The uproar in Indiana is also geared to meet the homosexual left's


Circle of Honor
Aug 8, 2001
agenda of removing tax exempt status from every church that won't perform gay marriage. Catholics will be the 1st major target. Will your church cave? They've targeted the tax exemption for churches for a long time. Now they have a realistic chance and a willing populace it would seem.
I see nothing wrong with Church's paying taxes, they like to shill

for candidates all the time. Politics has been in the church for years..let them pay for what they wanted voted for.
Same here - did you watch the scientology special on HBO ..

Old L Ron said he was Hell bent on starting a religion for one reason alone. So he didn't have to pay taxes. Half these mega churches are a sham. Sell you some feel good pop Christianity with a rock band, fleece the flock, live like a sultan and don't pay a dime in taxes.
Companies to boycott Indiana while doing business with gay-

hating countries. Makes perfect sense, right? They should boycott the US since the Indiana law is essentially the same as the law Slick Willie signed in 1993.
The issue is that the people of the states are willing to sell their...

souls for the prospect of tourism and convention dollars. At what point do people say they don't care if the US Fudge Packer Assoc won't come to their state because they have laws protecting religious freedom? If Indiana, and most all other states, simply told the fagots to F off, they don't care if they come to the state or not, they would take away the power the homo lobby has.
well, there's is. I give to my church largely because I am convinced

There do a far better job of supporting charity than does our utterly corrupt government. The government takes from Mr money which then is misdirected to chit like planned parenthood and commie unions which turns right around and gives my tax dollars to the DNC. With regard to meaningful charity, the churches nail it. The government pissed away 50 cents on the dollar. Churches deserve that tax exemption.
Since Iran kills all gays and Obama is trying to make a deal with Iran...

will the left have to boycott Obama? So confused. Please advice.
Re: The Black Presbys won't join them.**

Most all of them out this way are Cumberland Presbyterian and they are pretty conservative. The incessant pushing of perversion by the DNC is really causing some heartburn in the Black Communities.
I'm sure most are on the up and up....but I think Keef has a point

about some of the mega churches...that said, go with what you like.

Church's and tax exemptions aren't going away anytime soon, IMHO.
Hope not. besides, the miserable Feds have more revenue

Than they need which is exactly why it is used to buy votes. Deep pockets means everything is priority 1
I've gotten thru about 40 minutes of it - I've become real interested ..

in cults (not in joining them, just in knowing about the inner workings) and while I am going to finish it, I don't know if I would seriously recommend it to anyone. Seems to drag, but that could be because I already knew a fair amount about it. The production quality, value or whatever you call it is very good, though. What you would expect from an HBO doc.
saw it last night - pretty spooky

scary organization that treats celebrity one way and other members like slaves.

Churches ought to have to pay taxes if they make profits that aren't used for religious purposes. If a megachurch minister is living like a rockstar, they are already required to pay taxes on that.

The IRS caved on a long period of history for the Scientologists just to make their lawsuits go away.
All the damn thing does is give people the right to a day in court anyway .

Hell, they'll probably lose if they don't serve gays - it just keeps the federal pc police jackboots from running all over you and telling you what you have to do or close you down without due process. I thought that's what we were supposed to be about. I don't see why they need some gay rider in the bill. Everybody gets their day in court. I am so over this protected class shit. If you think you're being discriminated against, then take that person or business to court. Or just shop somewhere f'n else. I wouldn't want to give my money to someone that hated me anyway. I would think the law was good - puts folks out in the open. Everybody knows where each other stands. I know everybody's dollars are green to me - I'll take anybody's money.
That's good info on the megachurch ministers - glad to hear that .*

Re: That's good info on the megachurch ministers - glad to hear that .*

I am not aware of any Ministers that don't pay taxes. They have the ability to organize the money they get from a church into salary, housing, insurance, etc. that gives them somewhat of a break. The Churches themselves don't pay taxes as a business, yet.
no, they are Muslim which makes them exempt from all

rules and societal norms.
I know they had to pay income tax on their salaries ..

I thought he was saying they go after them when they pay themselves 100 grand a year and live in a multimillion dollar mansion.
enforcement may be another issue - if said megachurch pastor

is using the ministry corporate jet to go to his own vacation, it should be taxable as compensation to him, but the church has to report it as such and many of them aren't going to have their own 30 person corporate tax department like a fortune 500 company would.
I have no problem with churches paying taxes...

as long as their charitable work is deducted. The legit ones will still not pay.
Romans fed Christians to the lion and the Church survived...

I'm pretty sure they could weather losing tax-exempt status. Besides, the Catholic Church has long discriminated against women when it came to the priesthood and hasn't had its tax-exempt status seriously threatened.
Not really. Every major corporation has language in their

Handbooks stating that they won't deal with discriminatory entities. Regular places wood avoid coming too.
What makes me shake my head is that companies who come out...

... and openly support the homosexual agenda, and there are people in church leadership who give you this mamby-pamby excuse of why they still support the business because it is an act of "love." I know a particular pastor who speaks about shopping at Target and Starbucks about 100-1 over any other business (unless he's making a wisecrack joke about Wal Mart).

That's about the most cop-out, numbskull thing I've ever heard. You're not "hating" anybody when you find that a business is using YOUR money that YOU spend with them, and are using it for the purpose of pushing an agenda that the Bible clearly says is not just sinful but is actually a complete abomination of God's most treasured creation that was created in His own image, mankind.

In fact, you are loving people when you point out to them that sin is what separate us from God. You point out that sin always leads to destruction. No, you don't blowtorch them and tell them what a worthless whatever they are, or something stupid like that. But you certainly don't encourage them by patting them on the back and telling them that it's OK, either.