his boat was new . I asked who boat and he said his . Asked when he got it and he said last month.
He probably had about two hundred dollars worth of fishing gear and yes he got a ticket . I decided he could afford the ticket .
There been a few times where a person said that too me and I believe it and I also said we didn't talk today BUT the license is this much ____ . I'm not going out of my way to check you next time BUT if I do see you again I won't cut you the same break as I'm doing now .
He probably had about two hundred dollars worth of fishing gear and yes he got a ticket . I decided he could afford the ticket .
There been a few times where a person said that too me and I believe it and I also said we didn't talk today BUT the license is this much ____ . I'm not going out of my way to check you next time BUT if I do see you again I won't cut you the same break as I'm doing now .