So why did the Roman Catholic church decide to claim and celebrate


Pillar of the DawgVent
May 29, 2001
the birth of Jesus on 12/25? I can't find that date anywhere in the Bible.
the birth of Jesus on 12/25? I can't find that date anywhere in the Bible.

What does it matter? You expect any book written by human beings or even captured short hand from a higher being's dictation to have multiple links and references for corroboration? Do you expect the same of any piece of literature or poetry or music? Whether those writings are all supernaturally inspired or not, the basic Message is clear enough for those who care to follow it. The decorations and the ceremonies, the buildings, the art and the trappings of man's pitiful effort to be a part of it all are just another form of Monday morning quarterbacking......nothing more than fodder for shallow argument by shallow folks.
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the birth of Jesus on 12/25? I can't find that date anywhere in the Bible.

Date was chosen out of convenience and fit some pagan celebrations of people the Catholic Church was attempting to attract.

The point of the date is the point of his birth, not the date.

His birth is documented in the Bible. Not sure the name of the pediatrician. .....
Dec. 25 was chosen to go along with a pagan celebration already occurring in England. "Christians" wanted some big celebrations like the Jewish people had. Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) was actually born around Oct 3 by our gentile calendar, which is actually the first day of the year on the Jewish calendar. This first day changes over time on the Jewish calendar, but always in Sept-Oct on the gentile calendar.

Easter is also often on the wrong day. It is supposed to be during Passover, when Yeshua was crucified. But the gentile calendar re-arranges it. Easter was named after Ishtar, who was worshiped by the pagans. Once again a pagan holiday, on order by Constantine. Constantine hated the Jews immensely. BTW, Martin Luther was very anti-Semitic too.

It is VERY important that as Christians we recognize our Jewish roots. I recommend a quick, easy to read 39 page book "Why Christians Should Care About Their Jewish Roots" by Nancy Petrey. Genesis 12:3 is crucial!!!!!!!
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