Term Limits and Benefit Caps

Boost Assendahm

Always Ready, Never Prepared
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
One step that HAS to be made is to cap on the job and lifetime benefits for our elected officials. We need to TELL them in the voting booth that their term limits are in fact limited. At some point most of us have to come to the realization that someone/something else will never care enough about us to care for us as well as we would take care of ourselves and our families if we had better jobs, stronger communities, more effective education systems. WE have been waiting patiently (some more patiently than others) for over 60 years (all parties are party to the "process" that never ends or succeeds) to experience effective and efficient government at all levels for all citizens. Still waiting, still blaming each other as we are trained to do and shaking our little fists at every institution we can pronounce, yet repeating the same process with the same results over and over and over again. Hello? The saddest part of this is that we have grown so accustomed/addicted to assuming/expecting/demanding that someone else (big brother?) will tell us "true" fairy tales and lull us into our favorite sense of mindless security. It is NOT happening, even though we desire it and pretend to have it so much. We could change it. But we don't. Surely someone else with do it for us. Hopes so. Is the pizza here yet? Who ordered this crap?
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One step that HAS to be made is to cap on the job and lifetime benefits for our elected officials. We need to TELL them in the voting booth that their term limits are in fact limited. At some point most of us have to come to the realization that someone/something else will never care enough about us to care for us as well as we would take care of ourselves and our families if we had better jobs, stronger communities, more effective education systems. WE have been waiting patiently (some more patiently than others) for over 60 years (all parties are party to the "process" that never ends or succeeds) to experience effective and efficient government at all levels for all citizens. Still waiting, still blaming each other as we are trained to do and shaking our little fists at every institution we can pronounce, yet repeating the same process with the same results over and over and over again. Hello? The saddest part of this is that we have grown so accustomed/addicted to assuming/expecting/demanding that someone else (big brother?) will tell us "true" fairy tales and lull us into our favorite sense of mindless security. It is NOT happening, even though we desire it and pretend to have it so much. We could change it. But we don't. Surely someone else with do it for us. Hopes so. Is the pizza here yet? Who ordered this crap?

Good point. I can't stand my congressman, and if you knew anything about him, you would despise him. I won't name him, but he has been in Congress over ten years. He graduated from a small religious liberal arts university and immediately began running for office. He has never worked at a job outside of being a candidate for office. He accused the incumbent of being a "career politician" and won election, and ever since, this character has made politics his career. He talks the right-wing hard core conservative talk about being opposed to federal spending and lining up at the political trough, but he behaves like a Democrat---he works hard to bring enough federal money to our district to keep him in office.
Not only term limits and benefit caps, we should repeal of the 17th Amendment and give states back their proper representation at the federal level.

The original intent of the Framers of the Constitution was for States to appoint their US Senator to the Federal level, giving States direct representation in Washington. With passage of the 17th Amendment States lost their seat at the table in our Federal Government. Senators are now directly elected by the people, and in doing so they have zero allegiance to the State they were elected to represent. States now have very little power at the Federal level, which has helped to create what the Framers desperately tried to avoid- a big Centralized Federal Government.

The House of Representatives, elected by the people, as originally written it the Constitution, is a direct representation of the people.
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Not only term limits and benefit caps, we should repeal of the 17th Amendment and give states back their proper representation at the federal level.

The original intent of the Framers of the Constitution was for States to appoint their US Senator to the Federal level, giving States direct representation in Washington. With passage of the 17th Amendment States lost their seat at the table in our Federal Government. Senators are now directly elected by the people, and in doing so they have zero allegiance to the State they were elected to represent. States now have very little power at the Federal level, which has helped to create what the Framers desperately tried to avoid- a big Centralized Federal Government.

The House of Representatives, elected by the people, as originally written it the Constitution, is a direct representation of the people.

I think repeal of the 17th would make our current political process even worse. Imagine all the money that special interest would throw around to local politicians to buy a Senator. Senators being elected by popular vote does ensure that they are beholden to the state and not special interest. That was the reason the 17th was came about in the first place
Number one thing we need to do is end the gerrymandering of congressional districts. This more than anything is the root cause of our dysfunctional legislature.
I think repeal of the 17th would make our current political process even worse. Imagine all the money that special interest would throw around to local politicians to buy a Senator. Senators being elected by popular vote does ensure that they are beholden to the state and not special interest. That was the reason the 17th was came about in the first place

Disagree. Special interest are throwing tons of money around at Senators now. Corruption is running amok in our big Centralized Government. I'll use John McCain as an example. Do you believe the Gang of Eight bill was in the best interest of Arizona, a State which as been fighting the federal government for their refusal to enforce federal law? John McCain, among many Senators, including McConnell, is bought and paid for by the Chamber of Commerce.

Senators, before the 17th Amendment, were appointed by State Legislatures. It was changed mainly due to vacancies in the Senate. States, for numerous reasons, failed to appoint Senators. All could be avoided with new simple verbiage included in States' appointing process.
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One step that HAS to be made is to cap on the job and lifetime benefits for our elected officials. We need to TELL them in the voting booth that their term limits are in fact limited. At some point most of us have to come to the realization that someone/something else will never care enough about us to care for us as well as we would take care of ourselves and our families if we had better jobs, stronger communities, more effective education systems. WE have been waiting patiently (some more patiently than others) for over 60 years (all parties are party to the "process" that never ends or succeeds) to experience effective and efficient government at all levels for all citizens. Still waiting, still blaming each other as we are trained to do and shaking our little fists at every institution we can pronounce, yet repeating the same process with the same results over and over and over again. Hello? The saddest part of this is that we have grown so accustomed/addicted to assuming/expecting/demanding that someone else (big brother?) will tell us "true" fairy tales and lull us into our favorite sense of mindless security. It is NOT happening, even though we desire it and pretend to have it so much. We could change it. But we don't. Surely someone else with do it for us. Hopes so. Is the pizza here yet? Who ordered this crap?

Ben Franklin got it right in 1776: “In free governments, the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors . . . . For the former to return among the latter does not degrade, but promote them.”

AND so did Jefferson: "When extraordinary power and extraordinary pay are allotted to any individual in a government, he becomes the center, round which every kind of corruption generates and forms."

I truly believe that if our nation is too survive another 200 years term limits must somehow be incorporated into all levels of elected government..... both federal and state. Sadly, the political system as today has failed too many on too many occasions.
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Ben Franklin got it right in 1776: “In free governments, the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors . . . . For the former to return among the latter does not degrade, but promote them.”

AND so did Jefferson: "When extraordinary power and extraordinary pay are allotted to any individual in a government, he becomes the center, round which every kind of corruption generates and forms."

I truly believe that if our nation is too survive another 200 years term limits must somehow be incorporated into all levels of elected government..... both federal and state. Sadly, the political system as today has failed too many on too many occasions.

You make good points, but where would Georgia be today if term limits had sent Richard B. Russell, Carl Vinson, and Sam Nunn back to Georgia after two terms in office?