Read me Jesus's quote from the bible about his thoughts on homosexuality....

Not necessarily homosexuality, but describes Jesus' attitude toward self-righteous ignoramuses:

John 8:7 The Jewish leaders continued to ask him their question. So he stood up and said, “Anyone here who has never sinned should throw the first stone at her.”

Then he told her to repent and sin no more. He didn't give her permission to be an adulterer.

Based on the scriptures, men having sex with men, or women with women is an abomination. If have had some very good friends who were gay. Some have passed, some not. But if they had ever asked me, I would have told them that it is wrong in the eyes of God.
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You folks do realize that the Bible can be true without being literal. All the Catholic and Protestant theologian and religious leaders could be wrong. The Old Testament teachings by the Pharisees of the law were completely wrong. They had it all wrong.

Who to say we don't have it all wrong now. I believe you have to read it for yourself and more importantly honestly pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you the truth. Stop taking what is taught in the church as true. Open your mind!

God is being misrepresented all the time by men that do not know Him.

Ultimately, is your faith setting you free or binding you up. Is it working for you or are you miserable? Are you at peace?

If not, you might want to consider that you have been wrong about everything. This is a good place to start. That's been my experience.

You are applying your belief though a filter of what you want the truth to be. You seem to want to determine what God means.

You mention Old Testament along with Christians and Pharisees. There were no Christians in the Old Testament. Someone the other day mentioned Christians and the Crusades....... The Christians did not fight the crusades, it was Catholics.

The Pharisees made God laws fit what they wanted. Kinda like what we are doing now with same sex marriage.

If you read the Bible, study the Bible and precept its scriptures, it really isn't very complicated at all. Those that want the most seem to read the least.

It is pretty plain. I can't agree with it. The country can make whatever laws it wants. It doesn't make it right.
"Conservative Christian" is an oxymoron, sort of like "Christian millionaire" or "Christian businessman".

Jesus had beliefs that, in the world of 2015, would characterize Him as a progressive socialist.

Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

Jesus said, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

Jesus said, “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

This is what Jesus did and said (I could see Him doing this to a mega-church): “And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.”

Jesus said, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

Jesus said, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.”

Not really. He also said if you don't work, you don't eat. And He was willing to die because of the conviction that God's Words should not be changed, watered down or made to fit someones life. It can't.

His point was to convert and save. He never gave anyone permission to sin. He broke through the jewish laws created by the Pharisees and brought the focus back to the Word of God.

He lived with the sinner to save the sinner. He also was not willing to concede any point on interpetations of God's law and it got him crucified.

The eye of the needle was a physical place. A camel could not fit through the opening. The issue of the rich is where ones heart lies. What do we covet? The desire for sexual gratification outside the walls of marriage is wrong. Christ said it was also better to not marry at all if we were going to do it.

The whole point of Christ is the crucifixion. We all get bent out of shape on all the other issues. Christ died to save us from sin. We can accept him or not. It really is that simple.

If he was willing to be beat unmercifully and crucified on a tree, the least I can do is read His Word and not try to make it fit my desires. I should make my life fit His. That is what he asked all his followers to do.

We spend a great deal of time telling him what he meant.

Just saying.

You are applying your belief though a filter of what you want the truth to be. You seem to want to determine what God means.

You mention Old Testament along with Christians and Pharisees. There were no Christians in the Old Testament. Someone the other day mentioned Christians and the Crusades....... The Christians did not fight the crusades, it was Catholics.

The Pharisees made God laws fit what they wanted. Kinda like what we are doing now with same sex marriage.

If you read the Bible, study the Bible and precept its scriptures, it really isn't very complicated at all. Those that want the most seem to read the least.

It is pretty plain. I can't agree with it. The country can make whatever laws it wants. It doesn't make it right.

You are assuming that you know what it is saying and everyone else is wrong.

So if a man rapes a woman she must marry him? That is what it says in the Old Testament.

You do realize the Catholics are the ones who decided which books were put in the bible. Supposedly anyway
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Then he told her to repent and sin no more. He didn't give her permission to be an adulterer.

Based on the scriptures, men having sex with men, or women with women is an abomination. If have had some very good friends who were gay. Some have passed, some not. But if they had ever asked me, I would have told them that it is wrong in the eyes of God.

