Surly Horns second half and OT posts........


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Aug 8, 2001
My apologies if I missed censoring some of the f-bombs and such. This Texas board allows them to post any words they like, so I have to edit after copying and pasting. Just letting the mods know it wasn't intentional.

Salt of the earth Horn:
A couple minutes before that last play I turned to my buddy and said “We need to sack that asshole Beck and give him a shoulder separation. Not career ending, but definitely game ending…. Like a grade one”

You’re welcome.

Foreshadowing Horn:
I want Beck back in 2H. Seen too many games where Texas knocks starting QB out and backup QB just runs roughshod on Texas.

Georgia gets a first down on opening drive

Not a good first down.

f him up now.

We gotta rattle this backup

This little f'er better not be Stetson Bennett V

Ugh, this sucks. Freaking backup gonna beat us

Pride of Texas Horn:
Time for Quinn to get hurt.
It’s only fair

"He's not humble like our guys" Horn: I like him talking s**t…that’ll work out well.

I feel your pain Horn: I hate back up QBs

"Wooderson gave me some awesome weed laced with LSD" Horn:
Be cool if he were because Bennett sucked.
This kid is pretty damn good so far.

Luckie's catch

Great catch there though. S**t.

F*** f***…

Back up qb curse

Of course he catches that. dammit.

Frank Drebin Horn: Sometimes the D just needs some time to adjust. No need to overreact at this juncture. PK and crew need to make adjustments.


"The announcers are always against us" Horn: I wonder who the retard Herbie and Fowler are rooting for?

"I think Herbie might be slightly biased" Horn: F'ing dips**t Curt herbsteeet having an anurysm sucking **** of Georgia Te

The alpha Horn: Situations like this are when the beta fans come out.

Etienne TD, UGA 10 Texas 6

Herbie nutted


oh man... this place is gonna lose its s**t.

Fowler may have just jizzed in his pants.

F***, Etienne.

It is so f'ing unbelievable. Backup QBs Man

F'ing hell


Wataboy cajun: And all the sudden Georgia is stomping us, we suck again.


Superhorn: Kryptonite

Tales of 2024 season's past Horn: Let’s hope this isn’t Marcel Reed vs LSU all over again.

Horns up Willie: We're gonna have to blitz this kid, keep an LB spy in case he gets loose, and trust the secondary in man. Make this kid miss or get through to him.


Airplane! Horn: Calm down, we aren’t losing this one!


Unimpressed Horn: This guys a f'in scrub. F him. We will f him up.

"Stop taking the blue pill" Horn:
I’m a f'ing realist.

Texas may very well win but we just spent a half shooting ourselves in the foot. And now our defense gave life to their f'ing backup QB

We are in trouble right now. Full stop.

And if you don’t think so you need to open your eyes.

Sen. Blutarsky Horn: Wtf! One f'ing td by a qb we weren't planning for and some of you bitchasses are throwing in the towel?!


Refs breaking sodomy laws Horn: Getting f'ed with the flags

Cold sweat Horn: He’s fresh meat in a big game. He should be smoked by our blue chip defense. This should not happen.


Forget the storm troopers, time to go full on Vader Horn: Quit f'ing around. It is time to be the Bad Guy.

Studier of the peripherals Horn: Beck's mom was crying and that dude behind her was smashing some nachos

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman Horn: So many of your guys p*****s get so stretched out you must be typing on your keyboards with the labia skin.


Confident Horn: Fully expect we will adjust to this one quickly like we adjusted to Kentucky's backup after he came in and started making plays. This defense is too smart and experienced not to adjust well.

The Texas response drive is stopped

Damn sark wtf with these calls. It ain't working

Back to back runs. Sark, man.

Yay run the ball into defenders and then get tackled for a loss.

Yeah we're done scoring for the day.

Georgia run D is pretty good. This definitely isn't aggy

F all the way off, Sark. Stretch run on 2nd & 13.

Put in Arch.

16 runs for 38 yards for our RBs and we averaged less than 2 YPC in the first matchup. Stop running the ball. Your interior guys are getting their asses whipped.

Offensive line is getting their ass handed to them

"Whatever the opposite of kryptonite is to Superman, that's what our O is to Georgia" Horn: GA defense is dog s**t u til they face us

"Take them horns off the grill" Horn: We are done.

