The “Trump wasn’t very good either” narrative is purely a function of…:


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 20, 2002
charleston sc usa
Joe’s meltdown and TDS.

He wasn’t perfect but all the predictions of him becoming unglued and going apeshit were wrong. He very successfully navigated his weak spots and was sharp and in command. And resisted the temptation to just pounce on Joe’s senior night. Never got baited into what the Dems wanted.

A 7 out of 10 at worst for him.
Joe’s meltdown and TDS.

He wasn’t perfect but all the predictions of him becoming unglued and going apeshit were wrong. He very successfully navigated his weak spots and was sharp and in command. And resisted the temptation to just pounce on Joe’s senior night. Never got baited into what the Dems wanted.

A 7 out of 10 at worst for him.
You are full of it.
Joe’s meltdown and TDS.

He wasn’t perfect but all the predictions of him becoming unglued and going apeshit were wrong. He very successfully navigated his weak spots and was sharp and in command. And resisted the temptation to just pounce on Joe’s senior night. Never got baited into what the Dems wanted.

A 7 out of 10 at worst for him.
agree 100
Trump did not answer any "environmental" questions,...but reverted to make speeches on immigration,...

So much gold to talk about the absurdity of the green initiative,....whales dieing in the northeast due to wind farms, environmental disasters occuring regularly under the Biden with train derailments, wild fires (Hawaii), ....the need to curtail state level environmental policies such as banning pizza ovens in NYC, and banning gasoline vehicles in Cali in a decade,...electric companies denying customers to set their home temperature below 78F,...promoting a green new deal that compels alliance on China for minerals, mining, parts,..etc,..China will be able to twist our arm if we have to rely on them for electric vehicles while the USA has arguably one of the top world reserves for oil

Trump had nothing to offer on that,...and quite often his response to Biden was "he is the worst president ever",..and "we did the best ever"

But really it didn't matter,.trump could have stood there and he would have won the debate
Trump did not answer any "environmental" questions,...but reverted to make speeches on immigration,...

So much gold to talk about the absurdity of the green initiative,....whales dieing in the northeast due to wind farms, environmental disasters occuring regularly under the Biden with train derailments, wild fires (Hawaii), ....the need to curtail state level environmental policies such as banning pizza ovens in NYC, and banning gasoline vehicles in Cali in a decade,...electric companies denying customers to set their home temperature below 78F,...promoting a green new deal that compels alliance on China for minerals, mining, parts,..etc,..China will be able to twist our arm if we have to rely on them for electric vehicles while the USA has arguably one of the top world reserves for oil

Trump had nothing to offer on that,...and quite often his response to Biden was "he is the worst president ever",..and "we did the best ever"

But really it didn't matter,.trump could have stood there and he would have won the debate
Trump talks about the rediculous green new deal at his campaign stump speeches. Not sure why he chose to mostly ignore it during the debate. Just wanted to focus more on other issues (immigration) I suppose. To me the green new deal is just as bad as Joe's open borders, if not worse.
Joe’s meltdown and TDS.

He wasn’t perfect but all the predictions of him becoming unglued and going apeshit were wrong. He very successfully navigated his weak spots and was sharp and in command. And resisted the temptation to just pounce on Joe’s senior night. Never got baited into what the Dems wanted.

A 7 out of 10 at worst for him.
News flash. The voters already committed to Trump thought Trump did great. Not a shocker given y'all have already signed up for the Trump circus.

I don’t think the polling so far supports your assertion. Head to head, Trump clearly won. Did he really pick up a lot of voters or project a presidential demeanor? Not really.
News flash. The voters already committed to Trump thought Trump did great. Not a shocker given y'all have already signed up for the Trump circus.

