helos plus 400K more troops. Our military...... end strength again is being cut. Now, with Barry effing up Syria, Libya, the Muslim Spring, Yemen, totally destroying Israeli relationship while giving love to Cuba, flushing Gitmo and trading a deserter for 5 bad guys, labeling ISIS as JV, more Americans unemployed than anytime since the depression, the disaster that is Obama care, flooding the borders with dependent, unskilled and maybe criminal illegals, ignoring Chinese military buildup, unleashing the IRS and EPA upon it's citizens and perhaps most recently this sellout to Iran....damnb.
How is anyone supposed to feel good somebody had their finger on the pulse of this growing Russan threat.
In the meantime, he has flushed out decent senior leadership, called fort hood domestic violence and fails to recognize a war with radical Islam.
This situation is surreal. If a Conservative can't win the WH with this about of ammo on their side....we are hosed as a nation.
Why isn't there a compressed list of failures presented by the GOP in advertisements to wake folks up. I am sure the above is a partial list. D,JD. GOP....get the eff after it.... attack and show solutions. Or, let's admit the GOP is as destructive as is the DNC.
The IRAN deal alone.....if I were in Congress (God help us), I would be using all of the above examples to emphasize no one in their right mind should trust Obama with any such deal. He's a proven loser (throw in all he failed green energy crap) on every topic.
The Chamberlin of our time....if not, the Woodrow Wilson of our time. Pathetic.
This post was edited on 4/12 12:16 PM by 30Adawg
How is anyone supposed to feel good somebody had their finger on the pulse of this growing Russan threat.
In the meantime, he has flushed out decent senior leadership, called fort hood domestic violence and fails to recognize a war with radical Islam.
This situation is surreal. If a Conservative can't win the WH with this about of ammo on their side....we are hosed as a nation.
Why isn't there a compressed list of failures presented by the GOP in advertisements to wake folks up. I am sure the above is a partial list. D,JD. GOP....get the eff after it.... attack and show solutions. Or, let's admit the GOP is as destructive as is the DNC.
The IRAN deal alone.....if I were in Congress (God help us), I would be using all of the above examples to emphasize no one in their right mind should trust Obama with any such deal. He's a proven loser (throw in all he failed green energy crap) on every topic.
The Chamberlin of our time....if not, the Woodrow Wilson of our time. Pathetic.
This post was edited on 4/12 12:16 PM by 30Adawg