The Truth Will Be Known

I’m just glad that they will kill the mic while the other one is talking. Let Joe talk away uninterrupted. The problem is Joe probably already has the questions… accidental leak. It’s happened before.

CNN is an extension of the democrat party.

Brazile: Leaking town hall topics to Clinton campaign ‘mistake I will forever regret’​


“My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good,” Donna Brazile writes in an essay for Time magazine. “But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret. . | AP Photo
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I’m just glad that they will kill the mic while the other one is talking. Let Joe talk away uninterrupted. The problem is Joe probably already has the questions… accidental leak. It’s happened before.

CNN is an extension of the democrat party.

Brazile: Leaking town hall topics to Clinton campaign ‘mistake I will forever regret’​


“My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good,” Donna Brazile writes in an essay for Time magazine. “But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret. . | AP Photo
BS. She doesn't regret it one bit.
I’m just glad that they will kill the mic while the other one is talking. Let Joe talk away uninterrupted. The problem is Joe probably already has the questions… accidental leak. It’s happened before.

CNN is an extension of the democrat party.

Brazile: Leaking town hall topics to Clinton campaign ‘mistake I will forever regret’​


“My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good,” Donna Brazile writes in an essay for Time magazine. “But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret. . | AP Photo
as all good cheating dims do, she denied and denied. And the media run with it and all their worshipers believed on the unholy name of repetitive talking points. Until... oops! they couldn't. Rinse and repeat.
Crooked Joe will not surface as Jittery and Jacked up Joe on steroids and caffeine and what ever else. Not for 90 minutes!!! Will the dems keep him or throw him overboard? 65
He will definitely outperform his weekly senior moment mode. The importance of this event, his prep, and his experience in this specific debate format should help him. But it won't be the super friendly and adrenaline filled applause paused format of the State of the Union either. Somewhere between SOTU and his embarassing weekly stuff is where he will land.

If Trump can truly reign in his instincts to be an asshole, he wins this going away, but for those looking for Biden to just completely show his senile self for an hour and a half, they will be dissapointed. Also - not certain Trump can stick to the don't be an asshole plan even if that is in fact the plan.

One risk I think Biden has given his current state and this format (as opposed to a teleprompter speech) is the risk of over-preparing. He could easily short circuit if he has way too much memorized info in his head.....not that easy to pull it on a moment's notice when the pressure is on. Sometimes there is an advantage in winging it versus having so much information that you fumble it trying to do what you prepared to do instead of acting on instinct.