Mowing my yard yesterday afternoon when a yellowish green cloud of pine pollon blew across my yard. Almost immediately I started getting dizzy. Stopped the mower before I fell off and made it in the house and kept getting worse. Having to old on to something to walk down my hall to fall on my bed, then the nausea started in followed by dry heaves after I staggered to bath room and fell back on the bed. This went on for a couple hours. My son came over and found me disoriented, dry heaving and said we were going to hospital. By this time I could barely stand from the dizziness. We get to the ER and the place is spinning, I start the dry heaving again, tip here, you want attention start dry heaving. I go back in and immediately get a shot to stop the nausia, which it did. Then the shot to stop the dizziness, which it didn't. After a quick check of my ears I have an infamed ear, followed by bloodwork that determines I am somehow dehydrated. A pill for the inflamed ear, another pill for the dizziness followed by a bag of anti dehydration fluid. About half way through the bag I start feeling pretty good, room is slowing down, nauisness is leaving me. But before the bag completes it all comes back almost as bad as the beginning. Then its decided I need a catscan. Hospital in my little town doesn't have a machine so its an hour and half round trip in an ambulance to a hospital that does. As I am being loaded up, paramedics take my blood pressure, one ask "do you have a headache?" I say no, and she says are you sure, shows her pardner the machine and he takes out his stethoscope and both start taking my blood pressure. I am thinking this can't be real good, it wasn't. My normal bp is 130 over 75, first one was getting 290 over 190, the second was getting 140 over 80, using different arms at the same time. I guess one machine was malfunctioning. Anyway off for the cat scan, which turned out good, no leaks or any previous leaks, which I thought was pretty good considering all the knocks on this old head over the years.
Surprisingly I am starting to feel better, no nauisness in 2-3 hours, room is starting to stay still when I turn my head. So I was told the combination of being dehydrated, with an inflamed ear was causing this issue and that I was being sent home. That was about an hour ago, the steroids are keepinig me away, so lucky I have no NCAA test today. I seem back to normal. Son spent the night at hospital with me and now getting ready for work. I don't really know what happened, but I can't sleep, feel guilty about keeping him up all night and him having to go into work today.
Always been a tough old Dawg, but that was a pretty scarey event, thought I was having or had had a stroke, I tested all the limb movement I could and all seemed to work, didn't think I was slurry my words but wasn't sure and was so damn dizzy I couldn't use my cell. Sorry for taking up the space here, but too hyped up from the roids to sleep right now.
Surprisingly I am starting to feel better, no nauisness in 2-3 hours, room is starting to stay still when I turn my head. So I was told the combination of being dehydrated, with an inflamed ear was causing this issue and that I was being sent home. That was about an hour ago, the steroids are keepinig me away, so lucky I have no NCAA test today. I seem back to normal. Son spent the night at hospital with me and now getting ready for work. I don't really know what happened, but I can't sleep, feel guilty about keeping him up all night and him having to go into work today.
Always been a tough old Dawg, but that was a pretty scarey event, thought I was having or had had a stroke, I tested all the limb movement I could and all seemed to work, didn't think I was slurry my words but wasn't sure and was so damn dizzy I couldn't use my cell. Sorry for taking up the space here, but too hyped up from the roids to sleep right now.