retired general speaks out


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
he has friends (military) on the white house staff and he said they are furious , they told him prez won't listen to them and actually chastises them for not agreeing with him . they say that their is a real concern for their careers because this administration will punish folks who disagree . the general feeling is that prez and his ilk are trying to create a " fantasy land " .
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he has friends (military) on the white house staff and he said they are furious , they told him prez won't listen to them and actually chastises them for not agreeing with him . they say that their is a real concern for their careers because this administration will punish folks who disagree . the general feeling is that prez and his ilk are trying to create a " fantasy land " .

Its also reported that he has them change the intell reports to fit his agenda. The POS is just so out unqualified its really pathetic.
he has friends (military) on the white house staff and he said they are furious , they told him prez won't listen to them and actually chastises them for not agreeing with him . they say that their is a real concern for their careers because this administration will punish folks who disagree . the general feeling is that prez and his ilk are trying to create a " fantasy land " .

More of your anecdotal evidence. Who is this retired general ?
It's reasonable to question whether we should put boots on the ground in Syria, I question it myself.
My problem is with the notion we need to declare a wider war on Islam, that would be insane.

Its it reasonable to demand they change the intel to fit their agenda? Geez, you libs. Pal if we retreated and never left our boarders for anything what so ever...These savages would still be at war with us. We have two choices. End it, or fight it the rest of history.
Its it reasonable to demand they change the intel to fit their agenda? Geez, you libs. Pal if we retreated and never left our boarders for anything what so ever...These savages would still be at war with us. We have two choices. End it, or fight it the rest of history.

You keep throwing out these wild scenarios mixed with absurd claims.
Nobody has suggested we retreat.
My problem is with your last sentence and what you seem to be suggesting. This cannot end in a great battle, we're not fighting an army as much as we're fighting an ideology and the various manifestations of that ideology. There is no dark star to attack.
I'm all for hitting specific targets and hunting down active terrorist, which is different than playing thought police and declaring war on Islam, which would be the most idiotic move in our history.
Weakness will get us all killed. It is no secret and widely accept by even the most liberal of countries that Obama's Foreign Policy is the love child of an Abortion Clinic banging a Dumpster fire after a crack binge.

Really, why has no European leader made such comments ?
Weakness will get us all killed. It is no secret and widely accept by even the most liberal of countries that Obama's Foreign Policy is the love child of an Abortion Clinic banging a Dumpster fire after a crack binge.

Really, why has no European leader made such comments ?
i gave you his name above , read it . do you not get the news ?

It's not news, it's an opinion. I've already posted I think we might should have a limited number of special forces on the ground in Syria. That is conditional on things I'm not privy to though.
If we already have spotters on the ground, would it be wise to let the world know and have a bounty on their heads ?
Its it reasonable to demand they change the intel to fit their agenda? Geez, you libs. Pal if we retreated and never left our boarders for anything what so ever...These savages would still be at war with us. We have two choices. End it, or fight it the rest of history.
You willing to send your son over there to fight a war that we don't have will for, I'm not.
You willing to send your son over there to fight a war that we don't have will for, I'm not.

My son wants to go to GA Tech become an engineer then go into the Navy to fly Jets. So I guess if it comes to that so be it. He's a patriot......You guys act as if we have a choice? You think they'll just go away?
Weakness will get us all killed. It is no secret and widely accept by even the most liberal of countries that Obama's Foreign Policy is the love child of an Abortion Clinic banging a Dumpster fire after a crack binge.

Really, why has no European leader made such comments ?
i gave you his name above , read it . do you not get the news ?

It's not news, it's an opinion. I've already posted I think we might should have a limited number of special forces on the ground in Syria. That is conditional on things I'm not privy to though.
If we already have spotters on the ground, would it be wise to let the world know and have a bounty on their heads ?
My son wants to go to GA Tech become an engineer then go into the Navy to fly Jets. So I guess if it comes to that so be it. He's a patriot......You guys act as if we have a choice? You think they'll just go away?

