Read the other day that…


Circle of Honor
May 29, 2001
a female fly can lay up to 500 eggs. That is just crazy, but pretty sure the math may be right.

Gotta dog that loves to go out then in, she can be demanding. So have become lazy and just left the door open for a few DAYZ. Probably had maybe a dozen or two that came in….then I stopped leaving the door open.

Thinking the math checks out about right, can’t believe the number of flies now. Just hope they didn’t drop that shat into my food….having nightmares.

Good news is, I get to kill those bastids….gratifying.
My little brother and I used to let flies in the house on purpose so we could have a contest of who could kill the most flies. Extra point if you kill one mid-air. Momma didn’t like that we smashed a few into her living room sheer curtains and shut down the game of dueling fly swats.
My little brother and I used to let flies in the house on purpose so we could have a contest of who could kill the most flies. Extra point if you kill one mid-air. Momma didn’t like that we smashed a few into her living room sheer curtains and shut down the game of dueling fly swats.
Bring back the Shell No Pest Strip.
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