The Obama economy in 10 charts-

Still not sure how or if the POTUS can influence the cost of crude oil. And it would really be helpful at some point to not use sliding scales (regardless of party in power) for formally defining what a "full time job" actually entails. Innovative businesses and business people are at the very least as influential as political leadership with the ebb and flow of the stock market and our GNP. "On his watch" as cause and effect is way overrated regarding any political leaders in the modern era.
Tell us Einstein, why has the workforce decreased by several million and YOUR salary been flat since 2009? But hey, gas prices are almost what they were when BHO took office even though the son-of-a-bitch does not even have an energy policy.


Very worried about the economy. Both 3rd and 4th Q GDP has been revised downward to 1.5% and .7% respectively.
Tell us Einstein, why has the workforce decreased by several million and YOUR salary been flat since 2009? But hey, gas prices are almost what they were when BHO took office even though the son-of-a-bitch does not even have an energy policy.

He's responsible for all the bad, but none of the good.
That's the way it works..right ?
Gas is cheap, domestic energy supplies and production are at all time highs, that ''son of a bitch''.
Production started climbing right about when Obama took office and has continued to levels not seen since 1970. We're now right at the all time high...the son of a bitch. If he had a plan We'd all have swimming pools filled with crude..God help Us.
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He's responsible for all the bad, but none of the good.
That's the way it works..right ?
Gas is cheap, domestic energy supplies and production are at all time highs, that ''son of a bitch''.
Production started climbing right about when Obama took office and has continued to levels not seen since 1970. We're now right at the all time high...the son of a bitch. If he had a plan We'd all have swimming pools filled with crude..God help Us.
What good can you claim? Gas prices fell in spite of his actions which he even stated we will pay more for our energy in order to force green alternatives. Yea, lets use solar power and wind even though the technology has not made it efficient yet. He is the great deceiver and controlled by others perform his breakdown of the US on every front.
He's responsible for all the bad, but none of the good.
That's the way it works..right ?
Gas is cheap, domestic energy supplies and production are at all time highs, that ''son of a bitch''.
Production started climbing right about when Obama took office and has continued to levels not seen since 1970. We're now right at the all time high...the son of a bitch. If he had a plan We'd all have swimming pools filled with crude..God help Us.
All production increases since 2008 are on private leases. If you even have an investment its not doing shit and you don't even know what a meaningful raise is. Yet, all hail to the metro sexual commander-in-chief.
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All production increases since 2008 are on private leases. If you even have an investment its not doing shit and you don't even know what a meaningful raise is. Yet, all hail to the metro sexual commander-in-chief.

I'm just pointing out the obvious, You and others are quick to blame The POTUS for damn near anything, but You refuse to give any credit, that is prejudice pure and simple. I'm not saying racism, I can't know Your motives. Factually You display prejudice toward the negative when it comes to Obama though. I wonder how You and others justify that to Yourselves.
I'm just pointing out the obvious, You and others are quick to blame The POTUS for damn near anything, but You refuse to give any credit, that is prejudice pure and simple. I'm not saying racism, I can't know Your motives. Factually You display prejudice toward the negative when it comes to Obama though. I wonder how You and others justify that to Yourselves.

President Obama could find the cure for cancer and these rubes would blame Obama for ruining things for oncologists.
President Obama could find the cure for cancer and these rubes would blame Obama for ruining things for oncologists.

Better rubes than dupes. EVERY political being plays up positives and downplays negatives that simply occur on "his watch." And every rube and every dupe, who's honest with himself knows the photo ops and the gamesmanship between opposing political parties are almost always dictated by their constant seeking and treasuring every chance to "ruin" the other guy's reputation and his chances for reelection or gaining any political credit for positive news.

Rick Snyder is the latest political whipping boy for failures at every level of government and city management in Michigan "on his watch." And we don't need to guess who's stirring that cauldron.
I'm just pointing out the obvious, You and others are quick to blame The POTUS for damn near anything, but You refuse to give any credit, that is prejudice pure and simple. I'm not saying racism, I can't know Your motives. Factually You display prejudice toward the negative when it comes to Obama though. I wonder how You and others justify that to Yourselves.
It is simply because he sucks at his job of Growing and healing the problems we face. I will give credit where it is due though, obama EXCELS at destroying any thing good or positive for a capitalist US and freedom from Government intrusion in our daily lives.
It is simply because he sucks at his job of Growing and healing the problems we face. I will give credit where it is due though, obama EXCELS at destroying any thing good or positive for a capitalist US and freedom from Government intrusion in our daily lives.

You really keep proving My point.
He would first subsidize the treatment program so he could line his pockets with lots of cash. Then take all the credit and glory.

There is no indication whatsoever that Obama uses His office to enrich Himself or cronies. The Bush Family on the other hand has sucked the public tit for at least 4 generations.

