The one world govt


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 16, 2007
Is in favor of a one world religion of agnostics or atheists (not Christianity, Islam, etc)

Is in favor of a food diet of veg burgers and crickets ( not beef, fish, etc)

Is in favor of trans rights to clip sexual organs with a scalpel as a child (not mandates to make a person wait until the age of 18 to decide self mutilation)

Is in favor of taxing low cost energy outputs, and increasing high cost energy inputs through tax, subsidy, and tax credit measures (venture capitalist globalists owning a percentage of startup green energy companies and lobbyst get rich while inflation raises 20 percent over 4 year)

Is in favor of militarization towards Russia to combat rebellious aspects within the EU since Brexit in 2016, Obama said, Brexit was a "pause button on progress" to a unified world govt and nearly cried when the UK voted to leave the eu,...

But the one world globalists suffered a rare loss with GARM,..who got attacked by the US Congress and a lawsuit by Elon Musk ,....GARM was a creation of an international lobby spawned by the WEF to attack mass media and social media platforms for being against "equity, diversity, and inclusion" or being against "progress",....GARM would go to a big sponsor like coca cola and tell them to drop a media platform on that basis,...and coca cola would drop them to gain a high social justice score with bankers for lower interest rates,...GARMs dissolution is a victory for common sense,...but also a caution to wait for the newly named entity to rise in its place
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