Sounds like Joe is calling it quits

I have no sympathy for Biden, he has been a disgrace his whole time as a so called public servant!
He’s done irreparable harm to good hardworking people who didn’t deserve it. He sacrificed them on the altar of the Green New Deal and is saddling them with the student debt of dumbasses. He deserves no sympathy.
Although I’m a big fan of Bill Oriley it’s hard for me to comprehend him getting that scoop on the rest of the media
I imagine he has a somewhat connected source but at this point, I would imagine a lot of decent sources are hearing a lot of different things and many may only be allowing themselves to hear what they want to hear.
Where did you get that?
2/12/88 and again on 5/3/88

“The most noteworthy health incident that Vice President Biden has experienced was his intracranial hemorrhage from a cerebral aneurysm in 1988. His aneurysm was repaired surgically,” wrote Dr. Kevin O’Connor, an associate professor of medicine and the director of executive medicine at George Washington University, who treated Biden at the time.

On May 4, 1984, NYT reported that Biden was "resting comfortably" after his second surgery that year to correct an artery:

"The 4 1/2-hour procedure was similar to that performed Feb. 12 on the left side of Mr. Biden's brain. Under the procedure, a surgeon using a microscope pinches the aneurysm with a clip, bringing the walls of the artery together. The clip remains in the patient."

NYT Article
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The way I see it, Biden holds all the delegates he needs to get the nomination, so the left is threatening him with uncovering his corporations if he doesnt cooperate. He has no choice.
2/12/88 and again on 5/3/88

“The most noteworthy health incident that Vice President Biden has experienced was his intracranial hemorrhage from a cerebral aneurysm in 1988. His aneurysm was repaired surgically,” wrote Dr. Kevin O’Connor, an associate professor of medicine and the director of executive medicine at George Washington University, who treated Biden at the time.

On May 4, 1984, NYT reported that Biden was "resting comfortably" after his second surgery that year to correct an artery:

"The 4 1/2-hour procedure was similar to that performed Feb. 12 on the left side of Mr. Biden's brain. Under the procedure, a surgeon using a microscope pinches the aneurysm with a clip, bringing the walls of the artery together. The clip remains in the patient."

NYT Article
Gee, why didn't the leftist counter your argument? I mean, it comes from a questionable media source, right?!

You gotta love hitting them with the truth and sending them back to their safe space/parent's basement!

Report: Joe Biden Launches Public Relations Campaign to Remain De Facto Nominee​

President Joe Biden reportedly devised a public relations campaign to remain the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee after his disastrous debate performance last week.

The public relations campaign follows a two-day huddle with family members at Camp David to reportedly discuss Biden’s precarious political position. Biden, who many media allies and Democrats said should drop out of the race, will press forward and remain a candidate for president, top officials told Axios.
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He's been in it 45+ Years. Dudes not going to give up power unless they drag him out.
Not to mention I can understand not wanting to go out like that. He may now wish that he was taking a retirement victory tour right now having decided not to run for RE-election a year ago. But that ship has sailed and in his mind bowing out now would allow that debate to completely define his legacy. I can totally understand why he won’t do that. It may still yet define his legacy, but if he can muster a couple decent moments, his defeat may not be quite as humiliating. If it is any consolation Joe you weren’t gonna win a week ago either.
Not to mention I can understand not wanting to go out like that. He may now wish that he was taking a retirement victory tour right now having decided not to run for RE-election a year ago. But that ship has sailed and in his mind bowing out now would allow that debate to completely define his legacy. I can totally understand why he won’t do that. It may still yet define his legacy, but if he can muster a couple decent moments, his defeat may not be quite as humiliating. If it is any consolation Joe you weren’t gonna win a week ago either.
I wouldn’t count on that…..somehow the Dems will magically find the number of votes needed to stay in power.