Red Sea combat update


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2016
I'll bet even worthless 'RATs will be aghast to see how many combat intercepts the Navy's USS Eisenhower strike group (CSG2) has been involved in since they arrived on station in the Red Sea after the Israel - hamass thing started. There is practically no media coverage because the Biden administration does not want your attention on the absolutely incredible fact that our troops are engaging in combat almost daily.
A huge majority of the ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones (UAV), drone boats and unmanned undersea vehicles (UUV) are targeting our Navy warships. You very rarely hear about that. There is usually only a report if the Houthis hit some merchant vessel.
Well, that was probably Korea, or WWII, but i get your point.
Congress has to sole power to declare war, that's in the Constitution. While I understand gator hater's sentiment, I don't think there was ever a time when the President could not send troops where he wanted to. "Combat", can occur unexpectedly also and troops do not have to wait for Congress to declare war to respond.

A little off the spine of the comment, but if you guys could know the level of excellence in focus and execution being exhibited by the men and women directly involved in now hundreds of Red Sea combat intercepts (ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles) since November 4th, you would be extremely proud.

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