The newest phony controversy from so called "whistleblower":


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2016
The Ukranian government has now announced that they will investigate Hunter Biden if asked officially.
FYI: Hunter Biden owns a company with the son of John Kerry and the nephew of Whitey Bulger. This bribery front has taken > $2B in bribe money over the past several years from foreign interests.
This bogus "urgent" matter, coming totally from the DNC's deep state operatives in the intel community and directly ordered by the DNC, is an attempt to prevent the Trump administration from making that request by insinuating
1) that Trump is a security risk (he is a security risk ... but for them, not the country)
2) that the US intel apparatus has some authority over what the President does or says. (They do not. They work for him. He does not work for them).
There is not even a legal issue involved. POTUS has the authority to say anything he wants to foreign leaders.
This is simply a desperate blocking maneuver to protect the most vile group ever to exist in this country, the DNC and its many criminal enterprises.
The coming IG report will reflect very badly on the Obama DOJ for FISA abuses, perjury & fraud on the court plus the Obama era intel community and their illegal spying on American citizens. It will be devastating.
So, do not be surprised to see a huge amount of trash/distraction originating from that sector and the democRATs. It is their only defense because they are 100% guilty.
It will be endlessly flashed across your tv screen by the fully cooperating media. Fox is every bit as guilty of jumping on this garbage as are the DNC controlled MSM. They will all do anything for ratings.
Don't understand why the left would go after Trump on an issue that puts Biden in the crosshairs....unless they think they are so smart that they can get two birds with one stone.

They'll try anything to get rid of Trump and they don't want Biden at the helm post-Trump.
I guess they think they are that smart, even though Trump seems to be 10 steps ahead of them at all times.
I can not see how they can sell this BS, when Trump is fighting the corruption that he said he would clean up.
The left is getting exposed and they are fighting back with arguments that make no sense.
I guess they think they are that smart, even though Trump seems to be 10 steps ahead of them at all times.
I can not see how they can sell this BS, when Trump is fighting the corruption that he said he would clean up.
The left is getting exposed and they are fighting back with arguments that make no sense.
That is true. The arguments make no sense ... when you look closely. The problem is, most democRATs don't do that. They can only manage to stumble through the misleading headlines before they melt into a puddle of jiggly "feelings" and have to have another doughnut.
The Ukranian government has now announced that they will investigate Hunter Biden if asked officially.
FYI: Hunter Biden owns a company with the son of John Kerry and the nephew of Whitey Bulger. This bribery front has taken > $2B in bribe money over the past several years from foreign interests.
This bogus "urgent" matter, coming totally from the DNC's deep state operatives in the intel community and directly ordered by the DNC, is an attempt to prevent the Trump administration from making that request by insinuating
1) that Trump is a security risk (he is a security risk ... but for them, not the country)
2) that the US intel apparatus has some authority over what the President does or says. (They do not. They work for him. He does not work for them).
There is not even a legal issue involved. POTUS has the authority to say anything he wants to foreign leaders.
This is simply a desperate blocking maneuver to protect the most vile group ever to exist in this country, the DNC and its many criminal enterprises.
The coming IG report will reflect very badly on the Obama DOJ for FISA abuses, perjury & fraud on the court plus the Obama era intel community and their illegal spying on American citizens. It will be devastating.
So, do not be surprised to see a huge amount of trash/distraction originating from that sector and the democRATs. It is their only defense because they are 100% guilty.
It will be endlessly flashed across your tv screen by the fully cooperating media. Fox is every bit as guilty of jumping on this garbage as are the DNC controlled MSM. They will all do anything for ratings.
Yep, gives MS-DNC, CNN ( Communist News Network), The Washington Compost, New York Slimes et al.....a new diversion and something to endlessly propogate to the uninformed masses and those who just dont give a try and further their agendas.
I just perused Twitter. The Libs are already downplaying the fact that Trump is releasing the unredacted transcript tomorrow. I guess they think it’s fake. Now, they’re demanding to see the whistleblower’s complaint. As if. The POS has zero first-hand knowledge, yet calls himself or herself a whistleblower. The complaint is 100% hearsay. That’s your grounds?! What a DA! And what DAs are the focking Libs who jump at anything to impeach as if there are no grounds for impeachment. The NYT, WaPo and DA frosh House members are leading you to ruin.

