So why is this place so dead? I hop over every now and again to see what the far right has to say...


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Aug 8, 2001
these days. Have the ring leaders here taken a leftist move and scared the righties away? What gives?
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these days. Have the ring leaders here taken a leftist move and scared the righties away? What gives?
They are working on being fake middle dwellers. Who are afraid to tell their friends they are closeted lefties. The ultra cool free thinkers. Who claim to have voted for Reagan. Yet now defend Biden’s politics like a dog does a bone. Things that make real sense.
Check it out. World is catching on to the game. Now that the legacy media is fading, it's hard to keep the BS going.

This is what you came over here for, right?

wait, name a better example of legacy media - this is in the wsj by a "budding opinion columnust" who has never ever held any other job since college
So, attack the source rather than the content, huh?
on the merits, such as they are, she ascribes "authoritarian impulses" to seemingly any act of the executive and ignores the case that, well, it might -not- be projection.

her principal complaints rest on the executive offering aid to young people and protecting the environment from extractive corporate greed (hardly dictatorial) and she cites as "trumped up" charges re fmr POTUS that are clearly not

indeed the number oversimplifications she posits as settled claims (the supposed refusal to enforce immigration laws, for instance) are the sorts of errors that only in house stooges and partisan hacks make.

it's an opinion piece in the Murdoch rag. get over it

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Since you didn’t like it, can we count on this being your last visit?
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who said they didn't like it? Just seems pretty dead space. I'm seeing famous people in here posting and hardly getting a response. Well, every dog has his day. Y'all take care.
on the merits, such as they are, she ascribes "authoritarian impulses" to seemingly any act of the executive and ignores the case that, well, it might -not- be projection.

her principal complaints rest on the executive offering aid to young people and protecting the environment from extractive corporate greed (hardly dictatorial) and she cites as "trumped up" charges re fmr POTUS that are clearly not

indeed the number oversimplifications she posits as settled claims (the supposed refusal to enforce immigration laws, for instance) are the sorts of errors that only in house stooges and partisan hacks make.

it's an opinion piece in the Murdoch rag. get over it

the relief to young people and the climate actions he accomplishes with taxpayer money without approval of the taxpayers or in most instances Congress. Refusal to protect the borders or enforce border laws is done without approval of the citizenry and, in more normal times, would be considered violations of his oath of office. Sounds authoritarian to me.
the relief to young people and the climate actions he accomplishes with taxpayer money without approval of the taxpayers or in most instances Congress. Refusal to protect the borders or enforce border laws is done without approval of the citizenry and, in more normal times, would be considered violations of his oath of office. Sounds authoritarian to me.
it's not and not here fairly characterized

my point in responding regarding the source- was to nod to Prof. Cock, who rightly chastises legacy media BS, but to do so cites/shares the worst sort of legacy media BS
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these days. Have the ring leaders here taken a leftist move and scared the righties away? What gives?
Honestly, I think it is the other way around. The Chat lefties have been beat to death on everything they post, with 80% negative responses right out of the gate. Few bother to post or respond, anymore. We've lost a lot of them.

It's tough when there's no one to back you up or help to explain a position. And a few of the responses are just blind hatred, not anything that you can discuss.
Honestly, I think it is the other way around. The Chat lefties have been beat to death on everything they post, with 80% negative responses right out of the gate. Few bother to post or respond, anymore. We've lost a lot of them.

It's tough when there's no one to back you up or help to explain a position. And a few of the responses are just blind hatred, not anything that you can discuss.
That's like saying if everyone driving a 1979 Volkswagen would get off the road there would be no traffic jams in Atlanta.

Yes, this place has always been a harbor for the lefties.
My take: The Georgia loss to Bama has caused depression for many of us. I can relate. On here, it appears it has taken away the excitement over the world coming to an end. With all that's going on right now, shocked to see such little action over here. You can see that the Cock still wants to play as he is very used to South Carolina's season going in the crapper early. But the rest of you seem down in the dumps.
That's like saying if everyone driving a 1979 Volkswagen would get off the road there would be no traffic jams in Atlanta.

Yes, this place has always been a harbor for the lefties.
Please point out where I said the chat was filled with lefties. I'll wait.