So when you repented did you never do that sin again?
There are sins that yes I don't commit anymore. There are some, anger and patience and others, that are particularly hard for me to control. I fight them but sometimes they get the best of me. I ask for forgiveness and strive to sin no more. I have friends that help me and confront me and hold me accountable to the standard. I don't live openly in sin and ask God to reconsider his thoughts on the matter. I fear and love God
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You ever look at porn? Do you think you are less sinful than a openly gay person?
You're missing the only point. When Christians sin, and we all do, we admit it hopefully and go to God with a contrite heart and ask for forgiveness. Others commit what Christians acknowledge and know is sin but they dont think they are and there in no contrition. I think you get this you just don't like the difference. Some commercials on tv would constitute porn 40 years ago.
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I understand your position more than you may think. You probably think I'm gay. I'm just trying to clarify your belief.
You're missing the only point. When Christians sin, and we all do, we admit it hopefully and go to God with a contrite heart and ask for forgiveness. Others commit what Christians acknowledge and know is sin but they dont think they are and there in no contrition. I think you get this you just don't like the difference. Some commercials on tv would constitute porn 40 years ago.

You didn't answer the questions.
You are assuming that you know what it is saying and everyone else is wrong.

So if a man rapes a woman she must marry him? That is what it says in the Old Testament.

You do realize the Catholics are the ones who decided which books were put in the bible. Supposedly anyway

What you are quoting is Jewish law, not Christian.

It goes with the concept that if a man has sex relations with a woman, they have become one.

But heck, why try and understand how the Bible was written. It is easier to just pick and choose what you want to use in an arguement.

And no, it wasn't Catholics who determined the books of the Bible.
You ever look at porn? Do you think you are less sinful than a openly gay person?
Most don't fight for the right to watch porn. Gays openly lobby for the legal right and want it to be not only tolerated, but promoted as good and wholesome.
You're missing the only point. When Christians sin, and we all do, we admit it hopefully and go to God with a contrite heart and ask for forgiveness. Others commit what Christians acknowledge and know is sin but they don't think they are and there in no contrition. I think you get this you just don't like the difference. Some commercials on tv would constitute porn 40 years ago.

Exactly. I don't think I am one ounce less of a sinner or better than the most outwardly (practicing) homosexual. That I think is what many don't understand about true Christianity. We ALL fall woefully short in our actions when held up to a Perfectly Holy God. Sin, an ounce of sin, is 100% hated by God and is enough for God to kick us to the curb. A Christian, sins (like everyone else) daily. Anger, envy, lust etc. slip into our lives all the time. They however go to the Lord in prayer, ask for forgiveness and REPENT. Meaning in all earnest turn 180 from the sinful behavior. Do we all repent once and that's it? No, not necessarily. God is sanctifying all of us all our lives. What the Bible requires us to do however is call out in a loving way our brothers and sisters who live in sin (Sin as a stronghold) such as homosexual behavior, fornication, addiction etc.. It is the loving thing to do. Would you not save someone from drowning? Why is letting someone being held CAPTIVE by sin different? Now the biggest rub (and where Christians fail all the time) is the difference between judgement of behavior and condemnation. Judging behavior happens all the time but there is no condemnation in Christ for me just as there is none for a homosexual. Hate the sin love the sinner. It is very difficult to live that out but hey, true Christians understand the task before us and again ask forgiveness when we slip from judging into condemnation. My wife and I recently had to confront a young couple in our church for fornication. We did this with tears in our eyes. It was out of LOVE that we did this. I judged their behavior yes, but you better know that we still love this couple, pray for them regularly, are active in their lives as much as possible. The young lady has come back to the Lord and the young man hasn't yet...But I am still praying! :) That is true Christianity.
His point is he doesn't get the Supreme Court involved to challenge Gods word and the laws of our country
for the freedom to sin openly. I'm sure you get his point. It's real cut and dried. Are you really trying to clarify
his beliefs? I think that decision needs to be between him and his maker unless you see him disobedient to the Word
and you have searched and prayed over it and speak to him in the spirit of a brother in Christ like it commands.
And you are correct about the Catholics deciding what went into the Bible, iirc. The Niccene(sp?) council
met and agreed to only allow certain things to get approved to be a part of it. Some books were left out in
entirety while letters from people and other old writings were allowed in.
No I don't to your first question. No, all are sinners of which I am the worst. But for that reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example of those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 1 Timothy 1: 15-17
So when you repented did you never do that sin again?