Losers, the lot of you. But, I appreciate that you’ve all but assured a Trump landslide and a return of GOP majority in the House.
I just perused Twitter. The Libs are already downplaying the fact that Trump is releasing the unredacted transcript tomorrow. I guess they think it’s fake. Now, they’re demanding to see the whistleblower’s complaint. As if. The POS has zero first-hand knowledge, yet calls himself or herself a whistleblower. The complaint is 100% hearsay. That’s your grounds?! What a DA! And what DAs are the focking Libs who jump at anything to impeach as if there are no grounds for impeachment. The NYT, WaPo and DA frosh House members are leading you to ruin.

Losers, the lot of you. But, I appreciate that you’ve all but assured a Trump landslide and a return of GOP majority in the House.
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I mean, a unanimous vote in the Senate to release the report? Literally every Republican voted for it...must be some giant conspiracy against your king
Can't read that link because u have to subscribe to it. I don't need to read it anyway. WAPO is a proven lying rag. But U just go on believing everything they print.
I’ll break it down for you. This has been happening for months and there were multiple intelligence employees concerned over many months before discussing and debating Ukraine before the phone call happened. This was discussed internally by dozens of employees before it happened, so the whistleblower has a ton of credibility. If Trump one day decided to do this, then could deny, but this built up and was discussed for months before the call happened.
I’ll break it down for you. This has been happening for months and there were multiple intelligence employees concerned over many months before discussing and debating Ukraine before the phone call happened. This was discussed internally by dozens of employees before it happened, so the whistleblower has a ton of credibility. If Trump one day decided to do this, then could deny, but this built up and was discussed for months before the call happened.
Blah,Blah,Blah! Hate America, orange man bad,Blah, Blah, Blah!
You guys crack me up, if Trump murdered someone on TV you guys would defend him and blame it on a libtard. No point to make, just having fun

Yep I never come over to the chat, but I did now just so I could see how the Trump cult of personality blind followers would attempt to rationalize the impeachment proceedings news to themselves. It’s predictable behavior, but sad too.
Yep I never come over to the chat, but I did now just so I could see how the Trump cult of personality blind followers would attempt to rationalize the impeachment proceedings news to themselves. It’s predictable behavior, but sad too.
Thank you for never coming over to the chat. It is appreciated.
Yep I never come over to the chat, but I did now just so I could see how the Trump cult of personality blind followers would attempt to rationalize the impeachment proceedings news to themselves. It’s predictable behavior, but sad too.

The Dems and media allies have desperately looked for every excuse to undermine Trump even before he ever took the oath. With the Russian Collusion hoax now dead they just move on to the next thing. They know there's nothing there, but this is just the on-going attempt to damage Trump enough to have him defeated in 2020. If Elizabeth Warren or Bernie is the choice the Dems have zero chance. But the "left wing" Dem nut-jobs like AOC don't care if Biden gets damaged in the process, because he's the one Dem candidate not crazy enough to support their wacky agenda.
The Dems and media allies have desperately looked for every excuse to undermine Trump even before he ever took the oath. With the Russian Collusion hoax now dead they just move on to the next thing. They know there's nothing there, but this is just the on-going attempt to damage Trump enough to have him defeated in 2020. If Elizabeth Warren or Bernie is the choice the Dems have zero chance. But the "left wing" Dem nut-jobs like AOC don't care if Biden gets damaged in the process, because he's the one Dem candidate not crazy enough to support their wacky agenda.