I think abstract reasoning isn't your strong suit.
You keep throwing out these wild scenarios mixed with absurd claims.
Nobody has suggested we retreat.
My problem is with your last sentence and what you seem to be suggesting. This cannot end in a great battle, we're not fighting an army as much as we're fighting an ideology and the various manifestations of that ideology. There is no dark star to attack.
I'm all for hitting specific targets and hunting down active terrorist, which is different than playing thought police and declaring war on Islam, which would be the most idiotic move in our history.
Speaking of wild scenarios and absurd claims your "great battle" creation came straight out of your rear. They have several forces in different areas. We must go after all their military assets. Where ever they are. I think they are being lead by one of SH's old army commanders so you can be sure he is not going to mass a couple hundred thousand troops again for us to slaughter like on the escape from Kuwait. And yes we are fighting an army. What do humvees, American battle tanks, 155mm artie, shoulder fired anti-aircraft weapons and that sort of stuff mean to an old military expert like you. LOL! An ideology doesn't mass troops and lay siege to cities. Til it is reduced to rubble. You keep arguing with yourself about "declaring war on Islam" a little like a deranged person talking to himself. So far you are the only person, at least here, who has mentioned that possibility. The man is of course exactly right, defeat radical Islamists who are at war with non-believers in the short term or fight them forever. You are a lot of fun displaying all the symptoms of a person who has long ago lost the argument and is now a mere spectacle. Most every post so full of holes and illogical that they affirm the opposition. Thought police? That's a goodie coming from a leftist. I say keep on broad scattering myself. It's cute.
Speaking of wild scenarios and absurd claims your "great battle" creation came straight out of your rear. They have several forces in different areas. We must go after all their military assets. Where ever they are. I think they are being lead by one of SH's old army commanders so you can be sure he is not going to mass a couple hundred thousand troops again for us to slaughter like on the escape from Kuwait. And yes we are fighting an army. What do humvees, American battle tanks, 155mm artie, shoulder fired anti-aircraft weapons and that sort of stuff mean to an old military expert like you. LOL! An ideology doesn't mass troops and lay siege to cities. Til it is reduced to rubble. You keep arguing with yourself about "declaring war on Islam" a little like a deranged person talking to himself. So far you are the only person, at least here, who has mentioned that possibility. The man is of course exactly right, defeat radical Islamists who are at war with non-believers in the short term or fight them forever. You are a lot of fun displaying all the symptoms of a person who has long ago lost the argument and is now a mere spectacle. Most every post so full of holes and illogical that they affirm the opposition. Thought police? That's a goodie coming from a leftist. I say keep on broad scattering myself. It's cute.

Bull shit, and more bull shit.
I have responded to a long chorus of posters saying we are at war with Islam or advocating for war against Islam.
As for saying We can't defeat their ideology with a great battle, we can't.
I've also posted time after time We need to go after those who are true terrorist, that clearly includes any and all members of ISIS.
It won't win unless we do so without creating the next wave of terrorist though. These mostly Iraqi members of ISIS are born of our invasion of Iraq, so to those who advocate blindly attack Islam, and many are advocating just that, they are fools who refuse to learn.
Bull shit, and more bull shit.
I have responded to a long chorus of posters saying we are at war with Islam or advocating for war against Islam.
As for saying We can't defeat their ideology with a great battle, we can't.
I've also posted time after time We need to go after those who are true terrorist, that clearly includes any and all members of ISIS.
It won't win unless we do so without creating the next wave of terrorist though. These mostly Iraqi members of ISIS are born of our invasion of Iraq, so to those who advocate blindly attack Islam, and many are advocating just that, they are fools who refuse to learn.
I have seen zero posters espousing killing all muslims. But I keep reading your admonitions against the idea that only you appear to be consumed with. I stand ready to be corrected with your posting of this "long chorus of posters" which of course do not exist therefore I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to produce same. In fact each time I have saw where you mentioned it the post you referenced said no such thing. But hey, I'm waiting. (5...4....3....2...1 til the standard "I'm not wasting my time producing posts that you are too dumb to understand, key words I'm not). Or you will not respond.

Also we can't defeat their ideology but we can defeat their azz. We couldn't defeat the Ideology of National Socialism but we sure killed off the perps. Again I've really seen no mention of any ideology war, only the taking on their forces both army wise and terrorist wise and killing them. But I'm sure you can again produce a long chorus of those posts as well. LOL! And now I'll correct you which is about like clubbing a baby seal: ISIS was born of al Q which was around and invading and attacking America long before invasion of Iraq. We did in fact improve ISIS by leaving Iraq.
Really, why has no European leader made such comments ?

