NonDawg So I just read that a few minutes ago


Mama tried to raise me better
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
Several players on the US Women's Soccer team turned their back on a 92 year old veteran who played the national anthem on his harmonica.

The heck with those heifers if true. Go Mexico!
Several players on the US Women's Soccer team turned their back on a 92 year old veteran who played the national anthem on his harmonica.

The heck with those heifers if true. Go Mexico!

With all due respect, what’s the point in posting this? What are we trying to accomplish?

I couldn’t care less about the women’s soccer team, and I’d be willing to bet that three hours ago, you couldn’t either.
Did they win?

the problem is we watch what athletes do before the game. Don’t give them any press and the issue will go away.
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Did they win?

the problem is we watch what athletes do before the game. Don’t give them any press and the issue will go away.
Well they used to be a great example of sportsmanship, hard work , respect and teamwork.

Now it’s hey I can kick or throw a ball so you have to listen to me or you’re a racist or sexist.
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Did they win?

the problem is we watch what athletes do before the game. Don’t give them any press and the issue will go away.

The problem is they literally represent the U.S.. I know I would reconsider my support for the UGAA if they had a segment of the UGA athletes actively disrespecting the school and didn't condemn their actions at a minimum. If you are so disgusted by an institution, I don't know why you would perform on a stage in the name of that institution.
As usual, right wing media runs with a false story, and Trumpers don’t verify (it took me ten seconds to figure this out). The flag in the stadium was facing the other way, and a couple of players faced the flag with their hands over their hearts. When the anthem was over, they turned towards the veteran and applauded enthusiastically. Google US Women’s Soccer Team.
As usual, right wing media runs with a false story, and Trumpers don’t verify (it took me ten seconds to figure this out). The flag in the stadium was facing the other way, and a couple of players faced the flag with their hands over their hearts. When the anthem was over, they turned towards the veteran and applauded enthusiastically. Google US Women’s Soccer Team.

Maybe you should have duck duck goed because there is literally a video. The video clearly shows some of the athletes facing one way with their hands over their hearts, some facing the same direction with their hands behind their backs and others faced in another direction with their hands behind their backs.
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I think some players were facing the flag while others were facing the veteran. Only saw a short clip so I could be wrong.
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I think some players were facing the flag while others were facing the veteran. Only saw a short clip so I could be wrong.

And I've seen "right wing media" present angles that show what you are talking about. My point is if you rely on Google, CNN, WAPO or the NYT, you will get the type of coverage you condemn except with a different spin. Those outlets are also slow to show the other side of the story.

Now, I'm not suggesting that everyone takes what the Gateway Pundit says as the gospel but I don't think you can dismiss stories when they provide direct quotes or documents. I don't take stories based on anonymous sources as pure fact from right wing sources and I think the MSM has proven they aren't to be trusted either.
With all due respect, what’s the point in posting this? What are we trying to accomplish?

I couldn’t care less about the women’s soccer team, and I’d be willing to bet that three hours ago, you couldn’t either.

But aren’t we suppose to hold them in high regard as a role model for young girls who strive to work through all injustices of a white male world?

Not only that, now they must fight the transgender movement to protect the strides they have made to elevate women’s sports.

So with that, the fact they spit on the legacy of a vet shows just how shallow and ignorant they are. They act like spoiled children, not like adults who should be a role model for how adults respect authority.
But aren’t we suppose to hold them in high regard as a role model for young girls who strive to work through all injustices of a white male world?

Not only that, now they must fight the transgender movement to protect the strides they have made to elevate women’s sports.

So with that, the fact they spit on the legacy of a vet shows just how shallow and ignorant they are. They act like spoiled children, not like adults who should be a role model for how adults respect authority.

I'm no fan of all that BS National Anthem protesting that seems to be becoming more commonplace, but let's dial back the hyperbole a little bit. Nobody "spit on the legacy of a vet"... though I will agree that this turning away from the flag and/ or kneeling during the Anthem is childish.
But aren’t we suppose to hold them in high regard as a role model for young girls who strive to work through all injustices of a white male world?

Not only that, now they must fight the transgender movement to protect the strides they have made to elevate women’s sports.

So with that, the fact they spit on the legacy of a vet shows just how shallow and ignorant they are. They act like spoiled children, not like adults who should be a role model for how adults respect authority.
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I hate to guess at a number but I've played in hundreds of events where the anthem was played and it really is not complicated. If a mediocre high school coach can get 60 or 70 boys to respectfully face the flag for a few minutes, I'd think a U.S. national team coach could get 20 adult women up to speed on the protocol.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over this but intentional or not there isnt a good excuse for a U.S. national team to leave any doubt.
Several players on the US Women's Soccer team turned their back on a 92 year old veteran who played the national anthem on his harmonica.

The heck with those heifers if true. Go Mexico!
Well, half the players were looking left and the others were looking down. So, if you say the ones who turned their backs were 'looking at the US flag'... then what the heck were the others doing? And vice versa.

We all know what this was. A bunch of spoiled A$$ B!itches who don't deserve to even be on the field with that vet getting all full of themselves because the democrats at CNN and NYT fill their head full of lies thinking that hating USA is cool. Yawn.

I hope they all get huge concussions.
Well, half the players were looking left and the others were looking down. So, if you say the ones who turned their backs were 'looking at the US flag'... then what the heck were the others doing? And vice versa.

