baby.
The Bible is clear. It is against religious hypocrisy as well but is definitely clear as how marriage is defined. I see NO reason why we can't have civil unions that mean the same thing and grants the same benefits as marriage and keep marriage for those who still practice a religion. And that means a non-religious man and woman get a civil union as well.
I agree that there could be a CIVIL UNION that would accomplish what the gay community is looking for in benefits to both parties. This whole issue is about the left trying to force this upon Christians and weaken our religion with this battle.
So I guess you won't be getting a gay marriage then. Why the need to endlessly spout off about it?
Marriage is a union between a MAN and a WOMAN, period! He keeps reacting to it because it is an attack on our religion. plain and simple.
If you do not like vanilla ice cream don't shut the store down or get rid of vanilla, just enjoy what you want and let others enjoy what they want.
A civil union is fine with us, you are not stepping on our beliefs with that and everyone should be happy. That proves it is not about providing benefits for the partners, it is about tearing down Christianity by the left.
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I think I will focus on myself and let everyone else do the same. I believe my Maker has the ability to sort it all out.

I will tell you what I believe and why I believe it, but I don't believe I should be telling you what you should believe.

I have a hard enough time managing my own life much less trying to manage yours too!

I find that I'm much happier that way and so are the people I interact with on a daily basis.
Where's the verse about child abuse? Just because he didn't specifically say it doesn't mean that it isn't a sin. You realize the whole Bible is the inspired word of God and that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega meaning he always was and therefore inspired all the words in the Bible. Weak effort in your argument but Jesus still loves your seeking the truth. Have a great day Brother!
Where's the verse about child abuse? Just because he didn't specifically say it doesn't mean that it isn't a sin. You realize the whole Bible is the inspired word of God and that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega meaning he always was and therefore inspired all the words in the Bible. Weak effort in your argument but Jesus still loves your seeking the truth. Have a great day Brother!

The measure that you use to judge others, that same measure will be used to judge you.

You remember that one...right?
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If Jesus were walking around today he would be hanging out with drug addicts and gays. Some of you folks would be saying he is not the Christ because He hangs out with sinners, not realizing that you are a sinner yourself. Just like in the old days, some things never change. These were the same people that condemned Him to the cross.

We need to worry about your own sin and stop thinking it is any less than someone else's!

I'm not sure what started this conversation but you are a Christian you are arguing your case w the wrong heart. You should approach this topic in love "stfu" is not a term I would use.
1. Jesus came to fulfill the law not change it. There is plenty in the Old Testament about homosexuality being sin.
2. God is all knowing so he was aware this would be an issue. If homosexuality isn't a sin he likely would have clarified.
3. Yes, he would be hanging out with homosexuals and other sinners and telling them to repent. Christians all sin. The difference is homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle. You cannot live in constant sin and have a relationship w God.

Many people who call themselves Christians treat gays out of hate and they are wrong.
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If Jesus were walking around today he would be hanging out with drug addicts and gays. Some of you folks would be saying he is not the Christ because He hangs out with sinners, not realizing that you are a sinner yourself. Just like in the old days, some things never change. These were the same people that condemned Him to the cross.

We need to worry about your own sin and stop thinking it is any less than someone else's!

He lived with them but never excused their sin. Actually, the only time he forgave sins publically, he said to repent and sin no more.

He never discounted nor approved or ignored sin. He never gave permission to sin. He gave his life for our sin, and we try to tell him what he meant.

He also didn't change sin, he just completed the law. We have spent our existence trying to tell God what to do.
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I'm not sure what started this conversation but you are a Christian you are arguing your case w the wrong heart. You should approach this topic in love "stfu" is not a term I would use.
1. Jesus came to fulfill the law not change it. There is plenty in the Old Testament about homosexuality being sin.
2. God is all knowing so he was aware this would be an issue. If homosexuality isn't a sin he likely would have clarified.
3. Yes, he would be hanging out with homosexuals and other sinners and telling them to repent. Christians all sin. The difference is homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle. You cannot live in constant sin and have a relationship w God.

Many people who call themselves Christians treat gays out of hate and they are wrong.

And gays are treating Christians badly. Christians are being targeted to force change in what they believe to be Biblical truth.

I believe in live and let live. But I can't say it's right when it's wrong.
The measure that you use to judge others, that same measure will be used to judge you.