I knew someone would respond with the standard “it’s all a witch-hunt” mantra. You don’t know at this point if the most recent set of allegations can be proven, and even if there turns out to be irrefutable proof I’m sure the Trump loyalists will find someway to relationalize that it’s “all lies.”
I knew someone would respond with the standard “it’s all a witch-hunt” mantra. You don’t know at this point if the most recent set of allegations can be proven, and even if there turns out to be irrefutable proof I’m sure the Trump loyalists will find someway to relationalize that it’s “all lies.”
Go back to bed and let the adults talk about world events.
You obviously are to young to comprehend what is going on.
I knew someone would respond with the standard “it’s all a witch-hunt” mantra. You don’t know at this point if the most recent set of allegations can be proven, and even if there turns out to be irrefutable proof I’m sure the Trump loyalists will find someway to relationalize that it’s “all lies.”
Transcript is available. Dims of course jumped to a conclusion without any facts. If this investigation continues, it’s another total witch hunt just like the Russia collusion narrative. Accept the 2016 defeat and figure out how to win in 2020 is the dims best chance to regain their powers.
I knew someone would respond with the standard “it’s all a witch-hunt” mantra. You don’t know at this point if the most recent set of allegations can be proven, and even if there turns out to be irrefutable proof I’m sure the Trump loyalists will find someway to relationalize that it’s “all lies.”
Well its been all lies and its still all lies. Anyone who can't see that is hiding in his mom's basement reading comic books.
Transcript is available. Dims of course jumped to a conclusion without any facts. If this investigation continues, it’s another total witch hunt just like the Russia collusion narrative. Accept the 2016 defeat and figure out how to win in 2020 is the dims best chance to regain their powers.

And you are jumping to a conclusion without knowing what information the whistle blower has yourself. But I’m not surprised.
Go back to bed and let the adults talk about world events.
You obviously are to young to comprehend what is going on.

You have no idea how old I am. I will simply say that I am not young. I am also very well informed, but I will not waste any energy actually debating with blind followers. Objectivity has no place with you. But making assumptions without any really interest in the truth is par for the course with blind followers of any stripe. I’m not surprised you made assumptions about me.
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Couple of points:

They did not release a transcript of the call. WH admits there are redactions, but won’t say what they are. Wonder why?

Right after the Ukraine President brings up the military aid, Trump says, I have a favor to ask. Even Trump is not dumb enough to say we will release the aid if you investigate Biden. My guess is the Ukraine President had no problem understanding that the “favor” was the carrot for getting the aid.

I know you guys will support him no matter what he does, this is just another example.
Couple of points:

They did not release a transcript of the call. WH admits there are redactions, but won’t say what they are. Wonder why?

Right after the Ukraine President brings up the military aid, Trump says, I have a favor to ask. Even Trump is not dumb enough to say we will release the aid if you investigate Biden. My guess is the Ukraine President had no problem understanding that the “favor” was the carrot for getting the aid.

I know you guys will support him no matter what he does, this is just another example.

Let’s not let facts get in the way of the narrative.
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And you are jumping to a conclusion without knowing what information the whistle blower has yourself. But I’m not surprised.

You referring to the whistleblower who didn't even hear the call first hand but relied on hearsay to register a complaint. Just more deep state undermining Trump
What u don't realize is this is already backfiring on dems by highlighting the corruption of Joe Biden, the reaching out by Dems to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Manafort in 2016, and the credibility of Crowdstrike
You have no idea how old I am. I will simply say that I am not young. I am also very well informed, but I will not waste any energy actually debating with blind followers. Objectivity has no place with you. But making assumptions without any really interest in the truth is par for the course with blind followers of any stripe. I’m not surprised you made assumptions about me.
I made an assumption based on your obvious lack of reviewing the facts presented thus far.
If you are a liberal(which based on your comments, seems to be the case) you are already at a disadvantage in the thinking category.
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You have no idea how old I am. I will simply say that I am not young. I am also very well informed, but I will not waste any energy actually debating with blind followers. Objectivity has no place with you. But making assumptions without any really interest in the truth is par for the course with blind followers of any stripe. I’m not surprised you made assumptions about me.

Seems to me u are making assumptions about conservatives on here being "blind followers w/o any interest in the truth". You are using that as an excuse to debate which probably means u really are not that informed.
Seems to me u are making assumptions about conservatives on here being "blind followers w/o any interest in the truth". You are using that as an excuse to debate which probably means u really are not that informed.
He's making that assertion on the fact that the dozen or so posters here are all blindly loyal to Trump regardless of any facts that say he committed a crime.
I made an assumption based on your obvious lack of reviewing the facts presented thus far.
If you are a liberal(which based om your comments, seems to be the case) you are already at a disadvantage in the thinking category.
Facts are pretty straight forward, after being requested to release aid already approved by Congress, Trump asked a foreign government for a favor which was to investigate his likely opponent in the 2020 election.

Trump even told them who to work with.

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