Fox Mulder Horn: Not conspiracy theory guy but the officiating sure is suspicious. It’s almost like the sec office told the refs, wink wink.

Grinch Horn: I have to go to the first X-mas party of the year after this game. Can't wait to get fired!!

Brady Bunch Horn:
Smart is a clown.
refs have thumbs on scale


Scrappy Doo Horn: Know what? Texas will take your no-calls and bs calls and win anyway.


Feeling like a stepchild Horn: Herbie and Fowler are turning into Gary Danielson and Verne Lundquist when it comes to sucking the SEC off.

Protest Horn: Why even bother playing? Just have the defense not move. And the offense not snap the ball for the remainder of the time. This is completely f'ing rigged.

UT Horns/UT Vols, same-same? Horn: We might as well accept it, Texas will lose because the refs want it to happen. Their stadium and their refs.

Texas gets the stop

Keep hitting this f'er. Make him think

Defense has got this, we just need the offense to come alive.

Dammit, hit him too hard, ball went OOB

Punter injured!

Victory guaranteed!

They ain't beat nobody yet, let's f'ing go!!!!

They beat Georgia Tech in 8 overtimes.

"Sweep the leg, Johnny" Horn:
F yes!

Let's see their 3rd string QB

Glad this Horn not on Texas staff: Kirby will just go for it on any close 4th down now.

Bert Auburn FG attempt

Missed again...f!!!

this f'er cant hit a damned thing

Sark is gonna ride Quinn into a loss. We aren’t winning s**t with Quinn and this offense.

F'ing Bert. We should be up 12-10. F!!

F U! Bert!! You f'ing gingr bitch

Quinn and Bert can both go f yourself in the ufl

God we awe f'ing retarded. I wonder if we have a dual threat on our bench somewhere with a live, accurate arms?
Bert f'ing s**** d****. God he's f'ing horrible this year.

So many great players for Texas and f'ing Ewers is going to f it up for all of them as well as the limp d*** kicker.

"You know, because we completely dominated the juggernaut Big 12 for decades" Horn:
The SEC is hot trash this year
as in, maybe their worst year ever and we still cant win it. Its f'ing embarrassing

"Yards from our opponent's EZ is directly linked to football IQ" Horn: how do we keep playing stupider and stupider the closer we get to their 20

"Horns are America's team" Horn:
We are the Dallas cowboys. Dominate in reg season. Get f'ed post season and will never reach the big match. We have no Qb. No kicker. Go for it on 4th the rest of the f'ing game

Had enough of the Disney and excuse making Horns Horn:

Please tell us to “stop being bitches”.
no. F you. The offense looks good till it f'ing matters then they looks like s**t.
Sark. QBs. Penalties. Whatever.
Defense is going to have to score to win this.

I hope a friend had his phone out and ready to record Horn: My drunk 60 year old ass is about to put on my boots, go out in the street and kick field goals better than Burt

Coach Gary Gaines Horn: How we can be The University of mf'ing Texas and have a kicker who wouldn’t start for most 6A high school teams in this state is f'ing beyond me.

Only in Texas. It's like a movie script Horn: Didn’t the special teams coach marry a stripper?

Etienne explodes down the sideline

Son of a bitch!

and Georgia rips a long one...good God

That f***ing sucks.

F***ing Etienne


Tourette's Syndrom Horn: S**tf**ker. Mf'ingsh**t. F**k.

And that’s all she wrote folks. In the s***tiest sec year. The team that took 9 over times to beat Ga f'ing tech makes us their bitch 2 games in a row

Tip for this Horn: Don't make bets: The good news is we won't be kicking any more FGs.

Seinfeld Horn: QB is not good, would be a real shame if we lose this game with him in.


A horn compliment for Gunner: F your f'in Tebow lite bulls**t QB

Kirby promoted to head SEC official before the game Horn:
Got it now. So Kirby is just calling all the penalties now. That's been happening to our guys all game. Just like the holding and DPIs.
But we haven't done ourselves any favors with the offensive penalties.

The hate is palpable Horn: Does Kirby have a flag buzzer that he gets to use every drive? Cant stand that pudgy ****.