I don’t think the polling so far supports your assertion. Head to head, Trump clearly won. Did he really pick up a lot of voters or project a presidential demeanor? Not really.
I'd say Trump may have picked up a few but lost none based on his performance. I'd also say Biden just torpedoed himself and maybe some dems down the ticket. If you've been campaigning or spinning based on the idea that Biden is just fine and Trump is in a similar state of mental decline, (as Ricky Ricardo would say) you've got some splaining to do.
I'd say Trump may have picked up a few but lost none based on his performance. I'd also say Biden just torpedoed himself and maybe some dems down the ticket. If you've been campaigning or spinning based on the idea that Biden is just fine and Trump is in a similar state of mental decline, (as Ricky Ricardo would say) you've got some splaining to do.
No question Thursday was a disaster for Biden and for the Dems. It’s going to be interesting to see where we are in a few weeks.

If Biden wanted to step aside, the 4th would be a really good time to do it. He could talk about patriotism and love of country, go after Trump on his J6/suckers and losers weaknesses and give the party some time to try and get its act together. At this point though, I doubt he leaves the race.
Most sl
News flash. The voters already committed to Trump thought Trump did great. Not a shocker given y'all have already signed up for the Trump circus.

I don’t think the polling so far supports your assertion. Head to head, Trump clearly won. Did he really pick up a lot of voters or project a presidential demeanor? Not really.
Most all dims will be voting for Biden if he’s their candidate. Just because Biden is a buffoon and has destroyed our immigration process be damned. The list of his lies and failures are monumental…he even made the Dems golden egg abortion take a negative look…Dems don’t care about his mental block, he will be their man.
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Most sl

Most all dims will be voting for Biden if he’s their candidate. Just because Biden is a buffoon and has destroyed our immigration process be damned. The list of his lies and failures are monumental…he even made the Dems golden egg abortion take a negative look…Dems don’t care about his mental block, he will be their man.
I disagree with the characterization but agree with the assumed outcome regarding Dems. Biden lost none of the people who were already committed to voting for him. The question is, what’s the impact on turnout and the middle, and really only in a handful of states.

It’s really interesting and telling to me that my friends like @-lowcountrydawg feel Trump performed well Thursday. Again, not arguing who won the debate going away, but Trump did nothing to expand his appeal. Quite the opposite in my view.

It’s going to be a wild ride to November, and quite possibly to the inauguration.
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It’s really interesting and telling to me that my friends like @-lowcountrydawg feel Trump performed well Thursday.
I guess it depends on what you consider did well means. Now, I'd be the first to admit that Trump didn't deliver a performance that moved a lot of voters. I just don't think there are that many left to move.

Having said that, Trump did deliver a knockout line (even if it was a layup) and then allowed Biden to completely disqualify himself as a competent POTUS candidate. After the I'm not sure what he said line, there was really no reason for Trump to swing for the fences and he stuck to the game plan of remaining calm. Trump's performance didn't give never Trumpers a reason to reconsider but he didn't do anything to create more never Trumpers and now he can let the advertising target the Biden voters that may flip to him or simply stay home.
I guess it depends on what you consider did well means. Now, I'd be the first to admit that Trump didn't deliver a performance that moved a lot of voters. I just don't think there are that many left to move.

Having said that, Trump did deliver a knockout line (even if it was a layup) and then allowed Biden to completely disqualify himself as a competent POTUS candidate. After the I'm not sure what he said line, there was really no reason for Trump to swing for the fences and he stuck to the game plan of remaining calm. Trump's performance didn't give never Trumpers a reason to reconsider but he didn't do anything to create more never Trumpers and now he can let the advertising target the Biden voters that may flip to him or simply stay home.
I don't think there are many to be "flipped" on either side. After the debate, I am sure there were some that was committed to Biden that will just stay home after what they saw. And that in itself could put Trump back in the Whitehouse.
If Biden does stay in and wins after what we saw Thursday night (don't think that will happen), it will be the end of MAGA and the REP party will have to start over from scratch.
As I have said before, if anyone but Trump was the nominee after what we saw Thursday night, the polls would be through the roof in favor for the REP. Likewise, if anyone but Biden was the nominee, after what we saw Thursday night, the Dem nominee would be ahead.
I don't think there are many to be "flipped" on either side. After the debate, I am sure there were some that was committed to Biden that will just stay home after what they saw. And that in itself could put Trump back in the Whitehouse.
If Biden does stay in and wins after what we saw Thursday night (don't think that will happen), it will be the end of MAGA and the REP party will have to start over from scratch.
As I have said before, if anyone but Trump was the nominee after what we saw Thursday night, the polls would be through the roof in favor for the REP. Likewise, if anyone but Biden was the nominee, after what we saw Thursday night, the Dem nominee would be ahead.
Already spinning. Hard. A lot of focus groups had undecided voters switching sides. The funny thing about the stats concerning undecided voters, guess what most were previously. You guessed it. Biden voters. The swing states were so close, even with the covid election rule miracle. You are parroting the party pretty well. I hate to tell you this. No democrat candidate wins that debate. Even jfk loses if he has to defend the current policies of this administration. Trump isn’t a great debater. He isn’t a politician. That is what is so funny about this spin. He doesn’t have to be. There is so little positives that the left can point to. Biden made no points other than to attack Trump. And that is thru prep. They came up with no stats that sounded good. They came up with nothing even heartwarming this staff had accomplished.

