The invasion continues ...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012
and not a damn one up there is doing shit about it. Pubs aren't fighting it at all and that tells the whole story. Their constituents are hounding them but they don't do a damn thing. Killing their own party and the country for corporate and chamber dollars. Hell, now the feds are flying them in from Central America to "reunify" with their illegal family members that are already here. Why the Hell aren't we "reunifying" them the other way. Chain Immigration - f'n chain of fools is what it is. And I hear these Fox shows like the Five just going on about how these immigrants are what makes America great. We'll see about that. They are just shills pushing Murdoch's agenda or maybe they just are that insulated and dumb. Everybody's worrying about terrorists crossing the borders. I'm worried about thousands and thousands of low skilled uneducated people with low IQs flooding the country, dumbing us down even more, not to mention that half the low skilled jobs will be automated in 10 yrs. We are in trouble, but everyone is insulated in their little tech bubbles and asleep. Bill O'reilly is right about that shit. Everyone has just constructed their own little world for now. But it won't last.

Invasion continues
Pubs are playing possum to get elected but I don't trust any of them

They know it's going to be tough to win without some minority votes.
looked at attachment to your link 'bout Child Stars...

didn't realize Kristen Stewart starred in the film Panic Room; Todd Bridges had criminal written all over his face at young age....America missed that one; "Punky" Brewster grew up to be finest of the group. Steve Urkel got too much white underneath his iris....Sidetrack says that dead give-away for crazy ass person.

All you have to do is look at how they caved to obama on...

immigration right after they took the senate and you can see the pubs are not the answer. They are all the same. They'll say what they think voters want to hear to get elected, then do the opposite once they are in office.

They are all crooks and corrupt.
Very disappointing which means we need a good strong president

Walker or Paul.
I don't see 'em campaigning in the hoods or the barrios ..

I think that is a complete crock of BS that they are selling suckers. And what use is getting elected if the country is destroyed. IMO, they are paid off and are in on it (except for a few) or they've all been blackmailed - I am 100% convinced of it. Nothing else makes any sense to me. Rand Paul is the only republican I've seen that's even dipped his toe into the minority pool. And large numbers of legal hispanics are 100% against amnesty. So are many of the blacks. I don't think they are even trying to get them, but IMO they don't even have to bend over on immigration to get a few minority votes. They don't need a huge percentage of them to win. They don't even talk to those people. They are just selling y'all that bullshit so you'll buy in on Jeb.
I've gotten so jaded, I'm not sure anyone who is interested in...

being president is any good. It takes a special sort of ego and hubris to think you are the man to lead 340 million people. I think the men who want to be president have to have a unique level of arrogance, narcissism and megalomania.

The answer is term limits and the only way that will happen is through violence. These corrupt politicians will never willingly let them be enacted.
They are trying to get the Hispanic vote. Would be the only reason

that Bush has a prayer other than big $$$. Nobody is selling me bullshit, just speculation on what they are thinking.
I have pretty much given up as well but we'll see. Giving one more

cycle of presidential elections.
Game, Set, Match. Toothpaste ain't going back in the tube.

In our time we've gone from the "ask not what your country can do for you" to "gimme more stuff", said in both English and Spanish.
Did not mean you, personally - I think they are selling us all ...

a bill of goods with their "reasons" for not pushing back. Poll after poll of legal hispanic voters shows an extremely strong minority are against mass illegal immigration. Now they probably don't want to hear xenophobic rants like mine, but I think enough of them are into rule of law to where you could make a strong clearly reasoned case against amnesty and get some of their votes. But it would take some real outreach and work - these guys are too busy dialing for dollars and lining their pockets from the corporate lobby to do any of that. The hispanics that are all in on invasion and amnesty are never going to vote for any white people. They are as racist towards whites as the KKK ever was towards blacks. Yet another reason to quit letting them in and to send most of the illegals back home. National suicide by choice, IMO. Sorry if I came off as personal. I didn't mean to - it just frustrates me.
No problem, it is very frustrating and I agree with you.

I think they have figured out that we aren't getting anything without a new republican president. I absolutely agree that term limits will stop a lot of the crap going on but agree also that it will never happen.
Pubs will never accept that 80% of blacks and hispanics will never...

vote for a republican candidate, no matter what they say or do and that shaping their message to appeal to them does nothing but run off the white voters. Pubs trying to appeal to voters who will never vote for them is the height of stupidity.

I agree there are some blacks and hispanics that want immigration control. The pubs are running them off with their soft on immigration game and not gaining any of the other black or hispanic voters in return.
I hope you are right and that is what it is ...

Mighty big gamble, if so. They sure are turning people off and Obama isn't on the ballot next time. Hillary is eminently unlikable, but for whatever reasons (and they don't really matter), Bill Clinton is still popular with independents. I just hate surrender monkeys is all. Republicans just seem like that to me. I know they fight on some things. I'm sure Johnny Bee and some of y'all can sell some successes by them, but I think they are all in on the scam. However, the republicans seem to be into taking us there a little slower, so I guess I'm still casting my lot with them for now.
Yeah - I'm not saying they are any majority or anything ...

but poll after poll says that a sizable number of them don't like it. They don't all not pay taxes. You are only going to get minority tax payers to ever vote republican. Why even try for any others. Like you say, they try for the ones they never get and run off the very few that they can. Brilliance.
I think Paul has a very good shot at being the first libertarian

like president we've ever had but he is smart enough to know that he's going to need every vote he can get so he's pandering.
I shoulda learnt more in Spanish class, I still think about learning.......

it all the time. Thinking it will come in handy and may even be able to make some $$$ as a Spanish speaking gringo.
It is interesting to me that you like Rand Paul ...