You remember that one...right?
He was not judging you at all. Merely pointing out that Jesus did not have to utter the words from his mouth to make them true or meaningful.
I hope you have a great day as well. Dawgs won, no injuries and we will look to the next contest.
He was not judging you at all. Merely pointing out that Jesus did not have to utter the words from his mouth to make them true or meaningful.
I hope you have a great day as well. Dawgs won, no injuries and we will look to the next contest.
Point I'm making which is validated on this post string is that the non conservative Christians have got to keep taking it to the conservative hate filled fake Christians. You losers have wrapped yourself in the flag making Jesus look like a gun carrying, rebel flag waving redneck that you own. Those days are over. We won you lost and as each progressive generation comes along you all will further be marginalized until you are extinct and His true Kingdom is here on earth.
No it doesn't. Here's Jesus's quote about homosexuality...." "

Actually I don't know or care what King James commissioned to be written in the 1600s under the guise of being the bible. I was simply trying to lighten the mood with a quote from Mr. Roy Munson.
Point I'm making which is validated on this post string is that the non conservative Christians have got to keep taking it to the conservative hate filled fake Christians. You losers have wrapped yourself in the flag making Jesus look like a gun carrying, rebel flag waving redneck that you own. Those days are over. We won you lost and as each progressive generation comes along you all will further be marginalized until you are extinct and His true Kingdom is here on earth.
The non conservative Christians are following the ways of the world not the ways of GOD. Christians (non conservative or conservative-stupid reasoning) need to heed GOD'S word not the nightly news or the gay communities view on how Jesus views the issue of homosexuality. The rednecks you speak of no more represent Jesus and his teachings,than a muslim terrorist. God's word is very clear sin is sin, all of it bad in God's eyes. We are to love those who do not understand our God even as they attack us and God. Love is the message than wins out, just way to much hate out there. The bible foretold of the persecution of Christians and Christianity in the end of times. We are nation founded on Christian principles but obama declared we are no longer a Christian nation in his first year of his first term. The fight is on and God will win out, I want to be on his team,not the team the world tells me I need to be on.
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The non conservative Christians are following the ways of the world not the ways of GOD. Christians (non conservative or conservative-stupid reasoning) need to heed GOD'S word not the nightly news or the gay communities view on how Jesus views the issue of homosexuality. The rednecks you speak of no more represent Jesus and his teachings,than a muslim terrorist. God's word is very clear sin is sin, all of it bad in God's eyes. We are to love those who do not understand our God even as they attack us and God. Love is the message than wins out, just way to much hate out there. The bible foretold of the persecution of Christians and Christianity in the end of times. We are nation founded on Christian principles but obama declared we are no longer a Christian nation in his first year of his first term. The fight is on and God will win out, I want to be on his team,not the team the world tells me I need to be on.

Do you see how comical it is that we as a global community so vehemently defend an intangible, unsubstantiated ideology? How many conflicts would be averted if folks just lightened the F up when it comes to religion?
Do you see how comical it is that we as a global community so vehemently defend an intangible, unsubstantiated ideology? How many conflicts would be averted if folks just lightened the F up when it comes to religion?
And how many millions have been murdered from Aetheists regimes who tried (unsuccessfully) to eliminate religion from the world? It's only unsubstantiated for those who haven't surrendered their lives to him. Yes the world has suffered under the oppression of religions but Christianity has also started countless charities, orphanages and organizations all over the world. For centuries! You think those Coptic Christians were singing hymns as their heads were cut off recently because it wasn't tangible to them? God is most certainly real and is drawing his people to him. Even thru message boards.!
And how many millions have been murdered from Aetheists regimes who tried (unsuccessfully) to eliminate religion from the world? It's only unsubstantiated for those who haven't surrendered their lives to him. Yes the world has suffered under the oppression of religions but Christianity has also started countless charities, orphanages and organizations all over the world. For centuries! You think those Coptic Christians were singing hymns as their heads were cut off recently because it wasn't tangible to them? God is most certainly real and is drawing his people to him. Even thru message boards.!

I respect the passion, but I'm just not religious. Maybe it's because of the million dollar churches on one corner with people starving on the other. Either way, you cannot convince me that a higher being would be accepting of what man has created under the guise of religion. To me, the closest you can get to god is in the middle of the lake just as the sun starts peaking over the horizon. That my friend is as close to the sweet serenity of a higher being you'll ever see.
you can't because there are none. All you homophobes need to stfu.
I dont think you actually read the Bible then.

