Saw license plate yesterday, "1000101"


War Daddy
May 29, 2001
Only thing I could figure out is 1000101 is binary for 69. Figured that's what he was going for.
Coworker "says" he got "4NICK8" by dmv several years ago. That seems too easy.
I like trying to figure out this stuff...I'm bored.
Orthal James Simpson's ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson had

LATE4ADATE on OJ's lamborghini. moral to story...don't mess with The Juice.
You are way smarter than you need to be. I would never have guessed that was binary for 69.
my penis is so large it's physiologically impossible for me to do 1000101

one of draw backs of being hung like a bull.
Sitting in traffic leaving Gulfstream. Had plenty of time to ponder.

Figured engineer nerd driving, so I started decipherin' binary.
Did you hear about the naive guy who picked up a prostitute?

She offered a 69, they moved into position, she let 2 farts and he got up to leave and said "I just don't think I can take 67 more of those."
judeo christian missionary style......'less she and i get sauced-up

then anything goes on my 1979 model waterbed.