What I did say is that they were always outnumbered on Chat and have gradually quit posting here, to the point that there are very few remaining. That's my experience, YMMV.
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My take: The Georgia loss to Bama has caused depression for many of us. I can relate. On here, it appears it has taken away the excitement over the world coming to an end. With all that's going on right now, shocked to see such little action over here. You can see that the Cock still wants to play as he is very used to South Carolina's season going in the crapper early. But the rest of you seem down in the dumps.
Easy now. But you're probably correct insofar as the past few years I haven't gotten too wigged over CFB. In part because we haven't been very good but also in part because of NIL and the portal. The game has changed for the worse and it's not as much fun as it used to be.
Please point out where I said the chat was filled with lefties. I'll wait.

What I did say is that they were always outnumbered on Chat and have gradually quit posting here, to the point that there are very few remaining. That's my experience, YMMV.
That doesn't explain the dead period here. 95% here have always been very happy to post their feelings, get butt patts and back slaps telling them how right they are. Those elderly men don't go drink their coffee in the morning and chat with their buddies to argue. They go to be told they are right.
That doesn't explain the dead period here. 95% here have always been very happy to post their feelings, get butt patts and back slaps telling them how right they are. Those elderly men don't go drink their coffee in the morning and chat with their buddies to argue. They go to be told they are right.
Certainly, the end of football season has an effect, especially when it ends on a loss and we're out of the playoff. I just think we were losing post volume on this board well before that happened.

You are also correct that people like having their views affirmed, but the bigger rush on a board like this is to be relevant. Some posters on the right can come post here and easily get 3-5 likes on their post. And that's it - there might not be a single response and the thread drops like a rock. "Likes" don't keep your thread at the top of the list.

On the other hand, if your post starts a big discussion, that affirms your point as relevant. Even though the longest threads here are big arguments. One may not like it when somebody takes exception, but you sure aren't going to let that go unanswered.

We really have lost a lot of participation from the left. Although we disagree, the conversation is a lot more lively when there's more than 2-3 guys to take on every topic.
Certainly, the end of football season has an effect, especially when it ends on a loss and we're out of the playoff. I just think we were losing post volume on this board well before that happened.

You are also correct that people like having their views affirmed, but the bigger rush on a board like this is to be relevant. Some posters on the right can come post here and easily get 3-5 likes on their post. And that's it - there might not be a single response and the thread drops like a rock. "Likes" don't keep your thread at the top of the list.

On the other hand, if your post starts a big discussion, that affirms your point as relevant. Even though the longest threads here are big arguments. One may not like it when somebody takes exception, but you sure aren't going to let that go unanswered.

We really have lost a lot of participation from the left. Although we disagree, the conversation is a lot more lively when there's more than 2-3 guys to take on every topic.
The problem I see on here is what you see in a lot of places unfortunately.
We can't disagree anymore without the name calling and being called un-American.
Everyone who posts on here love this country. Maybe one day we all can agree to disagree and remember we are ALL Americans.
Until that day comes, some with different views may just sit on the sideline.
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The problem I see on here is what you see in a lot of places unfortunately.
We can't disagree anymore without the name calling and being called un-American.
Everyone who posts on here love this country. Maybe one day we all can agree to disagree and remember we are ALL Americans.
Until that day comes, some with different views may just sit on the sideline.
NO everyone that posts here does not love this country. You are blind if you believe that. The whole dim party is nothing but a bunch of America haters that want to "fundamentally change" America. SMH your leader obuma told you that is what he wanted and now that he has a puppet in the whitehouse everything that is done is an effort to turn us into some third world socialist paradise. You need more coffee or something because you are asleep at the wheel if you actually believe what you posted above.
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We really have lost a lot of participation from the left. Although we disagree, the conversation is a lot more lively when there's more than 2-3 guys to take on every topic.
a good moment to offer props to Will and Mitchell and (less so recently) Celtic and shonuff who spend the time and stand in like old time boxers despite the hate spewed at them
NO everyone that posts here does not love this country. You are blind if you believe that. The whole dim party is nothing but a bunch of America haters that want to "fundamentally change" America. SMH your leader obuma told you that is what he wanted and now that he has a puppet in the whitehouse everything that is done is an effort to turn us into some third world socialist paradise. You need more coffee or something because you are asleep at the wheel if you actually believe what you posted above.
Q. E. D.
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The problem I see on here is what you see in a lot of places unfortunately.
We can't disagree anymore without the name calling and being called un-American.
Everyone who posts on here love this country. Maybe one day we all can agree to disagree and remember we are ALL Americans.
Until that day comes, some with different views may just sit on the sideline.
Mitchell the sentiment you posted is received. I get what you are saying. I do believe that a lot of democrats don’t like this country. Don’t take my word for it. Take theirs. Athletes kneeling talking about how much America sucks. Even when they are wearing the red, white and blue. The uswnt may have been the most hated unit to ever play for our country. Because they voiced how much they dislike our country.