Your policies are killing young girls and getting them raped almost daily now. 25 percent of families in this country are skipping meals to live. The other 50 pretending our president wasn’t compromised and the media covered it up. We have the highest credit card debt in history. Rates are at a forty year high. We are indirectly involved in three different wars. We continue to spend everywhere else but here. Our energy issues are horrendous, and the green new deal was brought about too soon. We weren’t ready. I could win a debate verse any candidate. Just pound that home. Close with an apology to the gold star families Biden had killed, and walk away. Side step Jan 6. All charges are made because the other side is beyond desperate to stay in power. The left is about to have to come back to the middle.

If the right gets in, you know a lot of bs gets fixed. The only way the pubs get voted out is if you can create a social issue to cause pushback. The policies are dogshit. That is the biggest problem.

(They didn’t even mention men playing women’s sports, another brilliant move from the left)
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Already spinning. Hard. A lot of focus groups had undecided voters switching sides. The funny thing about the stats concerning undecided voters, guess what most were previously. You guessed it. Biden voters. The swing states were so close, even with the covid miracle. You are parroting the party pretty well. I hate to tell you this. No democrat candidate wins that debate. Even jfk loses if he has to defend the current policies of this administration. Trump isn’t a great debater. He isn’t a politician. That is what is so funny about this spin. He doesn’t have to be. There is so little positives that the left can point to. Biden made no points other than to attack Trump. And that is thru prep. They came up with no stats that sounded good. They came up with nothing even heartwarming this staff had accomplished.

Your policies are killing young girls and getting them raped almost daily now. 25 percent of families in this country are skipping meals to live. The other 50 pretending our president wasn’t compromised and the media covered it up. We have the highest credit card debt in history. Rates are at a forty year high. We are indirectly involved in three different wars. We continue to spend everywhere else but here. Our energy issues are horrendous, and the green new deal was brought about too soon. We weren’t ready. I could win a debate verse any candidate. Just pound that home. Close with an apology to the gold star families Biden had killed, and walk away. Side step Jan 6. All charges are made because the other side is beyond desperate to stay in power. The left is about to have to come back to the middle.

If the right gets in, you know a lot of bs gets fixed. The only way the pubs get voted out is if you can create a social issue to cause pushback. The policies are dogshit. That is the biggest problem.

(They didn’t even mention men playing women’s sports, another brilliant move from the left)
Is this a shot directed at me Zing? What do you mean by "your policies"?
I will let you answer that before I comment any further.
I hope I am just reading this wrong.
Is this a shot directed at me Zing? What do you mean by "your policies"?
I will let you answer that before I comment any further.
I hope I am just reading this wrong.
That is on me. Hell mitchell, I thought I quoted both in there. I was trying to respond to one and split into the other a respond to will’s post above. This new format is causing my phone to refresh out of no where. Totally changed the response and how my post was supposed to look. It only linked yours. I know you are a middle grounder who has bad feelings for Trump. The your politics was supposed to start as a quote under wills.
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That is on me. Hell mitchell, I thought I quoted both in there. I was trying to respond to one and split into the other a respond to will’s post above. This new format is causing my phone to refresh out of no where. Totally changed the response and how my post was supposed to look. It only linked yours. I know you are a middle grounder who has bad feelings for Trump. The your politics was supposed to start as a quote under wills.
Got cha......All good.
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No question Thursday was a disaster for Biden and for the Dems. It’s going to be interesting to see where we are in a few weeks.