We all know what this was. A bunch of spoiled A$$ B!itches who don't deserve to even be on the field with that vet getting all full of themselves because the democrats at CNN and NYT fill their head full of lies thinking that hating USA is cool. Yawn.

I hope they all get huge concussions.
I was thinking more of a raging yeast infection coupled with a gushing flow month.
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And I've seen "right wing media" present angles that show what you are talking about. My point is if you rely on Google, CNN, WAPO or the NYT, you will get the type of coverage you condemn except with a different spin. Those outlets are also slow to show the other side of the story.

Now, I'm not suggesting that everyone takes what the Gateway Pundit says as the gospel but I don't think you can dismiss stories when they provide direct quotes or documents. I don't take stories based on anonymous sources as pure fact from right wing sources and I think the MSM has proven they aren't to be trusted either.
There is little "mainstream media". We have one major conservative leaning outlet and many leftist media outlets.
Well, half the players were looking left and the others were looking down. So, if you say the ones who turned their backs were 'looking at the US flag'... then what the heck were the others doing? And vice versa.

We all know what this was. A bunch of spoiled A$$ B!itches who don't deserve to even be on the field with that vet getting all full of themselves because the democrats at CNN and NYT fill their head full of lies thinking that hating USA is cool. Yawn.

I hope they all get huge concussions.
I do not wish for concussions but I think otherwise you are spot on regardless of the details of this one event.

They are absolutely full of themselves, pumped full of it by the leftist media.
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Several players on the US Women's Soccer team turned their back on a 92 year old veteran who played the national anthem on his harmonica.

The heck with those heifers if true. Go Mexico!
F them
Non story. Players were either facing forward like normal or turning to the right (the viewers left) to face where the flags were next to the scoreboard. Mexico players did the same. *sigh*
Non story. Players were either facing forward like normal or turning to the right (the viewers left) to face where the flags were next to the scoreboard. Mexico players did the same. *sigh*
This isn’t a new thing for this group. They have been disrespecting the flag every chance some of them get. Not all of them however. That being said, they all should know they are being watched in situations like these. There really aren’t any rookies in the group either. This will continue with this team as well unfortunately. I didn’t see a ton there, but all of the girls were forewarned about this. They shouldn’t leave it to chance either.
This isn’t a new thing for this group. They have been disrespecting the flag every chance some of them get. Not all of them however. That being said, they all should know they are being watched in situations like these. There really aren’t any rookies in the group either. This will continue with this team as well unfortunately. I didn’t see a ton there, but all of the girls were forewarned about this. They shouldn’t leave it to chance either.
Exactly! it would be believed if the women’s soccer team didn’t have a history of the disrespect.
This isn’t a new thing for this group. They have been disrespecting the flag every chance some of them get. Not all of them however. That being said, they all should know they are being watched in situations like these. There really aren’t any rookies in the group either. This will continue with this team as well unfortunately. I didn’t see a ton there, but all of the girls were forewarned about this. They shouldn’t leave it to chance either.
As someone who actually watches the sport, the outrage from everyone is absurd. Not only was this specific event a non-story since nothing "disrespectful" happened...but the amount of ignorance from the general public on what the women have had to endure is what makes this even more laughable. As a father of a daughter who plays the sport at a highly competitive level, you all have literally no clue about the level of disrespect they get compared to the men/boys in terms of access even from a very young age.
As someone who actually watches the sport, the outrage from everyone is absurd. Not only was this specific event a non-story since nothing "disrespectful" happened...but the amount of ignorance from the general public on what the women have had to endure is what makes this even more laughable. As a father of a daughter who plays the sport at a highly competitive level, you all have literally no clue about the level of disrespect they get compared to the men/boys in terms of access even from a very young age.
I have two daughters that play and played college soccer. Never saw any level of disrespect on my end. Maybe you have a different experience. Also, You think I don’t know this team backwards and forwards. There are about five players who respect the flag at all times. The rest have all taken turns not respecting it at one time or another. They even talked about at the last World Cup that they like to be the over celebrating villains. They are the best team in the world without a doubt, but this issue has been around for a long time with most of them. Been playing or coaching the sport on and off since I was a five year old as well. Been playing five dollars a game with a friend thru the euros and copa. Sorry your daughter went thru that.
I have two daughters that play and played college soccer. Never saw any level of disrespect on my end. Maybe you have a different experience. Also, You think I don’t know this team backwards and forwards. There are about five players who respect the flag at all times. The rest have all taken turns not respecting it at one time or another. They even talked about at the last World Cup that they like to be the over celebrating villains. They are the best team in the world without a doubt, but this issue has been around for a long time with most of them. Been playing or coaching the sport on and off since I was a five year old as well. Been playing five dollars a game with a friend thru the euros and copa. Sorry your daughter went thru that.
It's replicable to what many on the US Women's team face and why we shouldn't be upset at women for their actions or inactions around anything outside the game itself. There isn't any rule or law that says you have to stand, cover your heart, face or anything the flag for athletes. The false outrage over the USWNT "respecting the flag" is disrespectful as it's primarily from non-fans of the sport much less the women's game. They have no clue of the history of disrespect they receive. I am honestly more surprised at how you never saw any level of disrespect at any point as a parent or coach of your daughters playing the sport. Is it because you didn't have a son playing as well (like I do) or played the sport at a high level for comparison? It's frankly shocking.