Letting your Big 12 persona shine Horn: This isn’t a do or die game, maybe that’s why I’m not all worked up about it. Some of y’all act like this is the last game of the year no matter what. And with a half ass kicker we’re up 12-10 right now. It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be

UGA 13 Texas 6

"Let's forfeit. That'll show 'em" Horn:

Reality dawns on the Horn: We are the most overrated team in college football

(This has been the most entertaining thing to me in this thread and I'm glad someone finally recognized it)

Thread summary Horn:

This thread is hilarious.

”Why are we running sideways?”

”Why are we running up the middle?”

”Just run the ball!”

”We need our mobile QB.”

”Why are we running? Just throw the damn ball!”

"We can't run the ball on them. It's obvious, but we keep doing it. Bonkers!"

Explanation Horn: A lot of drunk people in here.

Response from a drunk Horn: You’re not wrong but also f**k you. lol

Sark overrated Horn: Damn Georgia Tech, Umass and Miss State a have a better offense then Texas. Who would’ve thought that in August

Horn that forgets the other ten times this game they didn't work: Nice when Sark remembers once every 25 damn plays that inside runs work against this Georgia defense.

Feminist Horn:
Bert sucks....need to axe him and the f'ing punter.

Go get one of our ladies from the women's soccer team.

Texas 13 UGA 13


That's what I'm talking about. F**k Yeah!

Suck that Kirby Bitch!!!!!

There it is. hookem


Have to say I've always like McConaughey. Loved D and C. Probably watched it 20 times. Kind of jealous they get to use his gifs like this with him being a mega Texas fan. Wish we had a big time actor UGA alum who had played iconic roles like him.

STs problem Horn: The Georgia defender came close to blocking the extra point. Need better protection special teams.

Keep quiet Horn: Don't let the staff know. Could possibly change the directory on Auburn's FG kicks and make them good.

Advantage Texas? Horn: Lets see if their backup punter is better than our starter

3rd down stop

F yes, defense!!


Time for UGAs backup punter

Block this

Hopefully their backup punter chokes.

Ominous words Horn: Watch for the fake

Fake punt

MFer, they ran a fake and got it!

Cannot believe we weren't watching for that!

How did we not see that coming. F***!

Special f'ing teams. Holy f.

Damn it!... but....Ballsy….as….f***….

Give it up for the fat f***. That took guts.

That's a brilliant fake. I'm not even mad.

Kirby taking risk to win this.

The Dawgs need some hard hitting for that f**kery!!! F**k these Dawgs!!!!

Keep watching Horn: Probably the play of the game

Evidently, the ST coach is quite the character: He’s got a stripper and a monkey at home. Clearly not the brightest guy in the world.

Could've arrested the Georgia RBs for breaking Texas sodomy laws if not for the Supreme Court Horn:
Their running backs are b*** f'ing us

Bobo appreciation post Horn: Mike Bobo ass killing us we don’t know wtf is going on

The ball bounces in funny ways Horn: My god, we can't get 1 of these fumbles.
Man, they keep getting these lucky ass bounces

"If Dabo is right, the Lord is not a Longhorn" Horn: Georgia has recovered their own fumble twice and had a backwards pass roll out of bounds. Give me a f'ing break.

Leather helmet football Horn: This guy hasn’t thrown down field a single time. We’re getting raped in stopping the run and short passes. wtf.

"Great luck to lose a future NFL QB and All American caliber punter right before the CFP" Horn:
Ive literally never seen a luckier team than Georgia.

Georgia 16 Texas 13

It's all up to our offense now.

Come on, Quinn, one drive for a big trophy. Let's go, kid.

Ewers Pick

Game. Unbelievable.

Quinn's legacy

Our offense sucks s**t.

The pressure is on and Ewers melts down like 3 mile island.

Sark you asshat

lol f every Quinn defender.

Kirby owns Sark

Gunner's pick

NOW we go win this.

Alright we have a chance.


"Quinn Ewers Legacy back on baby" Horn: TIME FOR THE QUINN EWERS LEGACY DRIVE

So close Horn: That INT return is so brutal to rewatch. It’s a touchdown if Guilbeau makes a f'ing block instead of eye-f'ing Barron’s return. There’s NO ONE on the left side of the field except the WR (TE) who tackled him.


