RFK to swing election to DJT?….


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 20, 2002
charleston sc usa
Dude is certainly biased and goes further than I would, but I agree that the democrats played the RFK threat poorly, and the dynamics that attracted his supporters (an outsider vilified by a dishonest media and establishment party) will bring a good number of RFK folks to Trump, even those that don’t like Trump.

The anyone but Trump or Biden folks broke for Harris when she announced. I think most folks underestimate the number that will now break for Trump. These are contrarian voters who despise the media. They aren’t going to vote for Harris. They are rightly rolling their eyes over the media’s roller coaster of defending Biden no matter what, to them turning on him in order to install Harris, and then shift to the fawning sickening one sided coverage they are displaying now. Including the predicted volley of hit pieces on RFK now that he has endorsed the anti-Christ.

He will still be on the ballot in some states as it is too late to take him off. May still provide an option for those looking for "anyone but trump/Harris".

Vance better watch his back though...he might get replaced as VP choice....
He will still be on the ballot in some states as it is too late to take him off. May still provide an option for those looking for "anyone but trump/Harris".

Vance better watch his back though...he might get replaced as VP choice....
If they "don't let him off the ballot," that is even more evidence about how these assholes will do anything to win. They worked to keep him off the ballot, shut him and others out of a primary process, sued him, kept him off media. And now that he endorses Trump, the powers that be will use some rule no one gives a shit about to try and limit the small number of folks that will check Trump if RFK isn't on the ballot? What about the "rules' regarding open primary process, open debate, voting for a candidate instead of annonting one? It is ridiculous.
He will still be on the ballot in some states as it is too late to take him off. May still provide an option for those looking for "anyone but trump/Harris".

Vance better watch his back though...he might get replaced as VP choice....
lol..spoken like a true dem
He will still be on the ballot in some states as it is too late to take him off. May still provide an option for those looking for "anyone but trump/Harris".

Vance better watch his back though...he might get replaced as VP choice....
Not likely to happen.
He will still be on the ballot in some states as it is too late to take him off. May still provide an option for those looking for "anyone but trump/Harris".

Vance better watch his back though...he might get replaced as VP choice....
RFK said he would stay on ballot in states that were clearly red or blue. He would exit from swing states. Not sure how much control he has. But thats his claim
RFK said he would stay on ballot in states that were clearly red or blue. He would exit from swing states. Not sure how much control he has. But thats his claim
Seems like as the actual candidate he can determine whether or not he is on a ballot. If a State won’t remove him, the obvious question is…..Why???? You know - democracy and all that jazz?
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He will still be on the ballot in some states as it is too late to take him off. May still provide an option for those looking for "anyone but trump/Harris".

Vance better watch his back though...he might get replaced as VP choice....
He will still be on the ballot in some states as it is too late to take him off. May still provide an option for those looking for "anyone but trump/Harris".

Vance better watch his back though...he might get replaced as VP choice....