Hey White, got a question for you.

Is it wrong for a 40 year old man to have sex with a16 year old girl? How about 14? How about 8?

Sex is a perfectly normal thing to do.

How about sex with a horse? The Bible never specifically says you can't have sex with a horse.

Just because one wants to do it, doesn't make it right. No matter how you present it.

And what if a group of sex offenders petitioned our courts to make sex with consenting animals or teenagers legal? You ever seen them get semen from a horse? It looks like the horse is pretty consenting.

The pedophile seems pretty content with his or her feelings towards sex with a child. It is a sexual tendency and urge. If it is sexual and normal, why is it illegal?

Maybe because it is morally wrong. Maybe it is because children aren't ready for that type of behavior. Maybe, in the case of the gay lifestyle, our bodies were not meant for that type of relationship. Maybe sexual tendencies and urges, while normal, aren't always used correctly or in a way that is good for the society as a whole.

Sexual instincts, whether you believe them to be from God or just evolved, are there to drive procreation. The sexual urge can be bastardized in any form you want. It is being bastardized now because of the access through technology. We can pretend it is OK because we can create babies artificially. We can pretend to be mommy and daddy. But children don't get the balanced knowledge of how a man and woman interact and communicate fear, depression, conflict mediation, and most of all, procreation of the family through sexual intimacy. Sexual intimacy becomes only for personal sexual gratification. From a primal standpoint, that is not how and why it works.

Oh well, tired conversation.
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.They must be put to death:their blood will be on their own heads." I know that is not a quote from Jesus, but it is God's word which Jesus gave his life to support.
That sounds pretty clear to me. It is a sin just like adultery,murder, lying, stealing. They are all sins in God's eyes.

If we followed every instruction from The Old Testament we'd make ISIS look like Mr Rogers.
Of course if you have an agenda you can pick the ones to suit your prejudices and discard the rest.
If we followed every instruction from The Old Testament we'd make ISIS look like Mr Rogers.
Of course if you have an agenda you can pick the ones to suit your prejudices and discard the rest.

You talking about Jewish law or what Christ completed?
If we followed every instruction from The Old Testament we'd make ISIS look like Mr Rogers.
Of course if you have an agenda you can pick the ones to suit your prejudices and discard the rest.

I realize God made a pact With the world after Jesus shed his blood for ALL of us.
The killing does not apply to this sin today (in God's punishment), I was trying to show that homosexuality is a sin according to God and Jesus.
My mistake for those that do not know the word of God. I did not want to pick my agenda by cutting words out of what God had spoken.
As you see in the above post there are numerous examples of God striking down the act of homosexuality. It is part of this do what feels good culture that exist today, damn the consequences. You can drink all your life and party every night, but at some point your body will show the signs of the wear caused by those actions. This is the same with the cost of sin on your soul. You can not have a relationship with God if you are engaged in a sinful lifestyle. Churches that tell gays otherwise are doing a MASSIVE disservice to these lost souls. God's teachings come from a core of love we can not even comprehend on this earth. God wants us all to join him in our home he has prepared for us in Heaven. God feels pain over the souls that are lost to their choice of not receiving his gift of eternal life and salvation. Christians are by no means perfect we try to follow God's words and fall short, that is why Jesus died on the cross for us. God's love will conquer the mightiest army and the saved souls will join him in Heaven I hope you all are there one day as well as myself.
You talking about Jewish law or what Christ completed?

