Speaking of Cankles - here's how she's aged over the years

Bake Ham

Letterman and National Champion
Oct 17, 2012
Creeped me out.


Hilary aging over 50 years
Young Bucktoothed Hillary WOOD™ get it, imo...WIHGS in this pic

from that era, iyvho?

She's almost 90 and I'd still love to meet her, but not Hil no matter how

she looks then or now.
Interesting topic. Mrs. MCD HATES Hillary. Everytime Hillary comes...

on TV for as long as we have been together (since 1997), it just flips a switch in her and she goes off on how phony she is.

I have always been puzzled as to why so many other women seem to get mesmerized by her like she's their Joan of Arc. Even middle of the road "republican" women get this dreamy look over them like she a great, admirable woman.

But true blue conservative women not only don't buy it, but it brings out their inner Mama Grizzly.

Why is that IYO?
Weird, but she looked like Madonna in some of those earlier pics.*


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