Jesus Christ it’s gonna come down to Bert

Bert. You POS. I hate your guts and hope you portal your arse out. But come on. We need you. Make this. Please

Headed to OT

NOW our f'ing defense wins this.

Stockton’s youth and inexperience is going to show up in OT.

I hate Kirby with the passions of a 1000 stoops

Well, OT against them with their backup QB. Ok.

Que Kirby PC gif Horn: can we pls have a georgia f'up ???? fumble??? that would be awesome


Preparing to accept the moral victory Horn:
Well, at least we played better this time against them. We haven't been totally embarrassed, other than our o-line.

"Could have changed out the coins somewhere" Horn: That method of tossing, catching, and revealing the coin is a little sketchy. Just let it fall to the turf.

Trivia Horn: Fun fact: that coin doesn't have a heads side.

Auburn FG attempt


We almost f'ed up that kick too

Come on Defense!!!!

Cobra Kai Horn: dive at his feet, F!!!


Gunner getting rocked on the first down run

Losing mukuba for first half of the playoff game sucks

He don’t know where he is

Duck your head and get it removed. F that s**t.

If we lose to beck with 1 arm on this play, holy f**k.

Stevie Wonder Horn: His helmet didn’t even hit him

That's Mr. Gunner F'ing Stockton, Horn: We finna lose to Gunner F'ing Stocking lol crazy

Okay, this hand-off has to be for -2, yeah??

And know.......cue the music if you like

F***..we lose

Ballgame. Damn.


Game over we suck

We done kilt their QBs and we'll still lose. Fml

Overrated as f***

WE couldn't stop the run when we knew it was coming.

I hate life.

f this !!!!

Don’t worry guys sark will get him on their third meeting!

Well, that was… not fun.

And I was sober, too. I should have taken my usual cocktail.

We outplayed them and just didn't f'ing finish drives.

The defense deserved better.

Had to mute f'ing Kirby Smart.

Hate those f**ks.

Outcoached. The loyalty to Ewers is gonna f this team.

"They brought us over to their casino and ran a crooked game" Horn:
This was f'ing rigged. I wish I were kidding. Unbelievable
F Georgia and their mouth breathing refs

Glutton for punishment Horn: Sucks so bad feeling we are a better team than Georgia and yet lost to them f***s twice. Maybe a 3rd shot in the title game,🤘

Decent dude among all of the Texas trash Horn: Well this is not the outcome we wanted but I am proud of the effort TEXAS gave this first season in the big bad SEC. Hopeful they learn from this season and game. They had this in this game won despite the turnovers. The penalties and missed FG’s just too much to overcome. Regroup and fight to the national championship game. TEXAS!

Still thinks he's in the Big 12 Horn: Either way, we'll be back here next year

One thoughtful Horn:
I don't buy that the playcalling cost us the game. Just like in the first game their dbs covered us up downfield. They have the speed to erase the flares in the flat. That leaves running the ball and crossers over the middle. We couldn't run the ball. All we could do was crossers. And that's all we did. This game was lost on special teams.

Emperor Palpatine Horn:
Let the hate flow through you... now you know gawga sucks balls... F***!

Kirby drinks Texas' milkshake Horn: honestly don't think a bye would've helped Texas at all in the playoffs, so I'm good with not getting one. But losing to the same team twice leaves an asterisk even with a win for it all if it's against any team other than GA. I'd celebrate but still, UGA owns Texas and especially Ewers this season and it blows.

"They can't beat a slightly above average team with that backup QB" Horn: They're gonna get run in their first playoff game.


"Kirby should be arrested for assault" Horn: Did you notice that our OL was getting beat like their name was Whitney and Georgia was Bobby? We rushed for 31 f'ing yards, and you think that was by choice?

Never learn Horn:
Hope we can meet up against GA again in the playoffs.
Gotta beat them!


Can't we try a cattle prod first? Horn: Yeah, Ewers played better than he has in some time, and had others played better it would have been good enough. Turnovers, missed field goals and drive killing/extending penalties is what beat us today. We are talented enough to beat a lot of teams being a bunch of undisciplined and unfocused dipshits. We aren’t talented enough to beat Jawja like that. And we won’t finish a bnn playoff run like that. Time to start tazing anyone who jumps offsides in practice.
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