It's not news, it's an opinion. I've already posted I think we might should have a limited number of special forces on the ground in Syria. That is conditional on things I'm not privy to though.
If we already have spotters on the ground, would it be wise to let the world know and have a bounty on their heads ?

I think abstract reasoning isn't your strong suit.
LMAO, being lectured about reason by you. That's ****ing priceless
I have seen zero posters espousing killing all muslims. But I keep reading your admonitions against the idea that only you appear to be consumed with. I stand ready to be corrected with your posting of this "long chorus of posters" which of course do not exist therefore I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to produce same. In fact each time I have saw where you mentioned it the post you referenced said no such thing. But hey, I'm waiting. (5...4....3....2...1 til the standard "I'm not wasting my time producing posts that you are too dumb to understand, key words I'm not). Or you will not respond.

Also we can't defeat their ideology but we can defeat their azz. We couldn't defeat the Ideology of National Socialism but we sure killed off the perps. Again I've really seen no mention of any ideology war, only the taking on their forces both army wise and terrorist wise and killing them. But I'm sure you can again produce a long chorus of those posts as well. LOL! And now I'll correct you which is about like clubbing a baby seal: ISIS was born of al Q which was around and invading and attacking America long before invasion of Iraq. We did in fact improve ISIS by leaving Iraq.

If you haven't seen many post advocating total war against Muslims ,,,well, you have, so spare me the BS.
If you haven't seen many post advocating total war against Muslims ,,,well, you have, so spare me the BS.
OK, I'll take that as a no I have nothing. My good friend who was the top trial lawyer in the USA at one time once told me this: if you have the facts on your side, pound the facts, if you have the law on your side, pound the law, if you have neither pound the table. You sir are a relentless table pounder. And a shameless one.
If you haven't seen many post advocating total war against Muslims ,,,well, you have, so spare me the BS.

No one is advocating all out warfare against all Muslims. No reason for us to declare war on Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. Once again you're over thinking this. Just all out war against ISIS in their held territory. Have you lost it, old man?


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he has friends (military) on the white house staff and he said they are furious , they told him prez won't listen to them and actually chastises them for not agreeing with him . they say that their is a real concern for their careers because this administration will punish folks who disagree . the general feeling is that prez and his ilk are trying to create a " fantasy land " .

Was it General Lyman Lemnitzer, because that sounds like the Kennedy administration circa 1962. Or General Harold K. Johnson talking about LBJ in 1967. Or General Colin Powell talking about George W. Bush.

Don't let retired generals fool you: if you get to the rank of O-7 and above in any branch of the armed forces, it is ALL politics. I have served in the G-3 and J-3 shops for a couple of high-profile generals, and they think and behave like politicians. They do not think in terms of, "From a military standpoint, is this the right thing to do?", but rather, "How will this affect my career?"
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Was it General Lyman Lemnitzer, because that sounds like the Kennedy administration circa 1962. Or General Harold K. Johnson talking about LBJ in 1967. Or General Colin Powell talking about George W. Bush.

Don't let retired generals fool you: if you get to the rank of O-7 and above in any branch of the armed forces, it is ALL politics. I have served in the G-3 and J-3 shops for a couple of high-profile generals, and they think and behave like politicians. They do not think in terms of, "From a military standpoint, is this the right thing to do?", but rather, "How will this affect my career?"
as i said above he was being interviewed this morning , i think his last name was Tata .
How is this a case of open borders? All but one of the terrorists were born and raised in France and Belgium! IMO, this is a case of ole-fashioned imperialism coming home to roost.

as you can see , it doesn't take but one to be very deadly . they have let areas of paris become "no go " zones . the police now have rounded up around 100+ that are very suspect . they got big problems, too many folks that don't assimilate .
as you can see , it doesn't take but one to be very deadly . they have let areas of paris become "no go " zones . the police now have rounded up around 100+ that are very suspect . they got big problems, too many folks that don't assimilate .

True, but I suspect these were free-lance terrorists. The "true believer" ISIS-types don't want to live amongst us infidels. They desperately want to live in Syria.

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