The State Of Georgia has 3 basketball players rated 5 stars for 2017..


National Champion
Feb 7, 2016
including the #1 player. Only the much bigger states of California and Texas can match that, they each have 3 as well. We trump them with the #1 player though.
Now for the bad stuff, no way in hell any of them signs with UGA...WON'T HAPPEN.
We are sitting on a mother load of basketball talent, and it is doing Us absolutely no good.

We can't draw the state's best players and no men's college team has EVER won a national title running a triangle offense...NEVER.
Can anybody explain to Me why Mark Fox is still Our HC when His limitations are practically absolute ?
If We're not even going to make an effort to take advantage of Our prime recruiting location, why even bother having a team ?
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I think fox is gone it bad there is no excuse for this is bad. Get a freaking recruiter. I swear to freaking gawd. We should be kentuckey.
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including the #1 player. Only the much bigger states of California and Texas can match that, they each have 3 as well. We trump them with the #1 player though.
Now for the bad stuff, no way in hell any of them signs with UGA...WON'T HAPPEN.
We are sitting on a mother load of basketball talent, and it is doing Us absolutely no good.

We can't draw the state's best players and no men's college team has EVER won a national title running a triangle offense...NEVER.
Can anybody explain to Me why Mark Fox is still Our HC when His limitations are practically absolute ?
If We're not even going to make an effort to take advantage of Our prime recruiting location, why even bother having a team ?
You nailed it! The sad thing is that most UGA fans just shrug it off and say that Georgia doesn't have a chance to get those type of players. That is why we fail and will continue to fail. If TCU or Baylor had that attitude, then they would still be doormats in football. With everything going against Houston football it's so refreshing to see Tom Herman not make excuses even though he has every right to as they are not even in a power 5 conference. Unlike football, one player can change everything overnight. Everyone agrees that Fox is a nice man, but his recruiting at best is just middle of the pack. UGA should be leading the charge in basketball as the one coming after UK with Donavan gone at UF. Why doesn't UGA ever want to be the disruptive force that breaks out? UGA has the population and economy to be on par with Ohio State in both BB& FB. We are just waiting on an AD that sees that.
You nailed it! The sad thing is that most UGA fans just shrug it off and say that Georgia doesn't have a chance to get those type of players. That is why we fail and will continue to fail. If TCU or Baylor had that attitude, then they would still be doormats in football. With everything going against Houston football it's so refreshing to see Tom Herman not make excuses even though he has every right to as they are not even in a power 5 conference. Unlike football, one player can change everything overnight. Everyone agrees that Fox is a nice man, but his recruiting at best is just middle of the pack. UGA should be leading the charge in basketball as the one coming after UK with Donavan gone at UF. Why doesn't UGA ever want to be the disruptive force that breaks out? UGA has the population and economy to be on par with Ohio State in both BB& FB. We are just waiting on an AD that sees that.
Um the bosters control shit hell they might fire fox after the season. He needs to go start fresh like we did In football. Stans barey
Bobby Knight is available.
Bobby Knight is available.
I think we need a recruiter tho I mean get a recruiter like Miami did in the 80s once sanctions start coming still cheat or sue. Yea our track team and high jump teams might seem odd but
Fox was so damn upset bout Richt he should go join him in Miami.
Hell he was upset when Kirby walked in he knows the morehead and Greg and the money are mad and on rampage. I don't think Greg hired fox. The bosters know that hell . One of the rumors is Greg has money for the ipf he just wants to renovate or build a new bball arena.
Fox knows the hounds are on him the blank checks are our Greg has more power than morehead.
Bobby Knight is available.
Knight is 75 years old. You don't build a program with an old man Who was beyond cranky long before the white hair.
We need a young up and comer Who can recruit at a very high level and build everything from the fan base to the behind the scenes structure to match the best programs. Then of course, He has to be a very high level teacher and real time coach.
Hell who's the assistant from pitnon staff did the hocker thing. Get him and josh pash on staff hire steave laven tell him we want fun and gun press
I don't have faith we can bring in a first class HC. When we hired Fox that really came out of know where. It looked like a great hire because Fox had great success at Nevada. I just think the SEC is a tough conference. Look at all the coaches that had success at mid-majors and came to the SEC only to fall flat - Felton, Buzz, Eddie Fogler, Jeff Lebo, the list goes on. 2nd point is I don't think our alumni base has any passion or commitment to hoops. I think there was a lot more commitment in the 80's with Hugh Durham.
If OK and FL can have tremendous success in both sports, why can't we? Why Lord why?
If OK and FL can have tremendous success in both sports, why can't we? Why Lord why?
Good question. I think we were on track with Hugh in the late 80's and then we got Tubby. The program lost a lot of momentum after the Harrick debacle and it just has never recovered. Most of the guys I talk to that graduated post-2005 could care less about Hoops.
including the #1 player. Only the much bigger states of California and Texas can match that, they each have 3 as well. We trump them with the #1 player though.
Now for the bad stuff, no way in hell any of them signs with UGA...WON'T HAPPEN.
We are sitting on a mother load of basketball talent, and it is doing Us absolutely no good.