The focus seems to always be on anything but America. That is impossible to argue these days.

The guys that post here I do agree love this country. Some I believe in their own way. I do agree with could discuss with less discourse. I haven’t been posting here as much. Kckd is right about that. it is recruiting season again. All my kids are home from school. Just better uses for my time.

The real chat regulars are still here. Doing their thing. As we continue to look away from the problems here and keep spending overseas, this is why there is discourse. Country is in a crazy place. The left swears if trump is elected he will be like Hitler. (Hillary’s words). While the left is running around carrying out Hitler’s wishes. Smh. Strange times.
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a good moment to offer props to Will and Mitchell and (less so recently) Celtic and shonuff who spend the time and stand in like old time boxers despite the hate spewed at them

Q. E. D.
@willdup is here every day. I think of this every time he posts the latest attempted "gotcha" from the left wing Twitterverse.

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Your side has a
these days. Have the ring leaders here taken a leftist move and scared the righties away? What gives?
Your side has already dismantled the nation, no need to bitch any longer. I'll just watch the US go out with a whimper! Congratulations. I hop enjoy enjoy your new masters, May your chains rest lightly upon your feet!
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Your side has a

Your side has already dismantled the nation, no need to bitch any longer. I'll just watch the US go out with a whimper! Congratulations. I hop enjoy enjoy your new masters, May your chains rest lightly upon your feet!
Wrong sport. I don't have a side. See, there can be a more nuanced thought than two sides. Imagine if every restaurant in the US only had two choices on the menu and 90 percent were okay with it. The NFL, MLB, NHL and NBA each only had two teams and the vast majority of people were okay with it.

As varied as opinions are on many things outside of politics, don't you think it's kind of strange that the majority agree with 99 percent of the thought on either one side or the other? This is really crazy to think about among the politicians themselves, but when you think about it among the public at large, it should give everyone pause.
Wrong sport. I don't have a side. See, there can be a more nuanced thought than two sides. Imagine if every restaurant in the US only had two choices on the menu and 90 percent were okay with it. The NFL, MLB, NHL and NBA each only had two teams and the vast majority of people were okay with it.

As varied as opinions are on many things outside of politics, don't you think it's kind of strange that the majority agree with 99 percent of the thought on either one side or the other. This is really crazy to think about among the politicians themselves, but when you think about it among the public at large, it should give everyone pause.
If you cared, you would side with the non nation destroying left! I guess you are good with rising cost of goods, crappy service, rising interest, Illegal immigration taxing us to no end and unlimited giveaway of our tax dollars to nations that hate us!
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If you cared, you would side with the non nation destroying left! I guess you are good with rising cost of goods, crappy service, rising interest, Illegal immigration taxing us to no end and unlimited giveaway of our tax dollars to nations that hate us!
I guess I don't care, cause I don't have a side. Is your day to day horrible right now? Lots of other places in the world to live.
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I guess I don't care, cause I don't have a side. Is your day to day horrible right now? Lots of other places in the world to live.
he could join me in Chile

very nice here. in Valparaiso atm. about to get some bebidas.

but I am guessing most would prefer Decatur.
I guess I don't care, cause I don't have a side. Is your day to day horrible right now? Lots of other places in the world to live.
I have a much better place to be after I end my time here. I just hate to see the masses gladly giving their Freedom away for government handouts an "Security". I just hate many brave men died for us to piss it all away with corrupt leaders on both sides, getting rich off the perception of the American dream. They have managed to destroy the American dream and give the goodies to the least deserving of us, Those that do not care to earn their way.
Decatur is ok for now. I prefer my family farm when I retire. It is much quieter than Decatur for sure. I can actually see the stars at night there.
he could join me in Chile

very nice here. in Valparaiso atm. about to get some bebidas.

but I am guessing most would prefer Decatur.
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I actually live in Decatur now. I thought you were commenting on that. It reminded be and my wife of Athens when we first moved here. It has gone down hill in the last 15 years. Most blue lead areas have though.
random choice of towns there tbc
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