So Barry is critical of the Saudi's efforts in Yeman. The very man who


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
can't point to a single foreign policy success. What the Saudis do regarding a threat on their border should never draw a critical comment from a guy who has lied about everything. No fan of Saudi but whatever happens between Saudi on the ground in Yeman or, at sea with Iranian/Saudi warships loitering about....can all point back to failures of Barry.
I'm becoming more of a fan of the current Middle East policy as time goes

By on it.

Keep our troops out, let the locals handle it, promote equality amongst nations there, remove despots
So you are a fan of failure. Got it. Now, go work for the EPA to

spy upon hotel patrons in order to detect the excessive use of water during a shower. That should keep you busy. Pretty sure Barry will give you a weapon.
What policy? Yemen just another Obama success story, just like

you Barry is totally clueless.
yemen, saudi arabia, bahrain, kuwait... that will take care of the middle east... columbia, panama, then on to mexico and the us before the next election and it will be checkmate... the revolution will be complete... europe will fold like a bad hand.