
A wise budgeter told me if you ignore the small things you will break the budget; if you take care of the small things the big ones will come into greater focus.
And you think that applies to the Federal Government? This is an expense of the Executive branch and has nothing to do with the major expenditures of Congress.
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And you think that applies to the Federal Government? This is an expense of the Executive branch and has nothing to do with the major expenditures of Congress.

I certainly think it SHOULD apply to the federal government.
And the Bidenistas have proven themselves to be budgeters of considerable accomplishment.
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At least the Easter Bunny took a small salary because it only works 1 day a year,..with an uplift condition in its contract if it works halloween
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And you think that applies to the Federal Government? This is an expense of the Executive branch and has nothing to do with the major expenditures of Congress.
There are lots of expenses of the executive branch and they hardly have nothing to do with major expenditures. A lot of them are small expenditures. Together they total over $2 trillion and it really might be worthwhile to pay more attention to those small things. The small things
There are lots of expenses of the executive branch and they hardly have nothing to do with major expenditures. A lot of them are small expenditures. Together they total over $2 trillion and it really might be worthwhile to pay more attention to those small things. The small things
Celtic is another apologist for bloated over reaching govt.
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If Trump wins, prepare for the deficit to continue to rise astronomically and nothing to be said about it. Saw it for four years, why would it be any different this time around?
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If Trump wins, prepare for the deficit to continue to rise astronomically and nothing to be said about it. Saw it for four years, why would it be any different this time around?
Yep. Until we scrap base line budgeting and refuse to give the POTUS a line item veto, the budget will continue to explode.
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Kinda funny but unsurprising that you seem to have forgotten about Covid and the idiotic way Congress, misled by Fauci and Birx, handled it.
No, I haven't forgotten about Covid which showed Trump couldn't deal with a crisis. He was running for reelection and put himself above the country (let's play down Covid so I can be reelected). He did nothing to show leadership and guide the country through it. It also seems that Fauci and Birx worked for him. Maybe he could have come back and be President again, but he drove the country further downhill with everything he did before and after the election. And he continues to make it worse. But go right ahead and blame others for his problems because he didn't do anything wrong - that's all you do right?
lol remember listen to the experts ie fauci, brix, believe in science. Racist for trying to stop travel from infected countries. Remember pelosi and schumer come to the usa we are open. Got the vax lol which yall hated then mandated and fired people for not taking it. Had death toll from covid till slo joe was elected then poof. I believe as many people died under slo joe as did under trump. Great leadership in the blue states put seniors, with covid, back in nursing homes/assisted living with covid free residents. Layoff all the workers then claim you created jobs smdh. Remember no service members has died on his watch and he is the first black female president and he beat medicare.
lol remember listen to the experts ie fauci, brix, believe in science. Racist for trying to stop travel from infected countries. Remember pelosi and schumer come to the usa we are open. Got the vax lol which yall hated then mandated and fired people for not taking it. Had death toll from covid till slo joe was elected then poof. I believe as many people died under slo joe as did under trump. Great leadership in the blue states put seniors, with covid, back in nursing homes/assisted living with covid free residents. Layoff all the workers then claim you created jobs smdh. Remember no service members has died on his watch and he is the first black female president and he beat medicare.
Also ramped up vent production. Sent 2 med ships to NY for extra hospital capacity and also had to defend himself from a frivilous impeachment and participated in briefings. If anything, Trump made himself more visible than he should.
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