I'm referring to The Old Testament, which has much of early Jewish teachings, but it's The Christian Bible. We all know we could pull some horrific ideas and instructions, many are very strange.
I realize God made a pact With the world after Jesus shed his blood for ALL of us.
The killing does not apply to this sin today (in God's punishment), I was trying to show that homosexuality is a sin according to God and Jesus.
My mistake for those that do not know the word of God. I did not want to pick my agenda by cutting words out of what God had spoken.
As you see in the above post there are numerous examples of God striking down the act of homosexuality. It is part of this do what feels good culture that exist today, damn the consequences. You can drink all your life and party every night, but at some point your body will show the signs of the wear caused by those actions. This is the same with the cost of sin on your soul. You can not have a relationship with God if you are engaged in a sinful lifestyle. Churches that tell gays otherwise are doing a MASSIVE disservice to these lost souls. God's teachings come from a core of love we can not even comprehend on this earth. God wants us all to join him in our home he has prepared for us in Heaven. God feels pain over the souls that are lost to their choice of not receiving his gift of eternal life and salvation. Christians are by no means perfect we try to follow God's words and fall short, that is why Jesus died on the cross for us. God's love will conquer the mightiest army and the saved souls will join him in Heaven I hope you all are there one day as well as myself.

There are MANY more examples of God punishing, or giving instructions to punish heterosexual acts in TOT than homosexuality is even mentioned.
That is why I say it's picking things to suit an agenda while ignoring countless other instructions and condemnations.
There are MANY more examples of God punishing, or giving instructions to punish heterosexual acts in TOT than homosexuality is even mentioned.
That is why I say it's picking things to suit an agenda while ignoring countless other instructions and condemnations.
There are a lot more heterosexuals to sin than homosexuals so that makes sense.
In god's eyes a sin is a sin.
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Let's make this simple. When a mob was going to stone a woman caught in adultery, everybody remembers what Jesus said to the mob, but what did he turn and say to the woman when the mob had dispersed? He would say the same to a homo.
Let's make this simple. When a mob was going to stone a woman caught in adultery, everybody remembers what Jesus said to the mob, but what did he turn and say to the woman when the mob had dispersed? He would say the same to a homo.
If they ceased their sinful lifestyle they would be walking with him, otherwise continuing their sinful lifestyle would be the absence of God's love.
The woman did not continue to commit adultery, that is one huge difference.
Hey White, got a question for you.

Is it wrong for a 40 year old man to have sex with a16 year old girl? How about 14? How about 8?

Sex is a perfectly normal thing to do.

How about sex with a horse? The Bible never specifically says you can't have sex with a horse.

Just because one wants to do it, doesn't make it right. No matter how you present it.

And what if a group of sex offenders petitioned our courts to make sex with consenting animals or teenagers legal? You ever seen them get semen from a horse? It looks like the horse is pretty consenting.

The pedophile seems pretty content with his or her feelings towards sex with a child. It is a sexual tendency and urge. If it is sexual and normal, why is it illegal?

Maybe because it is morally wrong. Maybe it is because children aren't ready for that type of behavior. Maybe, in the case of the gay lifestyle, our bodies were not meant for that type of relationship. Maybe sexual tendencies and urges, while normal, aren't always used correctly or in a way that is good for the society as a whole.

Sexual instincts, whether you believe them to be from God or just evolved, are there to drive procreation. The sexual urge can be bastardized in any form you want. It is being bastardized now because of the access through technology. We can pretend it is OK because we can create babies artificially. We can pretend to be mommy and daddy. But children don't get the balanced knowledge of how a man and woman interact and communicate fear, depression, conflict mediation, and most of all, procreation of the family through sexual intimacy. Sexual intimacy becomes only for personal sexual gratification. From a primal standpoint, that is not how and why it works.

Oh well, tired conversation.

What does the law say regarding each of your examples?

There you will find my answer. I agree with the law.
Point I'm making which is validated on this post string is that the non conservative Christians have got to keep taking it to the conservative hate filled fake Christians. You losers have wrapped yourself in the flag making Jesus look like a gun carrying, rebel flag waving redneck that you own. Those days are over. We won you lost and as each progressive generation comes along you all will further be marginalized until you are extinct and His true Kingdom is here on earth.

LMAO....Yea you are one of those none conservatives Christians that's not filled with hate...yes sir buddie.......fcking moron LOL

Oh and Dipshit....Have you looked at the State houses? Both houses of Congress? and the 30 states that have passed laws protecting marriage. You're such a buffoon
You ever look at porn? Do you think you are less sinful than a openly gay person?

