This election is no longer a battle between the Left and Right. It’s an epic struggle-session between the sane and the insane.


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Oct 9, 2001
Jackson Wy sometimes Gainesville, Ga
Kuntsler nailed this one.

Try to enter the mind of a committed Democratic voter. You’ll discover that you are locked out. Sharing of thoughts is impossible because there is no thought in there, only disordered emotion.****-nation/rfk-jr-murders-whale-with-chainsaw/
Kuntsler nailed this one.

Try to enter the mind of a committed Democratic voter. You’ll discover that you are locked out. Sharing of thoughts is impossible because there is no thought in there, only disordered emotion.****-nation/rfk-jr-murders-whale-with-chainsaw/
DEMOCRATS The party that’s supposed to be so “liberal” and “open minded” in their thinking..but ONLY if you think like them…lol…otherwise, NOTHING but closed minded fairy land fruit loop hypocrites
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It really is a choice between imperfect and insanity.

I'll admit to anyone that Trump isn't my ideal candidate. He's petty, immature, thin-skinned, crude, and a sore loser.

But the left is crazy.
In his defense I'd be a sore loser as well if I knew the dim party, the fbi, cia, big tech and the media all conspired to cheat and steal an election from me. He is the only man on this earth who could survive that kind on onslaught.
Kuntsler nailed this one.

Try to enter the mind of a committed Democratic voter. You’ll discover that you are locked out. Sharing of thoughts is impossible because there is no thought in there, only disordered emotion.****-nation/rfk-jr-murders-whale-with-chainsaw/
That article, and this thread, perfectly sum up what's broken in our current political environment. Anyone who would dare vote against Trump is some combination of stupid, insane and evil (that's you @BlessedDawg.)

Take the most extreme opinions of the most extreme fringe element (example: men can have babies), apply it to everyone who disagrees with you, and you free yourself from any requirement to try and engage and find middle ground.

Of course, the left does the same thing. Given how easy it is to live in a cocoon of curated information that reinforces every one of your existing opinions and biases, you can dismiss the rest of the world as too crazy to even bother engaging with. Easy peezy.

It's a shame and it makes us a weaker country as a result.
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That article, and this thread, perfectly sum up what's broken in our current political environment. Anyone who would dare vote against Trump is some combination of stupid, insane and evil (that's you @BlessedDawg.)

Take the most extreme opinions of the most extreme fringe element (example: men can have babies), apply it to everyone who disagrees with you, and you free yourself from any requirement to try and engage and find middle ground.

Of course, the left does the same thing. Given how easy it is to live in a cocoon of curated information that reinforces every one of your existing opinions and biases, you can dismiss the rest of the world as too crazy to even bother engaging with. Easy peezy.

It's a shame and it makes us a weaker country as a result.
Evil is not voting against Trump. Evil is supporting the agenda of the democrat party. There’s a huge difference, sorry if you don’t see it.
Ephesians 6:12 in the Bible says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".

This is for you @willdup
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Evil is not voting against Trump. Evil is supporting the agenda of the democrat party. There’s a huge difference, sorry if you don’t see it.
It still results in the same conclusion. Those who disagree with you politically are supporting evil. All while you support a leader who is the walking, talking manifestation of the seven deadly sins.

That is the kind of hypocrisy that is contributing to the fall in the number of people in the country who self-identify as Christians and who attend church.
It still results in the same conclusion. Those who disagree with you politically are supporting evil. All while supporting a leader who is the walking, talking manifestation of the seven deadly sins.

That is the kind of hypocrisy that is contributing to the fall in the number of people in the country who self-identify as Christians and who attend church.
You’re completely missing the point. There is evil in us all, we were born in sin. Trump, Harris, Willdup, blessdawg, we all fall short.
The hypocrisy is not in believing only 1 party is evil, the hypocrisy is turning a blind eye to what is happening in our society and how we are falling. Hypocrisy is self proclaimed Christian’s or “church goers” who support political issues that are against Gods law and justify it because of their hatred of Trump.
You’re completely missing the point. There is evil in us all, we were born in sin. Trump, Harris, Willdup, blessdawg, we all fall short.
The hypocrisy is not in believing only 1 party is evil, the hypocrisy is turning a blind eye to what is happening in our society and how we are falling. Hypocrisy is self proclaimed Christian’s or “church goers” who support political issues that are against Gods law and justify it because of their hatred of Trump.
So perhaps you can clarify. If one who supports the Dem agenda is supporting evil, does it logical follow that one who supports the GOP agenda is not supporting evil?
So perhaps you can clarify. If one who supports the Dem agenda is supporting evil, does it logical follow that one who supports the GOP agenda is not supporting evil?
You seem to paint with a wide brush.
If you can’t see that the issues supported by Dem policies undermine faith, family and life then we can’t really have a conversation. It all starts with abortion. Human life in the womb is sacred yet the Dems think of it as no more than an inconvenience and can be snuffed out with little to no conviction.
The GOP is not perfect and we have our own issues, but we do protect human life.
You seem to paint with a wide brush.
If you can’t see that the issues supported by Dem policies undermine faith, family and life then we can’t really have a conversation. It all starts with abortion. Human life in the womb is sacred yet the Dems think of it as no more than an inconvenience and can be snuffed out with little to no conviction.
The GOP is not perfect and we have our own issues, but we do protect human life.
It’s helpful to understand that you were referencing abortion specifically and not the Dem agenda more broadly. I get it that it is a highly divisive issue and I respect the views of anyone who see it as you do.

We could probably have a long debate regarding your assertion that the GOP protects human life if you are extending that argument to beyond the topic of abortion, but it’s late and probably a good time to call it a night. Thank you for the respectful engagement.
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You seem to paint with a wide brush.
If you can’t see that the issues supported by Dem policies undermine faith, family and life then we can’t really have a conversation. It all starts with abortion. Human life in the womb is sacred yet the Dems think of it as no more than an inconvenience and can be snuffed out with little to no conviction.
The GOP is not perfect and we have our own issues, but we do protect human life.
Not just abortion but the lgbtxyz movement, the sexualization of children and please get him to explain his position on the GOP and protecting human life. I am sure he has some convoluted reasoning on the boarder and illegals etc. But hopefully he will engage with you and give us his spin.
Kuntsler nailed this one.

Try to enter the mind of a committed Democratic voter. You’ll discover that you are locked out. Sharing of thoughts is impossible because there is no thought in there, only disordered emotion.****-nation/rfk-jr-murders-whale-with-chainsaw/
Neither side is evil. There are evil folks on both sides.

Truly don't believe either side has the moral high ground at all. That said, I think the frustrating thing is that by and large the media paints one side as evil, and that hypocrisy makes a lot of folks shake their heads. And it is that painting of one side as evil that justifies in the media's mind the "ends justify the means" bending the rules of journalistic integrity.

In other words, both sides are full of shit a lot of times. But the coverage of being full of shit is unbelievably slanted.
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