Surprise: Obama wants more refugees to the USA.


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
No one seems to know that we already have an under the table refugee resettlement program that has taken in 500K in the last few yearsBUT while other countries give them temporary status, Obama of course gives them permanent legal status and immediately pushes them to become legal citizens with voting rights. While this program is run by Obama, Congress is ok with the program and rubber stamps it.

These refugees get the entire smorgasboard of benefits. A recent study by the CBO showed 74.2 percent of the refugees receive food stamps, 56 percent are on Medicaid and 23 percent live in public housing. There is a high crime rate for them as well..

Just before summer break, Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, introduced HR 3314, the Refugee Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, which seeks a moratorium on all resettlements until Congress can audit its costs and impact. And to no one’s surprise, no one has stepped up to cosponsor it

Trump is looking better all the time.
LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?

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At some point someone is going to have to fix this mess. Better to get it now than to wait until we are on the cusp of being a banana republic. It is a very expensive way to buy votes imo. Taking a lackadaisical attitude just makes it tougher for the next administration to fix it. At least a chicken plant employee is working and not making their living off of the government tit and probably here legally.
LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?


She clearly has a tenis fetish.
Just like with everything, the message from the federal government to the American people is clear - they just want us to look at the pretty rabbits...
LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?


that's not what it's about , simple economics, we can't afford to continue to take people on the govt tit . our debt is smothering us and will continue to grow, over 19 trillion now . germany has stated it will cost them billions to help the refugees, in fact , europe is paying in so many ways for their lax immigration policies. england has finally started to tighten their policies .
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LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?
LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?

Lets send them all to your house and community since you are able to take care of them all. Problem solved America!
LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?

Whitepug, Have u volunteered to take in a couple families of refugees yourself? If not, why not or is it easier to spend other people’s money?

It is also impossible to vet these people which makes it potentially dangerous.

The Europeans will give these people TEMPORARY ASYLUM while Obama will give them permanent legal status plus all sorts of welfare benefits. Then he will begin a rushed path to citizenship followed by a Democrat voter registration drive.

So the best approach would be to cut back on the benefits and offer temporary asylum.

Here is an idea. For every refugee we take in , we deport a criminal illegal alien. This would include the illegals in gangs, those in prison, and from here on every criminal alien that is arrested.


LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?


Racist. You think those are the only jobs mexicans can do? Oh, BTW....Nice dodge on the OPs topic.
LOL The way you all bitch and moan about immigration makes me think y'all must have all had your jobs and/or your wives taken away by an immigrant. Are things that tough down at the construction site/chicken plant?


Well that's something you will never have to worry about. First you have to have a job and a wife to have it taken away....and if you have either.....obviously no one would want either, Cause I have no clue what you'd be qualified to do, and any woman that would have you has to be a cross between Michelle Obama, Rosie and a Silver back gorilla