Romans 1:26-27
"Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones; in the same way, men committed shameful acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."
I respect the passion, but I'm just not religious. Maybe it's because of the million dollar churches on one corner with people starving on the other. Either way, you cannot convince me that a higher being would be accepting of what man has created under the guise of religion. To me, the closest you can get to god is in the middle of the lake just as the sun starts peaking over the horizon. That my friend is as close to the sweet serenity of a higher being you'll ever see.
I'm a strong believer and I am confident that my Savior would take a flame thrower to this place if He was doing His human walk with us today. The religious of today are much worse than the religious elite in the bible times. Million dollar churches while people starve sums up perfect what the church in the USA has become today. And human judgement of the poor, needy and people who don't look like you, act like you and think like you is what it has become. I feel good about the future tho for the progressive Christian movement. We are winning on ALL fronts with the Supreme Court rulings and the policies we back to help the least of those in society. Again the key is to remain on the offensive and take the fight to the loser conservatives. Especially those who espouse conservative Christian values. Get in these peoples faces when you can. Go to their churches and challenge them. This is what Jesus was all about. He was a progressive and he took it to the establishment. We need to do this ans show we are the hands and feet of Christ.
I respect the passion, but I'm just not religious. Maybe it's because of the million dollar churches on one corner with people starving on the other. Either way, you cannot convince me that a higher being would be accepting of what man has created under the guise of religion. To me, the closest you can get to god is in the middle of the lake just as the sun starts peaking over the horizon. That my friend is as close to the sweet serenity of a higher being you'll ever see.
I couldn't agree with you more about the modern church for the most part and you are 100% right that NOTHING we as Christians or non Christians do on this planet is worthy of a God who is completely Holy. But lucky for you and me Jesus came to pay the debt for me and you and the drug addict and ISIS for all our sins. He is calling us to believe and follow HIM. I don't want to be religious, I want to follow Jesus. Keep searching Brother. He is searching for you I promise! Blessings Dawg brother!
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Would you concede God wanted Marriage between a man and a woman? If you want to call gays living together Coupling or C U is fine bye me and give them all the benefits for equal footing. To try to get us to call it Marriage is wrong and not biblical. I believe Jesus would be hanging around them and other sinners to try and change their hearts. Go and sin no more
You folks do realize that the Bible can be true without being literal. All the Catholic and Protestant theologian and religious leaders could be wrong. The Old Testament teachings by the Pharisees of the law were completely wrong. They had it all wrong.

Who to say we don't have it all wrong now. I believe you have to read it for yourself and more importantly honestly pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you the truth. Stop taking what is taught in the church as true. Open your mind!

God is being misrepresented all the time by men that do not know Him.

Ultimately, is your faith setting you free or binding you up. Is it working for you or are you miserable? Are you at peace?

If not, you might want to consider that you have been wrong about everything. This is a good place to start. That's been my experience.
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Would you concede God wanted Marriage between a man and a woman? If you want to call gays living together Coupling or C U is fine bye me and give them all the benefits for equal footing. To try to get us to call it Marriage is wrong and not biblical. I believe Jesus would be hanging around them and other sinners to try and change their hearts. Go and sin no more

He also intended for me not to drink myself to near death or smoke crack and look at porn for days. But, somehow I ended up doing it anyway even after going to church and seeking God with all my heart.

You're focusing on the wrong battle. Focusing on other people's sin helps me to minimize my own. It's no different than theirs.
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No it doesn't. Here's Jesus's quote about homosexuality...." "

Not necessarily homosexuality, but describes Jesus' attitude toward self-righteous ignoramuses:

John 8:7 The Jewish leaders continued to ask him their question. So he stood up and said, “Anyone here who has never sinned should throw the first stone at her.”
Deflecting. Again.
Tropic dawg said for all of us to STFU. You heard him. Everyone not agreeing with him is a redneck carrying a rebel flag with a Spring Break '99 Panama City tattoo. Now either agree or be labeled!
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Matthew 15:19 Jesus wasn't primariliy concerned with our outward actions but rather the heart. In this verse Jesus explains that which comes out of the heart defiles the person. One of those things that He listed was sexual immorality. That would mean ANY SEX outside of marriage between male and female would be sin. The hope for anyone is that Jesus came to forgive those that repented and believed in Him as Lord and Savior.
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Point I'm making which is validated on this post string is that the non conservative Christians have got to keep taking it to the conservative hate filled fake Christians. You losers have wrapped yourself in the flag making Jesus look like a gun carrying, rebel flag waving redneck that you own. Those days are over. We won you lost and as each progressive generation comes along you all will further be marginalized until you are extinct and His true Kingdom is here on earth.

"Conservative Christian" is an oxymoron, sort of like "Christian millionaire" or "Christian businessman".

Jesus had beliefs that, in the world of 2015, would characterize Him as a progressive socialist.

Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

Jesus said, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

Jesus said, “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

This is what Jesus did and said (I could see Him doing this to a mega-church): “And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.”

Jesus said, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

Jesus said, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.”

you can look at most studies on the subject and see that Christians and particularly southern Christians give more to charities than any other group, while liberals like the probable democratic nominee for president Joe Biden gives less than one percent. show me a mans checkbook and I can get a pretty good idea where his heart is.
Amen. And the hate that Tropicdawg spews from the start of this post on sets him apart from
any sort of spirit of what he preaches. Seems to remind me of an angry belligerent redneck getting ready
for a fight. Those kind of angry challenges don't bring anyone to Christ if that's your intentions.
Christ was certainly not a hippie smoking grass like some say, but he wasn't a far-right demagogue either.
He was a mediator. He tried to get people clarified to the idea of being much more decent to each other.
His challenges weren't to get people to become gay, or love gayness, but to love the people and directly challenge
them in HIS name to turn from wickedness going forward. That wickedness includes greed, false teachings,
immorality, and other sins. BUT he offered a path to redemption, not all Old Testament hellfire.
But that redemption meant turning away from sin going forward.
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