The Campus Carry Bill


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2004
Scares the hell out of me. I am all for protecting one's self, but a college kid, beer, whiskey, weed, fine ass wimmens to fight over, and guns = BANG BANG or KAPOW!!! Campus Carry Bill = Campus Nightmare's
There are several things you may not understand:

1) This only applies to people with a concealed carry permit.
2) You have to be 21 to get a concealed carry permit, so for traditional students this means that no freshmen, no sophomores, and only some juniors have any possibility of being eligible.
3) As someone who frequently carries concealed, I've noticed a counter intuitive phenomenon. I am far less likely to get into an altercation of any kind because I know where it could lead. Also, I value my right to carry so I am less likely to get into an altercation of any kind even when unarmed because I don't want to lose my right to carry (violent misdemeanor will do that).
4) Generally speaking the kind of people who value the right to carry enough to go get fingerprinted and submit to a GBI and FBI background check and pay for the license are not people you have to worry about. I can tell you that none of the shootings in the news have been perpetrated by concealed carry permit holders. With the anti-gun bias of the news media if someone with a concealed carry permit committed a violent crime it would be all over the news.
5) Under the new law (assuming the Governor signs it) you still cannot carry in dorms and frat houses.
6) Even with a concealed carry permit you cannot carry in places where alcohol is served for consumption on the premises IF YOU are drinking. If you are not drinking and hold a concealed carry permit you can carry in those places.

Students are routinely mugged on campus at Tech and Georgia State. The thugs know those kids coming out of the library or whatever are sure to have an iPhone, iPad, laptop and other things they can pawn for drugs and they know the students are unarmed by law. Once this law goes into effect I eagerly await some tech or Georgia State student to legally blow his assailant's brains out. That will be a glorious event and will send a message that the thugs need to go somewhere else in search of defenseless victims.

Also, this is the ONLY thing that can prevent/minimize a shooting like the one that occurred at Virginia Tech. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy (or gal) with a gun.
The bill has already passed. All that remains is the Governor's signature.

There are a number of other places where campus carry is allowed and there were dire predictions in those places as well. The grim predictions have not come to pass.

Your argument is ignorant. If you would rather huddle in a corner if/when a mad gunman decides to commit mass murder that is your prerogative. To argue that an armed citizen would have no possibility of defending themselves unless their gun is already drawn is preposterous. It can and does happen on a fairly regular basis (with more generic armed robbery, etc., not in mass shooting situations). It has also happened (where armed citizens stopped an armed assailant) in a couple of mass shooting situations, one in a church and one in a shopping mall.
The bill has already passed. All that remains is the Governor's signature.

There are a number of other places where campus carry is allowed and there were dire predictions in those places as well. The grim predictions have not come to pass.

Your argument is ignorant. If you would rather huddle in a corner if/when a mad gunman decides to commit mass murder that is your prerogative. To argue that an armed citizen would have no possibility of defending themselves unless their gun is already drawn is preposterous. It can and does happen on a fairly regular basis (with more generic armed robbery, etc., not in mass shooting situations). It has also happened (where armed citizens stopped an armed assailant) in a couple of mass shooting situations, one in a church and one in a shopping mall.
Damn HD, I am talking about irresponsible people that will definitely have weapons and you go all NRA on me!!! I wasn't arguing, I was making a point that obviously flew over your head! Is that ignorance on your part?
Damn HD, I am talking about irresponsible people that will definitely have weapons and you go all NRA on me!!! I wasn't arguing, I was making a point that obviously flew over your head! Is that ignorance on your part?

I was responding to a message which has been moderated, probably due to foul language. I was calling his argument ignorant, not yours.

But yes, I missed your point in your original post completely.
I was responding to a message which has been moderated, probably due to foul language. I was calling his argument ignorant, not yours.

But yes, I missed your point in your original post completely.
No biggie!
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So are we becoming the wild, wild west, with everyone packing? No law enforcement needed? Every man for himself? And just to remind, even in the wild, wild west, you had to check your sidearms at the door of the saloon.

I'm not against guns, but against guns in the hands of irresponsible, or drunk, or stupid people.
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So are we becoming the wild, wild west, with everyone packing? No law enforcement needed? Every man for himself? And just to remind, even in the wild, wild west, you had to check your sidearms at the door of the saloon.

I'm not against guns, but against guns in the hands of irresponsible, or drunk, or stupid people.

are you against terrorist having guns , how about rapist , gangs ? these folks will obtain guns, and you can't count on the police to be there in seconds , so a legal carry gun may save lives .
are you against terrorist having guns , how about rapist , gangs ? these folks will obtain guns, and you can't count on the police to be there in seconds , so a legal carry gun may save lives .

Then my original question stands unanswered - So are we becoming the wild, wild west, with everyone packing? No law enforcement needed? If we're all packing, the law is what we see of it - shoot first, ask questions later.

I don't put my head in the sand - I KNOW that terrorists, gangs, etc., will get their guns - and usually illegally. Of course they need to be controlled. IMO however, the law's the best to do that.
Then my original question stands unanswered - So are we becoming the wild, wild west, with everyone packing? No law enforcement needed? If we're all packing, the law is what we see of it - shoot first, ask questions later.

I don't put my head in the sand - I KNOW that terrorists, gangs, etc., will get their guns - and usually illegally. Of course they need to be controlled. IMO however, the law's the best to do that.

dougle g dawg , i think you have had some good responses to your question about the wild west , i guess it is in the eyes of the beholder, call it what you want to . imo , with the threat of terrorism added to gangs , crazies , and sorry a$$ thugs , people are becoming more concerned with trying to protect their family and friends . as stated above , legal gun carriers have been background checked and tested , also trained in some states, to what degree depends on the state . in my state you have to be 21 ,have background check, attend 8 hours of class taught by law enforcement,have to pass a written exam then go to the range and qualify ......and of course you have to cough up the coins . so again , as good as law enforcement is , they can't always be there when you need them .
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Scares the hell out of me. I am all for protecting one's self, but a college kid, beer, whiskey, weed, fine ass wimmens to fight over, and guns = BANG BANG or KAPOW!!! Campus Carry Bill = Campus Nightmare's
Sorry you are so impressionable.