RIP Russ

RIP Russ your a DGD you got a coach fired and brought a DGD home. Party with Munson up there.
Yes he was. Filled in nicely. Glad I was there to see the change over and see him one more time. I feel for the Seiler's. He lived a long life for a bulldog. Mine lived to be 13 1/2. They are great dogs!
It sucks but it's like akc with there redicules standards. Killing this bread
I know about the breed..have had English Bulldogs for over 30 years. The breed is fine..Russ lived to his life expectancy.
Thanks for the info I always heard it was not in good shape.
I would think we are going to have to expand the cemetary soon.

Remember the old cemetery outside the west end zone before they closed it in and built the mausoleum? I Think the mausoleum is awesome and unique, HOWEVER, only those with some south side tix and end zone can see it. Not to mention, during off season, you can't show anybody like you used to. But cool they'll always be a part of the stadium.

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