If Biden wanted to step aside, the 4th would be a really good time to do it. He could talk about patriotism and love of country, go after Trump on his J6/suckers and losers weaknesses and give the party some time to try and get its act together. At this point though, I doubt he leaves the race.
Typical. If you’re going to lie, throw in “good people on both sides” while you’re at it. I laugh at all of the Trump “lies” in the debate. That’s all the media has left now. Trump lies.
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Typical. If you’re going to lie, throw in “good people on both sides” while you’re at it. I laugh at all of the Trump “lies” in the debate. That’s all the media has left now. Trump lies.
I’ll take John Kelly’s word over anything Trump says 100 out of 100 times and so would anyone reasonably familiar with Trump.

Trump is currently praising the J6 convicts and promises to pardon them. That’s not a lie, that’s direct quotes from Trump over months. Do you disagree?

Again, Team MAGA loved everything Trump said and they always do. That’s not where the election will be won or lost.

Trump lied about “everyone” wanting Roe V Wade struck down.

He lied about “post-birth” abortions.

He refused to answer the questions about Russia and Ukraine.

He did not oversee the “best economy in our history” and we are not currently suffering from the “worst economy in our history”.

It goes on and on and everyone knows his supporters don’t care in any way. That group is not who Trump needs to get votes from.
I disagree with the characterization but agree with the assumed outcome regarding Dems. Biden lost none of the people who were already committed to voting for him. The question is, what’s the impact on turnout and the middle, and really only in a handful of states.

It’s really interesting and telling to me that my friends like @-lowcountrydawg feel Trump performed well Thursday. Again, not arguing who won the debate going away, but Trump did nothing to expand his appeal. Quite the opposite in my view.

It’s going to be a wild ride to November, and quite possibly to the inauguration.
One big narrative heading into debate was that “both guys are old”. Trump has just as many issues with age as Joe. Regardless of whether you liked what came out of his mouth trump showed no signs of losing a step. He was in command and disciplined by his low bar standard for discipline. Again - you may hate his policies or where his leadership leads, but he showed as effective an executive. Good or bad but effective.
I’ll take John Kelly’s word over anything Trump says 100 out of 100 times and so would anyone reasonably familiar with Trump.

Trump is currently praising the J6 convicts and promises to pardon them. That’s not a lie, that’s direct quotes from Trump over months. Do you disagree?

Again, Team MAGA loved everything Trump said and they always do. That’s not where the election will be won or lost.

Trump lied about “everyone” wanting Roe V Wade struck down.

He lied about “post-birth” abortions.

He refused to answer the questions about Russia and Ukraine.

He did not oversee the “best economy in our history” and we are not currently suffering from the “worst economy in our history”.

It goes on and on and everyone knows his supporters don’t care in any way. That group is not who Trump needs to get votes from.
love it or hate it. But “everyone” knows what he means when he says “everyone”. That’s not a lie. It’s fine that you believe Kelly. There are others that say otherwise. I don’t think he said it. There are some (maybe many) J6 folks that were unfairly sentenced. Maybe even some that didn’t deserve prosecution. And some that deserved everything they got. I have no problem taking a FAIR look. There are many radicals on the left that want zero restraints on abortion. Yes even at birth. It’s a tough issue and I think Trump is trying to be open to addressing it. Stretch at best to label any of this as lies. Typical political speech. Now Biden flat lied about definite facts and not one person in media has brought it up