Are you really this ignorant? How the fck do you compare looking at porn to the real issue here. You ppl are so freaking emotional wallowing in your "victory' you don't realize that your right to be heard and have a voice in being governed has been take away. Seriously you ppl are such fools and buffoons. You are the useful idiots your overseers see you as. Liberals depend on the ignorance and stupidity of their minons
"Conservative Christian" is an oxymoron, sort of like "Christian millionaire" or "Christian businessman".

Jesus had beliefs that, in the world of 2015, would characterize Him as a progressive socialist.

Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

Jesus said, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

Jesus said, “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

This is what Jesus did and said (I could see Him doing this to a mega-church): “And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.”

Jesus said, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

Jesus said, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.”

A prefect example of a buffoon pulling quotes off the internet that he has no idea what they mean or the context.
You should post about things you understand........Oh, wait, what?? Forget that....carry on
I understand your position more than you may think. You probably think I'm gay. I'm just trying to clarify your belief.
I didn't get that you were gay from reading your post. I don't think anyone else did either.
I guess it is up to you to approve of our beliefs, well I'll let Jesus make that call for me, Thanks.
Let's make this simple. When a mob was going to stone a woman caught in adultery, everybody remembers what Jesus said to the mob, but what did he turn and say to the woman when the mob had dispersed? He would say the same to a homo.

How bout the last time you looked at a woman's butt and said, umm. If you're married you just committed adultery according to Jesus.

Have you turned away from it and not done it again. Hypocrite.
I didn't get that you were gay from reading your post. I don't think anyone else did either.
I guess it is up to you to approve of our beliefs, well I'll let Jesus make that call for me, Thanks.

No but you should be able to explain what you believe and why to others according Paul. There is no need to attack me. I just asking questions.

Sound like you are trying to convince yourself what you believe.
No but you should be able to explain what you believe and why to others according Paul. There is no need to attack me. I just asking questions.

Sound like you are trying to convince yourself what you believe.
Not attacking by any means you just seem defensive and judgmental. Again I will let Jesus judge me, but thanks again.
How bout the last time you looked at a woman's butt and said, umm. If you're married you just committed adultery according to Jesus.

Have you turned away from it and not done it again. Hypocrite.

That is where the grace of God comes in, we all sin on a daily basis, but we strive to do better. I guess we might admire a woman, and the pillow biters admire a man. To each his own, just don't force me to accept that as normal behavior.That is why we try not to judge because we are all guilty in some fashion daily of sin. I guess it's really easy if you do not believe, then you can do waht ever you want with no feelings of guilt or remorse. Until the afterlife, then it is a real bitch.
Not attacking by any means you just seem defensive and judgmental. Again I will let Jesus judge me, but thanks again.

That is where the grace of God comes in, we all sin on a daily basis, but we strive to do better. I guess we might admire a woman, and the pillow biters admire a man. To each his own, just don't force me to accept that as normal behavior.That is why we try not to judge because we are all guilty in some fashion daily of sin. I guess it's really easy if you do not believe, then you can do waht ever you want with no feelings of guilt or remorse. Until the afterlife, then it is a real bitch.

I'm sorry; I shouldn't have call you a hypocrite. Most are all doing the best they can with what they have. I need to watch what I say.
I am really impressed. You are walking the walk.
It may not seem much to you, but what you just did was more impressive than all the verbs and vowels
posted on this site. You are a notch above, imo.
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Proverbs 15:1
Neither did Jesus talk about drug abuse, incest, global warming, over population, terrorism, dinosaurs, and other topics.
Neither did Jesus talk about drug abuse, incest, global warming, over population, terrorism, dinosaurs, and other topics.

How do you know for sure what he talked about? Your reading a book that was written 1500 years ago. Despite was is taught, there are all kinds of contradictions. I believe in Jesus, but I'm real skeptical about the theory that the bible is the inspired word of God and without error.
Here's one for you. Show me where the Constitution says its ok for fruits to be married? I'll hang up and wait for one of you hetrophobes to answer.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, Section 1:

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The Supreme Court of the United States says that is where the Constitution makes it okay for same-sex couples to be married.

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