rev sharpton caught on tape


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
back in the mid '90s telling a group that " if you don't like what's happening , go out and off a cracker ". wow ! keep in mind , this is odummas " right hand man " on race relations , been to the white house over 80 times . scary !
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Al Sharpton is a waste of space tax dodger and race hustler, just like Jesse Jackson.
back in the mid '90s telling a group that " if you don't like what's happening , go out and an off a cracker ". wow ! keep in mind , this is odummas " right hand man " on race relations , been to the white house over 80 times . scary !
Apparently, Rev. Al doesn't believe that the 6th Commandment applies to a man of his lofty stature. "Thou shalt not steal" is prolly not one of his favorites either since he and Jesse have made their living out of shaking down whitey.
Plus Rev Al owes back taxes of $ 4.5 million . He should be in prison and not one of Obamas top advisors. No wonder our country is in such a financial mess. We have the inmates running the asylum.