The Moslem in Chief saying Syrian moslems, including the ISIS terrorists among them

are "Just like the Pilgrims on the Mayflower"

Makes ya proud, don't he?
I ain't all that shot in the ass over allowing a boat load of diseased whores, thieves, mental patients and ex-cons over either. You can believe that the Mayflower itinerary was similar to that of the Cuban boatlift. Screwups, religious whacko's, slaves. A motley crew of misfits. We got a gracious aplenty already.
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You're as big a POS as ROLO Vol, isn't your sister's ass getting cold.

You always know when you've really gotten under a liberal's skin. They can't respond with any refutation, any degree of discourse.

Nope. Go for the Race Card, the Hate Card, the Xenophobe Card or the communist Saul Alinski's little book as in this case.

Rules For Radicals # 5.
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