So this was going on while Trump was President, correct?
Yes it was. It has always overreached, but President Obama weaponized it openly.
There were less DOJ attacks on local police precincts under Trump, but Obama sold the race narrative with Eric Holder at the helm.

The focus of the DOJ became openly politicized under Obama and started directing the narrative, placing local law enforcement and first responders in harms way.

The respect for law enforcement changed greatly under Obama, which was intended, in my opinion, to further weaken our position as a world leader as our citizenry was given permission to target law enforcement.

I thought the whole Obama/DOJ experience was choreographed to harm us as a country and was uncomfortable to watch. It took racial relations in this country back 50 years and played well into the hands of our socialist adversaries.
Yes it was. It has always overreached, but President Obama weaponized it openly.
There were less DOJ attacks on local police precincts under Trump, but Obama sold the race narrative with Eric Holder at the helm.

The focus of the DOJ became openly politicized under Obama and started directing the narrative, placing local law enforcement and first responders in harms way.

The respect for law enforcement changed greatly under Obama, which was intended, in my opinion, to further weaken our position as a world leader as our citizenry was given permission to target law enforcement.

I thought the whole Obama/DOJ experience was choreographed to harm us as a country and was uncomfortable to watch. It took racial relations in this country back 50 years and played well into the hands of our socialist adversaries.
That pos was a certified communist and should be arrested and tried for treason.
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