Pal, you might need these phony out of context charts to make you feel better about your choices. But I understand economics. I work on the front lines of the economy. And I'll tell you, this is the worst we've ever seen in a recovery period.

See I don't buy that Presidents create jobs. People create jobs, the only thing a President can do is get out of the way. This POS however has done everything he can to block people from creating jobs and expand business.

If you truly believe employment is at 5%.....That's all I need to know about your level of knowledge. It would tell me you're nothing more than a cheerleader for this unqualified, lying race baiting empty suit.

We have the most ppl in well over 30 years that have dropped out of the workforce. So when you simply move almost 100m people off the countable rolls. You can get some pretty good numbers. Imagine if another 100m leave the work place.....we'd have 0 unemployment. Wouldn't that be great?
Better rubes than dupes. EVERY political being plays up positives and downplays negatives that simply occur on "his watch." And every rube and every dupe, who's honest with himself knows the photo ops and the gamesmanship between opposing political parties are almost always dictated by their constant seeking and treasuring every chance to "ruin" the other guy's reputation and his chances for reelection or gaining any political credit for positive news.

Rick Snyder is the latest political whipping boy for failures at every level of government and city management in Michigan "on his watch." And we don't need to guess who's stirring that cauldron.

Jeez! You poison the people of ONE TOWN and people think you're some kind of sociopath!

Seriously, if there was lead found in the water in Grosse Point, you better believe it would have been solved tomorrow.
Tell us Einstein, why has the workforce decreased by several million and YOUR salary been flat since 2009? But hey, gas prices are almost what they were when BHO took office even though the son-of-a-bitch does not even have an energy policy.

Well, the first one is pretty easy.

The boomers are retiring.

Generally speaking... the baby boomers were born between 1946-1966. The oldest of that generation are 70... the youngest 50. Generation X is a low population generation, with the Millenials being a high population generation again (1980-2000 or so).

With the high population generations inhabiting large chunks of the retirement/early retirement age group and the "still in school/entry level position" age groups... the overall participation is supposed to be smaller. The age groups that have the lowest participation EVERY YEAR are the 17-30 and 50+ age groups. When you have a higher percentage of your working age population in those age ranges... you have lower participation.

Not rocket science... just statistics.
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Jeez! You poison the people of ONE TOWN and people think you're some kind of sociopath!

Seriously, if there was lead found in the water in Grosse Point, you better believe it would have been solved tomorrow.

Grosse Point or Jesup, GA (pick one) both would have had somebody (at least one) working at the water treatment plant that could read and write well enough to operate some water quality testing kits and let the appropriate people up the chain of command know about it.

Could not care less about Snyder himself, but this is a classic example of how chicken $hit folks are in local government, when it comes to a problem greater than deciding whether to eat at Hardee's or Sonny's for lunch. Whether the Governor or the Sheriff of Nottingham showed up with the will and ability to analyze and solve the problem caused by the local goofs' arrogant ineptitude, that person/group was going to get the dirtiest and be awarded most of the blame for his/their effort..

Once you wade into the swamp to pull people out, guess who gets blamed for the swamp. This is one more study in human nature. When in doubt or trouble, just stand back and say something really stupid like, "I didn't know it was loaded" or "I didn't think of that" or "Nobody showed me how to run that thing." There's a thousand of them that preening idiots, who NEVER want to be held personally accountable for ANYTHING, (but damn well want RESPECT) use to C their A's every single day. The Governor in this case is ultimately responsible, as he "finally" chose to take charge after it became painfully obvious that no one else at the local or federal level wanted to or was capable of (including the glorious EPA and their CSI level research labs and personnel) resolving any of it.

Nobody in politics or media (except the Atlantic's comprehensive article about it) seems to want to talk about why NONE of this came to anyone's attention at EPA or the Federal levels UNTIL the Governor risked his political capital by wading into that hot mess CREATED by local dumba$$es.., none of whom have been called into account by most media outlets.
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Jeez! You poison the people of ONE TOWN and people think you're some kind of sociopath!

Seriously, if there was lead found in the water in Grosse Point, you better believe it would have been solved tomorrow.
All....ALL DemocRATS. But I bet you think the TWO white dudes were the problem..

Race or political party doesn't really matter as much as ineptitude and existing only to suckle the teat of Uncle Sugar. That affliction or choice (as you please) among those who manage our government at all levels runs the complete gamut of ethnicity, heritage, money, education, religion and/or privilege. "The DC salute," common among ALL of our leaders and managers in government at all levels of intrigue is both arms crossed at the chest, pointer finger on each hand aiming in opposite directions indicating "not my fault, must be the guy on my left or the one on my right." And we dutifully spat over bumper stickers and brand loyalty, while both "teams" take our money and do the least possible with it. But for 60+ years they've been successful at convincing us if we voted for the other guy it would be worse, and we continue to fall for the promises to make it all better if we just believe. WE are the problem. WE need to fix it.
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