The Girl Scouts would like to remind you not to ask your daughters to hug any relatives


Pillar of the DawgVent
Aug 21, 2003
The notion of consent may seem very grown-up and like something that doesn’t pertain to children,” says Girl Scouts’ developmental psychologist Dr. Andrea Bastiani Archibald, “but the lessons girls learn when they’re young about setting physical boundaries and expecting them to be respected last a lifetime, and can influence how she feels about herself and her body as she gets older. Plus, sadly, we know that some adults prey on children, and teaching your daughter about consent early on can help her understand her rights, know when lines are being crossed, and when to go to you for help.
Well, I guess that's terrible news for Roy Moore.

Honestly, I can't keep up any more. I'm just starting to get my head around the fact that many so-called "conservatives" are suddenly supporters of Putin's Russia. And I guess nothing should surprise me after that. But, I have to admit I totally did not see the pro-pedofile thing coming.
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Well, I guess that's terrible news for Roy Moore.

Honestly, I can't keep up any more. I'm just starting to get my head around the fact that many so-called "conservatives" are suddenly supporters of Putin's Russia. And I guess nothing should surprise me after that. But, I have to admit I totally did not see the pro-pedofile thing coming.
Don’t know of any conservatives that like Russia,but the clinton’s have 100’s of millions of dollars ( ahem, reasons ) to like Putin’s Russia.
Don’t know of any conservatives that like Russia

No? Maybe you should get out more...

Republicans' confidence in Russia's Putin on the rise

Republicans Fuel Rise in Putin's Favorable Ratings

Republicans Are Warming Up to Russia, Polls Show

Republicans are risking becoming the party of Putin
"Republican voter opinions . . . are becoming alarmingly more pro-Russian. According to a Morning Consult-Politico poll conducted in May, 49 percent of Republican voters consider Russia to be either an ally or friendly. Only 12 percent consider it an enemy. In 2015, only 12 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Gallup. As of February, that figure had jumped to 32 percent.

These dangerous trends impair the nation’s will to protect itself, and they are entirely the result of Republican leadership’s failure to oppose Trump from the beginning. Republican voters had long held a healthy distrust of Putin, but Trump’s persistent affinity for Moscow and other Republican leaders’ silence are changing Republican voters’ minds, now making it politically costly for GOP leaders to defend the nation from this foreign adversary."
No? Maybe you should get out more...

Republicans' confidence in Russia's Putin on the rise

Republicans Fuel Rise in Putin's Favorable Ratings

Republicans Are Warming Up to Russia, Polls Show

Republicans are risking becoming the party of Putin
"Republican voter opinions . . . are becoming alarmingly more pro-Russian. According to a Morning Consult-Politico poll conducted in May, 49 percent of Republican voters consider Russia to be either an ally or friendly. Only 12 percent consider it an enemy. In 2015, only 12 percent of Republicans held a favorable view of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Gallup. As of February, that figure had jumped to 32 percent.

These dangerous trends impair the nation’s will to protect itself, and they are entirely the result of Republican leadership’s failure to oppose Trump from the beginning. Republican voters had long held a healthy distrust of Putin, but Trump’s persistent affinity for Moscow and other Republican leaders’ silence are changing Republican voters’ minds, now making it politically costly for GOP leaders to defend the nation from this foreign adversary."
But have the pubs sold Our uranium to Putin’s Russia? No. The dems as usual are stewing us all and the media blames the pubs. Rich
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But have the pubs sold Our uranium to Putin’s Russia? No. The dems as usual are stewing us all and the media blames the pubs. Rich

This ^^^ is exactly the problem. There is overwhelming evidence that Russia has launched an attack on our political system, with extensive cooperation from at least some people in the current administration. But because those people have Rs next to their name, you don't want to hear or do anything about it.

This is where we are now. Republican politics have become so tribal that many Republicans hate Democrats more than foreign adversaries like Russia (and some of them are starting to think maybe the Russians aren't so bad after all). It's gone so far that it is putting the country at real risk.

You should at least take that Reagan picture out of your avatar. Because, for all his faults, Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he could see how eager "conservatives" like you are to let the Russians get away with subverting our democracy.
This ^^^ is exactly the problem. There is overwhelming evidence that Russia has launched an attack on our political system, with extensive cooperation from at least some people in the current administration. But because those people have Rs next to their name, you don't want to hear or do anything about it.

This is where we are now. Republican politics have become so tribal that many Republicans hate Democrats more than foreign adversaries like Russia (and some of them are starting to think maybe the Russians aren't so bad after all). It's gone so far that it is putting the country at real risk.

You should at least take that Reagan picture out of your avatar. Because, for all his faults, Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he could see how eager "conservatives" like you are to let the Russians get away with subverting our democracy.
The only evidence to support your accusations point to hillary and the dems. THAT IS THE PROBLEM, eight years of the most crooked and anti-American politics we have ever seen. I am a conservative not a pub, most all politicians seem to be in it for themselves. The facts have been showing the last eight years we were getting screwed by the dems as they claimed to protect us from the pubs. They all need to be fired. Pubs are just dem lights in my opinion.