So...Is Richt Done If We Lose To GT?*

He is already done. It just hasn't been announced. He was done after the way he lost to Florida again. He will retire after the end of the season.
I thought/think that a loss or any combination of losses to any of the last three opponents would mean the end. One to go. I think if he beats tech he stays - but just my unknowing opinion.
I hope he wins out, hires a great OC and wins Us a title or 2.

I will miss what he brings to The University and just having a man like that as one of Us if he does leave.

Richt losing control of his job
He is already done. It just hasn't been announced. He was done after the way he lost to Florida again. He will retire after the end of the season.

My thoughts too. He's still young enough for him and Katharyn to do things outside of football they've always wanted to do. They're grandparents now too.
My thoughts too. He's still young enough for him and Katharyn to do things outside of football they've always wanted to do. They're grandparents now too.
He could open up a mission in Flordia or in Africa. Could open up a boys and girls club for the pore parts of Atlanta. He could go to isrial or help the Syria refuges. He is good liar to could go political route.
My thoughts too. He's still young enough for him and Katharyn to do things outside of football they've always wanted to do. They're grandparents now too.
So just because your old does not mean you can still have fun.
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So just because your old does not mean you can still have fun.

Seriously? You got this out of my post? Being HC in SEC is pretty much 24/7 365 days a year. Family and missions are important to him. Katharyn's already had one scare. Just saying, if you got the $$, go have fun! Do what you want to do....Can't take it with you.
Seriously? You got this out of my post? Being HC in SEC is pretty much 24/7 365 days a year. Family and missions are important to him. Katharyn's already had one scare. Just saying, if you got the $$, go have fun! Do what you want to do....Can't take it with you.
No I'm sorry trying to say yea your Richt
No I'm sorry trying to say yea your Richt

Ok, thanks! : ) Just think, especially with Katharyn's cancer scare, they were very lucky, give it up and go do what you like to do best. Family!