Although it’s a great way to conclude, It doesn’t go on and on.
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I don't think there are many to be "flipped" on either side. After the debate, I am sure there were some that was committed to Biden that will just stay home after what they saw. And that in itself could put Trump back in the Whitehouse.
If Biden does stay in and wins after what we saw Thursday night (don't think that will happen), it will be the end of MAGA and the REP party will have to start over from scratch.
As I have said before, if anyone but Trump was the nominee after what we saw Thursday night, the polls would be through the roof in favor for the REP. Likewise, if anyone but Biden was the nominee, after what we saw Thursday night, the Dem nominee would be ahead.
Agree that there aren't many left to be flipped but if Trump is truly making up ground with AA males, Pac NW tech moguls and some Wall Street execs, I think that puts Biden and the Dems in a precarious situation. If Biden tries to play to the radical crowd, it will push those demographics mentioned above towards Trump or maybe Kennedy. If Biden starts trying to court the Tech and financial sectors, it will alienate the radicals.

Imo, if Trump makes a sold Veep choice, it could move some votes. At this point, I would say Trump is in a position where it's possible some votes can move towards him. I think Biden is in more danger of losing votes than picking up votes.
I disagree with the characterization but agree with the assumed outcome regarding Dems. Biden lost none of the people who were already committed to voting for him. The question is, what’s the impact on turnout and the middle, and really only in a handful of states.

It’s really interesting and telling to me that my friends like @-lowcountrydawg feel Trump performed well Thursday. Again, not arguing who won the debate going away, but Trump did nothing to expand his appeal. Quite the opposite in my view.

It’s going to be a wild ride to November, and quite possibly to the inauguration.
I think he did well in a sense. It all depends on what your expectations were. Did you think he would blow up and go on the attack and get derailed. If those were a concern then he did well. He kept fairly composed and spoke to the Biden failures and how some of them were different when he was president. If you expected him to speak to new policies and be very specific on his priorities then you were left lacking.
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I’ll take John Kelly’s word over anything Trump says 100 out of 100 times and so would anyone reasonably familiar with Trump.

Trump is currently praising the J6 convicts and promises to pardon them. That’s not a lie, that’s direct quotes from Trump over months. Do you disagree?

Again, Team MAGA loved everything Trump said and they always do. That’s not where the election will be won or lost.

Trump lied about “everyone” wanting Roe V Wade struck down.

He lied about “post-birth” abortions.

He refused to answer the questions about Russia and Ukraine.

He did not oversee the “best economy in our history” and we are not currently suffering from the “worst economy in our history”.

It goes on and on and everyone knows his supporters don’t care in any way. That group is not who Trump needs to get votes from.
Will we know your sources are very questionable. For example you have posted from huff post and msnbc. So let me give you some things to consider

Did you see cnns fact check of Biden? Why do his lies not matter to you.? You either don’t realize he lies more than Trump even or your tds just won’t let you admit it.

He has said in the past he would pardon all, but I saw a clip of him saying he would pardon non violent j/6 ers. The dim party and its far left prosecutors have let murderers off with a slap on the hand yet you can look us in the eye and say lock a 72 year old up that was let in by the capital police, took a few pictures and left in 10 mins. There are a number of cases like that.

Your party also has locked up grandmothers for silently praying outside an abortion clinic yet rarely prosecutes rioters that take over govt buildings as long as they are rioting against America.

Don’t give us this govt coup destroying democracy sham act you dims like to play. Their are too many examples of this admin ignoring law, stepping on rights, using the power of the government to interfere with the upcoming election for anyone to think the dim party is for democracy. Heck the whole Russia Russia Russia thing was an attempted coup. Much more so than j/6. It was one thing for the dim party to pay for and spread lies. It was quiet the other to keep the investigation going for 3 yrs knowing the whole thing was LIE.

How much richer you want to make the elites in Ukraine. You willing to send your son? Rufus Biden is going to get us mixed up in it.

Here’s what we know. Biden supporters do not care about anything but stopping Trump. Biden supporters excuse the lies he tells but let Trump tell one it’s like he stole your sucker.

Economy. It may not have been the best but it was great compared to obuma and Biden.

