One step that HAS to be made is to cap on the job and lifetime benefits for our elected officials. We need to TELL them in the voting booth that their term limits are in fact limited. At some point most of us have to come to the realization that someone/something else will never care enough about us to care for us as well as we would take care of ourselves and our families if we had better jobs, stronger communities, more effective education systems. WE have been waiting patiently (some more patiently than others) for over 60 years (all parties are party to the "process" that never ends or succeeds) to experience effective and efficient government at all levels for all citizens. Still waiting, still blaming each other as we are trained to do and shaking our little fists at every institution we can pronounce, yet repeating the same process with the same results over and over and over again. Hello? The saddest part of this is that we have grown so accustomed/addicted to assuming/expecting/demanding that someone else (big brother?) will tell us "true" fairy tales and lull us into our favorite sense of mindless security. It is NOT happening, even though we desire it and pretend to have it so much. We could change it. But we don't. Surely someone else with do it for us. Hopes so. Is the pizza here yet? Who ordered this crap?