Texas A&M is trending for 13 of the top 62 composite players. They are 7-3. I've always said that if a Texas team starts to display cultural primacy..


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Nov 13, 2007
in their state in today's day and age, they will routinely nab 15% of the top players in the country. It will happen with UT at some point (likely off and on). With the arms race, their endowment (nobody in the SEC is competing with UT and A&M billionaires), the pressure and coming to the SEC... with so many factors working for them at some point (instead of against them), they will attract hordes of top end kids the way A&M is right now... and it will be easy... it will just take the right confluence of momentum.

The one thing that keeps UT from being dominant is that there isn't the same level of native Texas pride as there used to be. They have more of a globalized mentality. Hopefully the Texas kids will maintain a type of global mentality when it comes to the rest of the SEC... the way things are in Florida.

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