Bidens may not be THE worst, but it’s really bad for everyday people.

There is ZERO better in this country under Biden. We were much better off under Trump. There is no logical reason to vote Biden.

Yes will. The far left of your party does want afterbirth abortion.

I would like to actually see one of you supporters of abortion explain why killing an innocent baby is acceptable to you. Also, please explain how the baby born to a human mother is not human in the womb.
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love it or hate it. But “everyone” knows what he means when he says “everyone”. That’s not a lie. It’s fine that you believe Kelly. There are others that say otherwise. I don’t think he said it. There are some (maybe many) J6 folks that were unfairly sentenced. Maybe even some that didn’t deserve prosecution. And some that deserved everything they got. I have no problem taking a FAIR look. There are many radicals on the left that want zero restraints on abortion. Yes even at birth. It’s a tough issue and I think Trump is trying to be open to addressing it. Stretch at best to label any of this as lies. Typical political speech. Now Biden flat lied about definite facts and not one person in media has brought it up

Although it’s a great way to conclude, It doesn’t go on and on.
I agree. Most of the items the left hangs their hat on items that are not provable or stretching the truth. There are people who say he didn’t say it and one person who said he did. Definitely not provable and if you were in a court it would seem to favor Trump.

Trump has never said all of those on Jan 6th should be pardoned. He has not specified that and in my opinion there are some who should be pardoned/reduced sentences etc. The left paint this with a broad brush to make it look the worst for Trump. He helps them out as well with how he says things. He paints with a broad brush himself and the left tries to take everything he says literally and never does the same with Biden. Biden has said plenty that if it was held to the same scrutiny it would not be an issue to discuss. The media mainly harps on Trumps miscues and ignores Biden. This I think will change going forward as they try to get Biden to step down. They can now acknowledge his flaws so that he can be replaced.
Trump is currently praising the J6 convicts and promises to pardon them. That’s not a lie, that’s direct quotes from Trump over months. Do you disagree?
"I am inclined to pardon many of them," Trump said at a town hall hosted by CNN at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire. "I can't say for every single one, because a couple of them, probably they got out of control."
He added that "most likely" he would pardon "a large portion of them."

"Another thing we'll do, and so many people have been asking me about it, if I run and if I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly," Trump said to applause. "We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons we will give them pardons. Because they are being treated so unfairly."

I would say if you add the qualifier many of them, it would not be a misleading statement. Additionally, if you don't acknowledge the fact that he stated a couple of them got out of control it's more misleading. I think most would be opposed to blanket pardons but I'd also think it would take a blind partisan with an agenda to oppose reviewing the case of a non violent trespasser that left without incident or those charged with obstruction that the SCOTUS just threw out.
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"I am inclined to pardon many of them," Trump said at a town hall hosted by CNN at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire. "I can't say for every single one, because a couple of them, probably they got out of control."
He added that "most likely" he would pardon "a large portion of them."

"Another thing we'll do, and so many people have been asking me about it, if I run and if I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly," Trump said to applause. "We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons we will give them pardons. Because they are being treated so unfairly."

I would say if you add the qualifier many of them, it would not be a misleading statement. Additionally, if you don't acknowledge the fact that he stated a couple of them got out of control it's more misleading. I think most would be opposed to blanket pardons but I'd also think it would take a blind partisan with an agenda to oppose reviewing the case of a non violent trespasser than left without incident or those charged with obstruction that the SCOTUS just threw out.
That is what they leave out. I think to crowds and rallies he talks about pardons because you don’t say this at a rally, then say unless they were violent. It isn’t how you do a rally. Which is where most of the rhetoric used comes from. People say all kinds of exaggerated deals at rallies on both sides to fire up the troops. Same with any touchdown club meeting you go to.

It is omitted when actually answering the question he would look case by case. Even saying in the debate there are peoooe being held for less than nothing. He then sidestepped the rest. Which he should. He has a case against him. How wise would it be to speak about it.

