So Harris’ big economic policy is to end price gouging from grocery stores….


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 20, 2002
charleston sc usa
Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
Probably what most think causes it. Either she is dumb or thinks everyone else is.
Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.

Government price controls AND a high federal minimum wage AND new taxes AND higher crime. Just to show they have absolutely no clue whatever how an economy works. Go out and blame the result of inflation rather than addressing the cause. Food shortages in cities, here we come.
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Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
But it worked great in the USSR. They staved about 5 million people to death but prices were controlled.
Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
So then we’ll deal with food shortages. Never thinks past the first step. Next thing you know, she’ll import kudzu to prevent soil erosion. Oh yeah govt already did that.
Mao really pumped those numbers up in his day eh?

Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
It's everyone else's fault.
They already have your healthcare and now they are coming for your groceries. If they can save me as much on my groceries as they did on my health insurance... I can see it coming now, food stamps for all.
They already have your healthcare and now they are coming for your groceries. If they can save me as much on my groceries as they did on my health insurance... I can see it coming now, food stamps for all.
When asked about ten different aspects of Harris’s public record — on issues as varied as her sponsorship of the Green New Deal, abolishing ICE, and eliminating private health insurance — between 71% and 86% of these Democrats and Independents said they either had not heard of Harris’s position or were unsure. — Media Research Center

Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
Grocery stores used to have the lowest profit margins among businesses. Let’s see if we can just make off of them go broke! I’d like to see Kamala grow her own door or hunt for her own meat. Anyone that votes for that women should be declared mentally incompetent.
Grocery stores used to have the lowest profit margins among businesses. Let’s see if we can just make off of them go broke! I’d like to see Kamala grow her own door or hunt for her own meat. Anyone that votes for that women should be declared mentally incompetent.
Heard Charles Payne today and he said that grocery stores had a profit margin of 1.2% last year, lowest ever. They’re not price gouging with those profit margins.
Heard Charles Payne today and he said that grocery stores had a profit margin of 1.2% last year, lowest ever. They’re not price gouging with those profit
Sounds about right, use to be 2-3%. C-stores 4-6%. Believe that is without the CTO for corporate offices.

Oh well, maybe “KAMALA” wants to put them all out of bizness and the gov can come & scoop them up, pennies on a dollar.

Then again, I may be giving her too much credit.
Sounds about right, use to be 2-3%. C-stores 4-6%. Believe that is without the CTO for corporate offices.

Oh well, maybe “KAMALA” wants to put them all out of bizness and the gov can come & scoop them up, pennies on a dollar.

Then again, I may be giving her too much credit.
Just heard it again from Larry Kudlow, grocery store 1.2%, beef, pork and chicken producers 4-5%.
He said that if you really want to go after corporations that have high profit margins then go after Amazon, Apple and Nividia that have profit margins in the 35-45% range.
Probably what most think causes it. Either she is dumb or thinks everyone else is.
This is working bigly. Keep it up, but most importantly, when he says it yell and cheer like it's a goal line stand in the fourth quarter and your D is on the field with a one score lead.
you are wrong guys... she is not going to price control for gouging. She said she was going after price guager's.

Non the less. She and her supporters are exposing themselves as the socialist/communist anti America capitalist they are.
Oh well, maybe “KAMALA” wants to put them all out of bizness and the gov can come & scoop them up, pennies on a dollar.
They already control healthcare and now they are coming for the food supply. From the water restriction battles being fought out west to now going after grocery store profits, it appears the statist are setting up a problem they must fix with federal government controls.
They already control healthcare and now they are coming for the food supply. From the water restriction battles being fought out west to now going after grocery store profits, it appears the statist are setting up a problem they must fix with federal government controls.
Speaking of insurance, mine is through a private company. Would prefer to keep it that way versus “Universal” or Medicare unless proven otherwise.
Speaking of insurance, mine is through a private company. Would prefer to keep it that way versus “Universal” or Medicare unless proven otherwise.
Im a business owner that is forced to buy thru the market place. Im doing well enough to pay the increase but most of my employees (that average between 85 and 90K per yr) cant even pay for a family plan if I kick in a couple of hundred per month. Basically, I now have what was considered a catastropic policy but a Rolls Royce price tag. I dont want KH screwing with my groceries.
Yes putting caps on how much money private business can make is legal and totally in keeping with the principles of capitalism.

But what is more insulting is that more than anything this is an attempt to pin inflation on someone else. In this case evil big corporations.

If anyone knows anything about the grocery business they know that they run on razor thin margins.

How quickly the dems forgot about the “heroes on the frontlines” during Covid bagging our groceries. Harris is effectively sanctioning the gutting of the grocery industry. That’s good policy. I hope those Harris voters remember this when their local food lion closes.

Her policy can best be described as Pedro’s promises in Napoleon Dynamite. If you vote for her all your wildest dreams will come true.
Remember it’s price gauging with Karmela

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