The biggest, most active hate groups in USA are liberal based or race based


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
* Various Leftist student groups that are threatening to grab control of campuses and bring down free speech

* Move which is intent on one party, no opposition voice America

* Black Lives Matter which has called for taking the lives of white employees of various cities, counties and state gov't with some success and whose members have fired shots at the same

* L Farrakhan's black militant group who openly calls for death to white Americans including totally innocents and incredibly gets away with it

* New Black Panthers who do the same plus block access to voting

* Rad Islamist who act on the wishes of foreign hate movements like ISIS

These groups have succeeded the old hate groups like the KKK which has slowly and surely faded out. Of course you have the lone wolf incidents, those inspired by some hate or another that crop up from time to time. Almost all currently going on are of the radicalized Muslim stripe. Seemingly one of those killing sprees involving a radical Islamic happens every few weeks. Campus killings, slayings at military posts and so forth. But for a while we had the movie theatre guys ( a mix of whacko's). A couple of young shooters of politicians, the young shooters at their schools involving misfits. A run of black males who probably felt disenfranchised shooting up their places of employment which followed a run of seemingly white male postal workers shooting up theirs after being fired or whatever. 50 years ago there was a run on politicians and high profile leaders. From the communist leaning shooter of President Kennedy to the ME shooter of his brother to the racist shooting of MLK to the attempts and shooting of G Wallace, to G FORD to RR. Strangest of which had to be Squeaky Fromm.
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* Various Leftist student groups that are threatening to grab control of campuses and bring down free speech

* Move which is intent on one party, no opposition voice America

* Black Lives Matter which has called for taking the lives of white employees of various cities, counties and state gov't with some success and whose members have fired shots at the same

* L Farrakhan's black militant group who openly calls for death to white Americans including totally innocents and incredibly gets away with it

* New Black Panthers who do the same plus block access to voting

* Rad Islamist who act on the wishes of foreign hate movements like ISIS

These groups have succeeded the old hate groups like the KKK which has slowly and surely faded out. Of course you have the lone wolf incidents, those inspired by some hate or another that crop up from time to time. Almost all currently going on are of the radicalized Muslim stripe. Seemingly one of those killing sprees involving a radical Islamic happens every few weeks. Campus killings, slayings at military posts and so forth. But for a while we had the movie theatre guys ( a mix of whacko's). A couple of young shooters of politicians, the young shooters at their schools involving misfits. A run of black males who probably felt disenfranchised shooting up their places of employment which followed a run of seemingly white male postal workers shooting up theirs after being fired or whatever. 50 years ago there was a run on politicians and high profile leaders. From the communist leaning shooter of President Kennedy to the ME shooter of his brother to the racist shooting of MLK to the attempts and shooting of G Wallace, to G FORD to RR. Strangest of which had to be Squeaky Fromm.
Agree and the most fascist flag is the one bearing rainbow colors.
Major LOL.

I'm wondering how most muslims, a conservative bunch by nature, vote in US elections.
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Major LOL.

I'm wondering how most muslims, a conservative bunch by nature, vote in US elections.

Actually they vote 80% democRAT. Just like hard working Mexicans, when they get here, start getting democRAT handouts....they go to shit just like every other liberal moonbat
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Actually they vote 80% democRAT. Just like hard working Mexicans, when they get here, start getting democRAT handouts....they go to shit just like every other liberal moonbat

Congratulations, you have made what appears to be the first factually right comment (assuming the first article that popped up on a google search that you no doubt read too is wright).

You have finally made cents.
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Congratulations, you have made what appears to be the first factually right comment (assuming the first article that popped up on a google search that you no doubt read too is wright).

You have finally made cents.
Sorry - "scents", you've finally maid scents.
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Wrong. There is a reason why when Obama got elected, before he even took office, hate groups skyrocketed and recruitment for white supremacist groups were at the highest they'd been since the 70's. There are plenty of right-wing hate groups too. A bunch of students acting like imbeciles in college is not a hate group. They are called whiny millenials who are screwed when they get put out in the real world. Agree about black lives matter. Farrakhan has been mouthing the same garbage for decades. Dude is like 80 years old and a complete hack.
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Wrong. There is a reason why when Obama got elected, before he even took office, hate groups skyrocketed and recruitment for white supremacist groups were at the highest they'd been since the 70's. There are plenty of right-wing hate groups too. A bunch of students acting like imbeciles in college is not a hate group. They are called whiny millenials who are screwed when they get put out in the real world. Agree about black lives matter. Farrakhan has been mouthing the same garbage for decades. Dude is like 80 years old and a complete hack.
Of for Christ sake. Yea those white supremacist groups are everywhere causing trouble, Hear about them everyday....:rolleyes:
You certainly can READ hate from the right everyday. Heck, just open The Chat.
Sure, anyone whining and argument with a loony liberal is a racist hater. It's how they try and stop debate. Kinda old and boring. But what do you expect from ppl running their sleepy coruot and perveted grandparents for President
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You certainly can READ hate from the right everyday. Heck, just open The Chat.
Maybe, but it usually starts on the Left which has perfected the art of censorship, victimization and shakedown. I've never seen a group more afraid to argue their point of view on the merits. They either try to silence the opposition or very quickly lower the conversation to name calling.

