So this man told me he couldn't afford fishing license BUT


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
his boat was new . I asked who boat and he said his . Asked when he got it and he said last month.

He probably had about two hundred dollars worth of fishing gear and yes he got a ticket . I decided he could afford the ticket .

There been a few times where a person said that too me and I believe it and I also said we didn't talk today BUT the license is this much ____ . I'm not going out of my way to check you next time BUT if I do see you again I won't cut you the same break as I'm doing now .
seems like you would be tired of pretending to be this character by now? Honestly...
his boat was new . I asked who boat and he said his . Asked when he got it and he said last month.

He probably had about two hundred dollars worth of fishing gear and yes he got a ticket . I decided he could afford the ticket .

There been a few times where a person said that too me and I believe it and I also said we didn't talk today BUT the license is this much ____ . I'm not going out of my way to check you next time BUT if I do see you again I won't cut you the same break as I'm doing now .
Making no judgement other than you exercised discretion and that's refreshing!
Come on over . Get a out of state license though .
I don't have to buy a license in Fl. or Ga. Why would I want to go back in time 75 years to visit bammer. The roads are wore out and would chip my Z06. Caught 63 specks on Dead Lake last weak. Most of the people in bammer are salt of the earth-but with low IQ's. You can fun them very easily.