Regardless of all the atrocities happening in the world


Circle of Honor
May 29, 2001
to the press, there is nothing worse than a republican president. Cruz getting ate plum up in all the usual suspects.
Somebody had it right earlier, the don't fear him, they fear what he

stands for. They will eat him alive worse than they did Palin.
i dont think he cares - heck he may even welcome it

He, Paul, or Jindal would be awesome. BTW, The NYT just released a story yesterday starting to tear down Jindal.

Im not sure that the press can save this election for the demoshats.....if its Hitlary as the nominee, there is no way that the press saves the election for them.
Walker is the Man. Wins elections in LIB country, and does it by

Promoting conservative Constitutional principles. Does not apologize for them like Jeb does. He persuades people with common sense. He is the worst nightmare for the press and for LIBs and for Unions and for Jeb.

Kinda like Reagan was.
Re: Walker is the Man. Wins elections in LIB country, and does it by

I could deal with Jindal as VP. Rand is working hard to build a coalition. I could also deal with Carly as a VP.
We need another RR. No one said he could win and look

at what he did. Cruz can too. Don't sell him short. I also like Paul and Walker.
Agree, but RR ran against an incompetent incumbent...

...he had a little help from John Anderson and the Iranians, and I think the country is a lot more socialist and government dependent than it was in 1980. Hope I am wrong.
What did a country music singer have to do with the election?

I have forgotten about John.
Well we have not done so well with moderates like Dole, McCain

and Mitt so what do we have to lose. The Right guy (or gal) with the Right message can win.