The Dems had Biden bring up Charlottesville. Which the moderater even debunked two days earlier. They had him bring up suckers and losers. Which several people have said never happened. Even djt’s explanation makes sense. Would anyone ever say that in the moment and where he was.

They talked about trump sidestepping questions. Didn’t hear Biden answer for the cia agents lie he told. Or anything to do with burisma.
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"I am inclined to pardon many of them," Trump said at a town hall hosted by CNN at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire. "I can't say for every single one, because a couple of them, probably they got out of control."
He added that "most likely" he would pardon "a large portion of them."

"Another thing we'll do, and so many people have been asking me about it, if I run and if I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly," Trump said to applause. "We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons we will give them pardons. Because they are being treated so unfairly."

I would say if you add the qualifier many of them, it would not be a misleading statement. Additionally, if you don't acknowledge the fact that he stated a couple of them got out of control it's more misleading. I think most would be opposed to blanket pardons but I'd also think it would take a blind partisan with an agenda to oppose reviewing the case of a non violent trespasser that left without incident or those charged with obstruction that the SCOTUS just threw out.
Over three hundred people have already been convicted of or taken plea deals for violent felonies. That’s a huge number of people and Trump doesn’t get a free pas by referencing “a few”. That’s making the same excuses people alway make for Trump.

He didn’t mean it when he asked Russia for help, he wasn’t really strong-arming Ukraine for political dirt, he wasn’t responsible for J6 when he called them there that day, got them fired up, clearly wanted the certification delayed and didn’t tell his followers to stop for over three hours. Now he’s qualified the pardon comments by referencing a few people when the count of violent rioters was in the hundreds.

We are told we shouldn’t take these kinds of comments at face value when Trump’s behavior has proven over and over again that we should believe exactly what he says.
Over three hundred people have already been convicted of or taken plea deals for violent felonies. That’s a huge number of people and Trump doesn’t get a free pas by referencing “a few”. That’s making the same excuses people alway make for Trump.

He didn’t mean it when he asked Russia for help, he wasn’t really strong-arming Ukraine for political dirt, he wasn’t responsible for J6 when he called them there that day, got them fired up, clearly wanted the certification delayed and didn’t tell his followers to stop for over three hours. Now he’s qualified the pardon comments by referencing a few people when the count of violent rioters was in the hundreds.

We are told we shouldn’t take these kinds of comments at face value when Trump’s behavior has proven over and over again that we should believe exactly what he says.
No one said not to take them at face value. I said not to take them to the extreme. He and no one else has said he will pardon all or even many of the convicted violent felons. There are over 600 convicted people who do not fall in that category. He could be talking about them. You go ahead and assume what you want. He is guilty in your mind of what you say he means by that statement. Guilt before anything is truly proven.
I do not like him and only will vote for him over Biden.
You and all of the left are not much better by twisting and manipulating the circumstances to fit your narrative. And I know the right does it as well. I don’t like any of it one bit. But one wrong does not make another acceptable. So much of the lefts stances and directives are taking something is or was wrong and using another wrong to supposedly rectify the first wrong.
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Agree that there aren't many left to be flipped but if Trump is truly making up ground with AA males, Pac NW tech moguls and some Wall Street execs, I think that puts Biden and the Dems in a precarious situation. If Biden tries to play to the radical crowd, it will push those demographics mentioned above towards Trump or maybe Kennedy. If Biden starts trying to court the Tech and financial sectors, it will alienate the radicals.

Imo, if Trump makes a sold Veep choice, it could move some votes. At this point, I would say Trump is in a position where it's possible some votes can move towards him. I think Biden is in more danger of losing votes than picking up votes.
I agree.
If the Dems keep "Riden with Biden", it will probably end up in a ditch.
The only chance IMO the Dems have is with another candidate.
I doubt very seriously that will happen. You are also correct IMO that a solid VP pick could seal the deal.
At this point, I am kinda like the late George Carlin, just sitting back and watching the sh** show.
I long for the day when both of these gentlemen move on and we can have someone that can remember thier name, and someone that if they don't go completely unhinged, we think they are a success.
That is at least 4 years away.
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