Thinking about buying my grand daughters a pistol. Kahr 9mm

Ty TyDawg

Diehard supporter
Apr 1, 2013
About $330 for something they hopefully will never use. Yes or no? or a Ruger 380LCP.
how old r they now? I'd say yes if they want, but with training.

also always thought best starter pistol should be revolver.

This post was edited on 4/9 4:39 PM by blackpug6
I like my Taurus 738 380acp better than Nates Ruger LCP.**

27 long as they very well know truth or consequences of use.

meaning, never show unless fully prepared to use.
used to sell guns (legally)...the .380 is the better one if they are properly trained. honestly, a better pistol for the "hope I never use it" gun owner (especially a woman) is a .38 special with a built in laser site. point, pull the trigger one time, game over.
Was thinking about purse carry eventually, I like my 38

but would they think it's too heavy in a purse?
LOL TyTy, everything I suggested has double entendre...didn't mean it That

way...d,jd don't shoot.
only if they ain't afraid to pull the trigger if needed. Not sure how U ...

Would measure that, got to know them I guess.
I know them well, they aren't afraid of anything. One killed her first

deer this past season.
Wasn't gonna say nuttin' bout nuttin' ==========(arrow thingie)**

Kahr's not a bad choice....

A CW-9 is my every day carry right now, and will be until the Glock 43 is released to the general public. The Kahr is not one they'll enjoy going to the range and putting two boxes of shell through at a time, but for a "Get the hell off of me gun" it's pretty good.

It's not heavy...not too thick, and is comfortable for me to carry inside the waist band. It has a heavy trigger pull. If you've ever shot a double action revolver, in double action, then you'll know what the Kahr will feel like. I like that though, in a edc. Less chance of an accidental trigger pull, and if ever need it, the adrenaline will be flowing so much you wouldn't notice the pull anyway.

Another to consider..if you want to save a little green, is the SCCY. Very well built guns for the money, and although you can buy them for $239..they're not Saturday Night Specials by any means. Not even in the same ball park with Lorcin's...Jennings...High Points, and the such. Besides that, the SCCY carries a lifetime warranty that goes with the gun, not just to the original owner. And they're American made, right down there in Daytona Florida.

It's my "truck gun".

The best thing to do, is take the youngun's with you to an indoor range, that rents guns, and let them shoot 5 or 6 different guns and see what they are most comfortable with. At my pay one rental fee...and you can come back to the counter and swap it for another without paying another rental fee. (Stick with the same caliber though, unless you want a bunch of partial boxes sitting around that you may or may not have a gun they'll fit.)

Whatever you do...I applaud you for getting them interested in protecting themselves.
I'm guessing you know.....

What I mean. If you are talking about protection from azzholes, no .....if they can't pull the trigger (if needed), could get them killed. Stick with mace, dog, boyfriend, self-defense, TY Ty and etc. If they ain't afraid, by all means, get them 1.
Taurus used to be a piece of crap a long time ago. They make some

very good guns now. I have a judge public defender and I like it a lot.
I have a buddy that is a mil gun instructor

and he said that is a great gun for folks that are not used to shooting one that often..simple and reliable
Very high quality, made in USA. I have a PM9. Also really like the little Rugers. You have to decide whether or not you want them to have something with a safety. I personally do not/would not own one, but I'm not sure when talking about young ladies.
Negative on both. Go with a Bersa Thunder Compact 9mm...........

little bit bigger than the Kahr, but a lot smoother to shoot, real easy to clean. They're in the $425 range. Bersa is an Argentinian manufacturer, and they rate real high in reliability.

Remember, if they shoot it and don't like it, they won't practice, and then if that time comes, they won't be prepared.
Buy them a house in a better neighborhood .... If a young girl needs to

Be armed to be safe, then she should move to where she doesn't need to be armed

Men should be armed, not girls
I hope they'll use it enough at the range to not be afraid to use it...

if it becomes necessary.

If they are scared to use it, they'll likely become a victim of their own firearm.