So a situation found myself in last Tuesday


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
At my retirement job , I had this female co worker friend . We talked stock market and law enforcement matters .

She very smart but had a lot in her life that had happen to her. Anyway I knew she was thinking about quitting and what her future plans were.

Well I have heard stories from others about how she went off on people in the office . I never experienced her fire until Tuesday . She started going off on me . I snapped back and said you want to quit so quit why make work life hell for everyone around you? So she wrote out a one sentence resignation letter and we haven’t spoken since .

Everyone thinks she was so attach to me that she had to get mad at me to justify her leaving and I gave her the reason she was looking for and needed .

Cooperate drama is much different and harder than squad room drama . I never experience anything like cooperate drama . Y’all cooperate are wag . Grow a pair dang . It’s always something.
I’m still experimenting some pain but a little better . My blood work was ok but my iron levels were low . So freeze the ham