He has been so non-interventionist. Am I wrong in thinking that you have generally been a rock-ribbed conservative hawk on foreign policy over the years? How does he sway you that he will have a foreign policy that a conservative would approve of? I don't mind his foreign policy ideas, but I'm not a conservative. I don't see how he can win primaries. I know he is going to lie and pander and say he is more interventionist, but are conservatives going to buy it?
Re: It is interesting to me that you like Rand Paul ...

Bet you he gets a big kick when he announces. Think it's today.

He would be so far above what we have now but I was speaking in terms of who could win it all. I would rather see Walker win but Paul has a chance of beating all of them imo. I'm pretty conservative. I agree that it will take our soldiers leading to defeat ISIS. My point is the winner may have to pander to overcome the give me free stuff democrats.
I actually think there is a political will by the people to beat ISIS ...

and Rand Paul would probably respond to that and do better than Obama. He's not dumb and he's not a closet muslim, so I think he would probably take the threat of islamic terrorism seriously enough. I think he's got enough sense to listen to his intelligence and his military leaders.
I think ISIS is simply the latest bogeyman the govt is selling the people..

to keep them afraid enough to submit to govt rule and give up more of their rights. IMO; if we left the Middle East, which I think we should do, tell everyone to leave Israel alone or we will bomb them back to the stone age, and let the rest of the camel humpers fight it out til they had a winner, ISIS and all the other groups would not care about us one way or the other. Once the Al Queda threat wore thin and people quit buying into the terror attack in the US, the govt had to come up with a new enemy. Barry initially said ISIS was nothing to worry about and, for once, I think he was telling the truth.
So do I. He has his dad's following and he is pretty smart

I think he has backed off being an isolationist lately and a little bit won't hurt getting the doves and independents to vote for him. He's positioned better than most right now I think.
Been thinking the same - took 4 quarters in college and can still ..

read it OK, but I didn't go to class much so I can't speak it or understand it for shit.
I go back and forth -- I think we have at least indirectly ...

financed terrorism for years. But I think it is becoming a possibly real legitimate domestic threat, especially since we've been loading these muzzie refugees into the country at a faster rate than hispanics for the last couple of years. The mainstream right wing news isn't even covering that. You have to go to WND and conspiracy sites to get those numbers. I used to think exactly the same way you do about it, but I'm recently starting to question myself. I think it might be a real threat. I'm getting to where I've got no problem with meddling and taking ISIS off the map. I don't like that beheading Christians shit. The muzzies can kill each other all they want, but they pretty much left the Christians alone over there for 2000 years. Might need to teach them a lesson by turning them to DUST. I know I am letting emotions come into play. I'm OK with that sometimes.
I don't know. I still think they are coming here or training the ones

already here in droves.
I took German. Thought the Fourth Reich was coming.

Back them, everyone thought Germans started a war every 25 years.
Let's focus on the ones that are here and want to do us harm...

there is no good ending to getting involved in a religious conflict. If we start killing Muslims to defend Christians, that plays perfectly into their hand when they want to recruit more terrorists to attack us because we are infidels killing them because they are Muslims. Let the Pope go over there and give a speech and spend some of the Vatican's money if he wants to arm the Christians. If it's going to be a religious war, let the religions fight it out, not the US. I'm sick of the US fighting everyone's wars and being told how bad we are because we don't give enough of our money away.

I think if we leave everyone alone, we are strong enough that no one is going to attack us. We need to use our military for things in our national interest. A bunch of camel humpers killing each other doesn't matter at all to us in the big picture. We've got our own oil now, to hell with those people. We better be paying attention to China, they are an actual threat.
That's the story the govt is selling, Al Queda was supposedly..

coming here to blow up everything so we had to have the Patriot Act so the govt could spy on us and arrest and hold people without charging them and "protect" us from the terrorists who wanted to kill us because they hated our freedom and way of life. We heard the same thing about the communists. When the wall fell and the USSR collapsed, the govt had no one to keep us afraid of. Bin Laden was the answer to the govt's prayers.

They already have the contingency in place if ISIS goes away, Putin. Now, Putin is the next Hitler, he's going to conquer the world and we have to be strong enough to fight Russia again. They always have to have a bogeyman to keep the public scared and willing to be ruled and give up rights for "security".
We have stopped a bunch of bad things from happening

and got lucky on a few others. Some, we don't even hear about. I think the ISIS crowd is out to kill everyone they can and the only way to stop them is to kill them. Russia has enough sense not to start nuking.

I don't want to give up any more freedom but I don't want to see another 9-11 either.
I can't say those are not all valid points ...

I agree 100% about China. You're swaying me back. I know they love to beat those war drums up there in DC and it usually works like a charm on the right. I do want us to watch those new muzzies we are bringing here. I think the old ones that have been here for years are alright for the most part, but I don't really trust 15,000 non-vetted refugees from Syria. We only took middle easterners from "friendly countries" or either thoroughly vetted refugees that we knew were relatively "pro-western" in the past. I actually don't mind a few muzzies for flavor -- I like a lot of their food. I can tear up some baba ghanoush. But now we're just throwing open the door to any of them and just taking them at their word that they don't mean us any harm and letting them right on in.

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