Just look at Obama. He's the POTUS, which means he should be acting in a dignified manner and he should be and attempting to elevate everyone, Instead, he attacks those who oppose him which often means he is attacking over half the country. When he should be trying to convince people why his idea is better, he almost always chooses to vilify and/or lecture. Classic example.
Sure, anyone whining and argument with a loony liberal is a racist hater. It's how they try and stop debate. Kinda old and boring. But what do you expect from ppl running their sleepy coruot and perveted grandparents for President

Crazy, stupid Rolo. You don't debate, you rant redneck jihad. You hate non-hate, you're a sick puppy.
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Maybe, but it usually starts on the Left which has perfected the art of censorship, victimization and shakedown. I've never seen a group more afraid to argue their point of view on the merits. They either try to silence the opposition or very quickly lower the conversation to name calling.

Just look at Obama. He's the POTUS, which means he should be acting in a dignified manner and he should be and attempting to elevate everyone, Instead, he attacks those who oppose him which often means he is attacking over half the country. When he should be trying to convince people why his idea is better, he almost always chooses to vilify and/or lecture. Classic example.

On THIS BOARD the vast majority of name calling and whining comes from the far right.
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On THIS BOARD the vast majority of name calling and whining comes from the far right.

I could easily go through the alphabet several times pointing out post where liberals are trashed in every sort of manner. I single Rolo because He's easily and consistently most vitriolic ranter on this board. He's a hate filled person.
Crazy, stupid Rolo. You don't debate, you rant redneck jihad. You hate non-hate, you're a sick puppy.

You really no very smart. I wonder if you're even of age yet? I'm guessing you're some snot nose ki on his dad's computer . You've been made a fool of time and time again here. But you keep coming back. Hence you can't embarrass a liberal. Where are these groups creating all this havoc you speak of? That's right, so STFU and stop letting ppl know how dumb you are.
I could easily go through the alphabet several times pointing out post where liberals are trashed in every sort of manner. I single Rolo because He's easily and consistently most vitriolic ranter on this board. He's a hate filled person.

I tried to engage you a week or so ago. And once you could answer a question you just went back to being a moron. Yea I fight you clowns the same way you treat conservatives. , IDGAS about you really, you can't take it when ppl fight you back and you're absolutely in a melt down when the racist, bigot BS doesn't seem to work. You're just a snot nose dipshit. You're the stuff that grows on the corner o your mouth when its dry
You really no very smart. I wonder if you're even of age yet? I'm guessing you're some snot nose ki on his dad's computer . You've been made a fool of time and time again here. But you keep coming back. Hence you can't embarrass a liberal. Where are these groups creating all this havoc you speak of? That's right, so STFU and stop letting ppl know how dumb you are.

''You really no very smart''
Me really yes very smart.
I tried to engage you a week or so ago. And once you could answer a question you just went back to being a moron. Yea I fight you clowns the same way you treat conservatives. , IDGAS about you really, you can't take it when ppl fight you back and you're absolutely in a melt down when the racist, bigot BS doesn't seem to work. You're just a snot nose dipshit. You're the stuff that grows on the corner o your mouth when its dry

Crazy Rolo, crazy sad ass Rolo.
New Black Panthers who do the same plus block access to voting
You really no very smart. I wonder if you're even of age yet? I'm guessing you're some snot nose ki on his dad's computer . You've been made a fool of time and time again here. But you keep coming back. Hence you can't embarrass a liberal. Where are these groups creating all this havoc you speak of? That's right, so STFU and stop letting ppl know how dumb you are.

LOL! I have no interest in this argument or 90% of the insipid arguments on this forum. However, you've got a lot a nerve to be calling someone "not smart" with that laughably bad English. Read that back to yourself. As for fools, you make yourself a fool every time you post.
LOL! I have no interest in this argument or 90% of the insipid arguments on this forum. However, you've got a lot a nerve to be calling someone "not smart" with that laughably bad English. Read that back to yourself. As for fools, you make yourself a fool every time you post.
That's it? That's all ya got ? Mr "I'm above it all" if you have no interest, why you commenting? And no, the guy isn't very smart. Fck off would you.
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