We can't draw the state's best players and no men's college team has EVER won a national title running a triangle offense...NEVER.
Can anybody explain to Me why Mark Fox is still Our HC when His limitations are practically absolute ?
If We're not even going to make an effort to take advantage of Our prime recruiting location, why even bother having a team ?
We will sign Obiagu, Walker needs to decide if he is going to play basketball or football, & Carter is a done deal to Kentucky.
Better coach or not... youre not getting anyone of significance to come to Athens with these whoreable basketball facilities! They are a complete joke! Look at South Carolina, Auburn and what Ole Mi$$ did this past year in Oxford. We put lipstick on a pig with the glass on the outside of Steg but even that has been Shat with them constantly falling from the building... We messed up hiring Fox and not the AAU coach who went to be an assistant at UCLA. We want to compete in Basketball? its gonna be very experience
Better coach or not... youre not getting anyone of significance to come to Athens with these whoreable basketball facilities! They are a complete joke! Look at South Carolina, Auburn and what Ole Mi$$ did this past year in Oxford. We put lipstick on a pig with the glass on the outside of Steg but even that has been Shat with them constantly falling from the building... We messed up hiring Fox and not the AAU coach who went to be an assistant at UCLA. We want to compete in Basketball? its gonna be very experience
Um bs Miami did it 80s you just have to have a a lot history. Ask Iowa state ask other schools. Also if you look at the ipf we have the money . Greg just wants money to redo the steg. All you have to do is get a "great recruiter/coach" from one of the coaching trees Archie Miller josh pashner" like Miami did when we get in trouble get a slap on the wrist or become the first. To sue the NCAA get a pro Georgia judge aka a graduate a senitor aka done libern. Get the quote on quote ipf money redo the steg. The hartmon still has the money. If we get loss of some schlor ships give them a track .
Better coach or not... youre not getting anyone of significance to come to Athens with these whoreable basketball facilities! They are a complete joke! Look at South Carolina, Auburn and what Ole Mi$$ did this past year in Oxford. We put lipstick on a pig with the glass on the outside of Steg but even that has been Shat with them constantly falling from the building... We messed up hiring Fox and not the AAU coach who went to be an assistant at UCLA. We want to compete in Basketball? its gonna be very experience
A. We want to compete in Basketball? its gonna be very expensive you mean yea bs. Pay the recruites give the new guy a facility. It's not that hard to get a quick fix
We should try the Miami Football in the 80's method. Just somehow convince all the major talent in the state why go elsewhere and beat up on each other when you can come here, team up, and beat the shite out of everyone else.
including the #1 player. Only the much bigger states of California and Texas can match that, they each have 3 as well. We trump them with the #1 player though.
Now for the bad stuff, no way in hell any of them signs with UGA...WON'T HAPPEN.
We are sitting on a mother load of basketball talent, and it is doing Us absolutely no good.

We can't draw the state's best players and no men's college team has EVER won a national title running a triangle offense...NEVER.
Can anybody explain to Me why Mark Fox is still Our HC when His limitations are practically absolute ?
If We're not even going to make an effort to take advantage of Our prime recruiting location, why even bother having a team ?

Is the number 1 player Carter? Duke or UK one and done. We'd have zero chance.
including the #1 player. Only the much bigger states of California and Texas can match that, they each have 3 as well. We trump them with the #1 player though.
Now for the bad stuff, no way in hell any of them signs with UGA...WON'T HAPPEN.
We are sitting on a mother load of basketball talent, and it is doing Us absolutely no good.

We can't draw the state's best players and no men's college team has EVER won a national title running a triangle offense...NEVER.
Can anybody explain to Me why Mark Fox is still Our HC when His limitations are practically absolute ?
If We're not even going to make an effort to take advantage of Our prime recruiting location, why even bother having a team ?

He is still the HC because his teams usually go on a run this time each year that gives false hope of turning some BB corner only to see us lose to no-names the start of the following year. It's like a movie we've already seen.