First female combat vet from Hawaii and a rising star in the dem party. Dems are just a fricked up as the 'pubs. She obviously was disgusted with the democrat nc treatment of Sanders. It's (Dems) just not as fragmented as they only had 2 serious players. Wait til the blue collar union members, those out of work or underemployed and the blue collar Archie Bunkers which are the rank and file white members of the dem party start peeling off in favor of Trump. They already are. Mass is wild about the Donald in the R primary and much of that is undeclared, leaning dem Indies or dems leaning R. Next is the rank and file blue collar. The danger of Trump being elected is this group. Much of the R is educated and middle class and Trump is about maxed out with Republicans but his explosive growth lies with democrats. He is apolitical and had always been viewed as more of a Clinton democrat so they are very comfortable with him.
Truth is I'm not sure who to hang the Trump thing on. The Obama circle jerk or the Republicans for running scared of being called racists and therefore failing to confront him. But the public is clearly rebellious and it ain't business as usual. In fact I can see about 4 serious candidates in the race this fall: Hillary as the dem nominee, Sanders as the man standing up for the victims of marginalized labor unions, the youth, Hill haters, and also people who know the fix was in. See Gabbard resignation out of disgust. Trump as the R nominee and either Cruz or Rubio. If that is the case I can see where Trump would get the plurality. What happens next? Wouldn't have a clue. Strange times.
Truth is I'm not sure who to hang the Trump thing on. The Obama circle jerk or the Republicans for running scared of being called racists and therefore failing to confront him. But the public is clearly rebellious and it ain't business as usual. In fact I can see about 4 serious candidates in the race this fall: Hillary as the dem nominee, Sanders as the man standing up for the victims of marginalized labor unions, the youth, Hill haters, and also people who know the fix was in. See Gabbard resignation out of disgust. Trump as the R nominee and either Cruz or Rubio. If that is the case I can see where Trump would get the plurality. What happens next? Wouldn't have a clue. Strange times.