The real chaos will begin when the government can't cut the checks every month.


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
That will bring down the government amidst the uncontrollable schitstorm. That was and is the aim of running up $10T in debt in the last 7 years. At some point we can only pay interest on the debt. And all the minorities and the huge influx of immigrants will go crazy. And the radical left will seize total control and voila....Socialism/communism. Hopefully I shall be gone before then.
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That will bring down the government amidst the uncontrollable schitstorm. That was and is the aim of running up $10T in debt in the last 7 years. At some point we can only pay interest on the debt. And all the minorities and the huge influx of immigrants will go crazy. And the radical left will seize total control and voila....Socialism/communism. Hopefully I shall be gone before then.

No, I plan on personally supervising you in a government reeducation camp in our future utopian State. I'm going to get your mind right!
That will bring down the government amidst the uncontrollable schitstorm. That was and is the aim of running up $10T in debt in the last 7 years. At some point we can only pay interest on the debt. And all the minorities and the huge influx of immigrants will go crazy. And the radical left will seize total control and voila....Socialism/communism. Hopefully I shall be gone before then.

It won't be just minorities, it will be SS recipients, military retirees, other govt retirees, etc.
That will bring down the government amidst the uncontrollable schitstorm. That was and is the aim of running up $10T in debt in the last 7 years. At some point we can only pay interest on the debt. And all the minorities and the huge influx of immigrants will go crazy. And the radical left will seize total control and voila....Socialism/communism. Hopefully I shall be gone before then.
America's streets will run red with blood when the Obamaphones get yanked.
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The law-abiding gun owners of America are locked and loaded and are awaiting patiently for their chance to help rid this once great country of the freeloaders and trash that are attempting to bring us down. Bring it.
It won't be just minorities, it will be SS recipients, military retirees, other govt retirees, etc.

LOL! Yes, but according to many on here anyone receiving Medicare or SS or government money is a freeloader. The ironic thing is many of the people on here throwing around the freeloader term would qualify as a freeloader.
That will bring down the government amidst the uncontrollable schitstorm. That was and is the aim of running up $10T in debt in the last 7 years. At some point we can only pay interest on the debt. And all the minorities and the huge influx of immigrants will go crazy. And the radical left will seize total control and voila....Socialism/communism. Hopefully I shall be gone before then.

What was Bush's excuse for running up the debt? What about Reagan? He went haywire on the debt. Both parties are incredibly experienced when it comes to running up the debt. Republican governors like Jindal and Brownback have destroyed their states and annihilated budget surpluses. When you idiots get it through your head that both parties are responsible for both good and bad, then maybe you can stop being so vitriolic and partisan. This country is never going to work if people can't even respect one another, even when they disagree.
That will bring down the government amidst the uncontrollable schitstorm. That was and is the aim of running up $10T in debt in the last 7 years. At some point we can only pay interest on the debt. And all the minorities and the huge influx of immigrants will go crazy. And the radical left will seize total control and voila....Socialism/communism. Hopefully I shall be gone before then.

Never happen.
LOL, you can't even supervise yourself. I can tell by your post that your own life is a total wreck and always will be.

You'll also be one of my supervisees in the reeducation camp. I specialize in breaking down ignorant rednecks. I'll get your mind right in no time!
America's streets will run red with blood when the Obamaphones get yanked.

LOL! That too. But you DO know "obamaphones" can go back to any number of Presidents/FCC rules, etc, even back to the 30s. In modern era, expanded under Reagan, Clinton, W Bush and Obama. Under W, was when cellphones were added. It had always been landlines, but cell phones could be anywhere. The purpose of the entire thing was to give a lifeline for some people.

But did you know, there can only be 1 free phone per household, not social security number, there's income limits, etc. In other words, if 5 people are living at one address and someone has the free phone, nobody else can get one. The program did expand greatly under Obama because of the almost "great recession" when the economy collapsed in 2008. More people qualified after losing their jobs. They are just basic phones.

In my line of work, learned a lot of how all this works. When you are trying to find people jobs, they MUST have a phone.
LOL! That too. But you DO know "obamaphones" can go back to any number of Presidents/FCC rules, etc, even back to the 30s. In modern era, expanded under Reagan, Clinton, W Bush and Obama. Under W, was when cellphones were added. It had always been landlines, but cell phones could be anywhere. The purpose of the entire thing was to give a lifeline for some people.

But did you know, there can only be 1 free phone per household, not social security number, there's income limits, etc. In other words, if 5 people are living at one address and someone has the free phone, nobody else can get one. The program did expand greatly under Obama because of the almost "great recession" when the economy collapsed in 2008. More people qualified after losing their jobs. They are just basic phones.

In my line of work, learned a lot of how all this works. When you are trying to find people jobs, they MUST have a phone.
LOL! That too. But you DO know "obamaphones" can go back to any number of Presidents/FCC rules, etc, even back to the 30s. In modern era, expanded under Reagan, Clinton, W Bush and Obama. Under W, was when cellphones were added. It had always been landlines, but cell phones could be anywhere. The purpose of the entire thing was to give a lifeline for some people.

But did you know, there can only be 1 free phone per household, not social security number, there's income limits, etc. In other words, if 5 people are living at one address and someone has the free phone, nobody else can get one. The program did expand greatly under Obama because of the almost "great recession" when the economy collapsed in 2008. More people qualified after losing their jobs. They are just basic phones.

In my line of work, learned a lot of how all this works. When you are trying to find people jobs, they MUST have a phone.
Why is it necessary to have a free phone in order to find a job? One can walk into the nearest Ga. Dept. of Labor office for job placement assistance; one can go online and do searches for free at any public library; or one can peruse the help wanted sections in the print or online editions of newspapers. There are plenty of job fairs in most communities, too. Not having a free phone is just a lame excuse for lazy SOBs to stay home, smoke dope and watch TV, IMHO.
Why is it necessary to have a free phone in order to find a job? One can walk into the nearest Ga. Dept. of Labor office for job placement assistance; one can go online and do searches for free at any public library; or one can peruse the help wanted sections in the print or online editions of newspapers. There are plenty of job fairs in most communities, too. Not having a free phone is just a lame excuse for lazy SOBs to stay home, smoke dope and watch TV, IMHO.

You are absolutely correct the Labor Dept is a great advantage. They can fax, scan, use computers, etc. They cannot use the phones in order to talk with any employer. Employers have to have a way to get in touch with them. Many, many do phone interviews nowadays before an in person interview. But the phones are also for safety reasons especially for low income seniors.
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