Rev. Al Sharpton said this morning on MSNBC that 'race' had nothing


Gold Member
Sep 3, 2011
Athens, GA
to do with the riots in Baltimore. This was in response to the fact that Baltimore's police department is the most ethnically diverse of any in the country and its makeup is nearly identical to that of the metro population.

Sharpton went on to say that it was a problem of 'class'; that the police department did not hire enough people from the appropriate classes in order to be sympathetic to the plight of the poor.

So... we need to hire 'thugs' to make the police more compassionate?
Al has made the best point so far. Even if it is backassackwards. The baltimorians are so angry at the police force because it is so ethnically divided. Good african american people would not put up with this crap in their own backyard. A black police officer will put a much quicker beat down on a thug. Media folks will react with sympathy until it knocks at their door. It is the same with anyone.

Hire class appropriate people as he states and there will be more black blood on the streets than any city has ever seen. Imo that is how you clean this problem up. It wouldnt be pretty and honestly awful to think about, but it would solve these type problems in a hurry.
to do with the riots in Baltimore. This was in response to the fact that Baltimore's police department is the most ethnically diverse of any in the country and its makeup is nearly identical to that of the metro population.

Sharpton went on to say that it was a problem of 'class'; that the police department did not hire enough people from the appropriate classes in order to be sympathetic to the plight of the poor.

So... we need to hire 'thugs' to make the police more compassionate?
He's part of the "Illuminati" advisory board. If you owed the IRS $4.9M, would you be in jail? He'll get his after the rapture.